SRI LANKA: Thinking with colors: Young persons kidnapped and killed inside a navy camp in Sri Lanka

The picture produced below shows how the kidnapping for ransom and killing of 11 young person’s inside a navy camp has become a problem troubling the conscience of the entire nation. This incident had a profound effect on the minds of everyone.

On the one hand, there is a demand for justice. This demand has been denied over a long period of time due to powerful influences that has crippled the functioning of Sri Lanka’s criminal justice system. Now, in a changed political climate, this demand for justice have powerfully surfaced. Everyone is now watching.

However, there is even a more profound question. Such horrendous crimes cannot merely be solved only by judicial means. The whole issue of a disturbed social order and the breakdown of the moral ethos need to be reexamined and nationally discussed.

The state and in particular the Navy establishment as a whole should express their sincere regrets to the whole nation and promise to reexamine all the issues that are related to this horrendous crime.