PAKISTAN: President Musharraf engages in a hate speech against journalists
President Musharraf, while talking to a gathering of 800 Pakistanis in London, has asked the overseas Pakistanis to “put one, two or three punches” to Pakistani journalists who are destroying the country’s image outside the country. Mr. Musharraf was annoyed by a senior Pakistani journalist, Mr. Zia Uddin, a correspondent of the Daily Dawn who questioned the security of the countrys nuclear assets at a time when Pakistani intelligence agencies could not securely detain a high profile terrorist who was wanted by the British government and who escaped from their custody.
While lamenting the criticism of Pakistani journalists of government policies, President Musharraf said “what types of Pakistanis are here, what can the enemies do against us when these people (the journalists) are already sitting here?” He appealed to the workers of the ruling party to stop such disgruntled elements when he told them, it is better to hit them with two or three punches. The president also publically identified Mr. Zia Uddin as an anti-state element, thereby placing him in danger of attack by extremist elements.
The media bodies of Britain and Pakistan including journalists, organizations and human rights bodies have taken serious note of Musharrafs speech. The international media criticized it by saying that his comments reveals the little respect he holds for the journalists and people with independent minds. The Pakistani media and journalists organizations termed Musharrafs remarks as instigation and provocation against the journalists. Local student leaders in Britain have also threatened to move the British justice system, accusing the Pakistani president of inciting the Pakistani community to violence by such comments.
The Asian Human Rights Commission strongly condemns the remarks of President Musharraf against the journalists and overseas Pakistanis, who have and are continuing to show their resentment of the arbitrary actions of the government. Such remarks shows that President Musharraf, after taking unconstitutional and arbitrary actions including the dismissal of 55 senior judges and also resorting to attacks on demonstrations and allowing the ISI to engage in acts of violence against the opposition is now attempting to extend his attack also against persons who express their dissent from abroad. The arm of repression that grips the entire democratic and rule of law system within Pakistan is now extending even to people outside.
The Pakistani journalists, like the Pakistani lawyers and others who have taken enormous risks to defend the constitutional rights and the independence of the judiciary and are struggling against the total abuse of power by the Musharraf regime deserve the admiration and the support of the international community.