PAKISTAN: University of Karachi must lodge complaint against assault on a professor by Pakistan Rangers
The Pakistan Rangers, a Pakistan armys organization, has severely beaten and abused a professor of Karachi on the question of his identity. Dr. Riaz Ahmed, Assistant professor of Applied Chemistry department of University of Karachi, was maltreated and beaten with fists and boots and dragged up to two meters by the officials of Pakistan Rangers in the presence of Rangers Commandant Colonel Iftekhar, Officer, in charge of Rangers deployed at the university.
The professor was going outside the university after having his classes on March 31, 2008, when he was not allowed to go through silver gate of the university which was meant only for the staff and guests of the university other than students. Dr. Riaz was among those university professors and staff who oppose the deployment of Rangers at the university since 90s and its interference in the academic atmosphere of the university. When Dr. Riaz was going as usual through the silver gate and was spotted and told by the Rangers not to go through silver gate. The Commandant Colonel rarely sat at the gate but on that day he was there and in his presence Mr. Riaz was mishandled and injured. The students and teachers of the university are boycotting the classes in protest.
The Pakistan Rangers were appointed at the Karachi University in late 80s by General Zia ul Haq, the military dictator, after banning the students union through out the country. Since then students have been deprived of academic freedom and cases of assaults on female students by the Rangers officials have been committed. However, university authorities especially the vice chancellors had not acted against the Rangers. During the presence of Rangers in University, cases of armed fighting between students groups have become common fare in which several students were killed. Please see urgent appeals of AHRC about Rangers involvement in University of Karachi;
and a statement;
The strong control of Pakistan Rangers at one of the biggest and reputed universities of the country is reaching alarming proportions verging on violence. The governor of the province, who is also chancellor of the university, does not heed the complaints of violence by the Rangers and killings of so many students and misbehavior with teachers. The indifferent attitude of the Governor, appointed by President Musharraf, towards complaints against officials of Rangers demonstrates the power and influence of Rangers on the government of the province. The citizens have complained against Rangers of stealing water from hydrants, running illegal businesses, using female colleges for their camp offices, and violating law and order but the provincial government is so weak that it is extending the tenure of Rangers and increasing its budget every year.
The incident of the beating and abuse of a professor in front of so many by the Pakistan Rangers is shocking with no action from the provincial government of Sindh against the officials of Pakistan Rangers which is most condemnable. The government should take action against the officials of Pakistan Rangers deployed at University of Karachi and bring them before the law. The Rangers should be withdrawn from all educational institutions particularly from the University of Karachi and an inquiry be done on the affairs of Pakistan Rangers. Therefore, the authorities of University of Karachi should lodge a complaint against officials of the Pakistan Rangers.