ASIA: Women’s views on prevention of torture – Interview 27 

An interview conducted by the Asian Human Rights Commission. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the AHRC.


Bangladesh – – A woman speaks out against bad policing and torture


Mrs. Mahfuza Akter, is a widow at the age of 23 with two children aged 4 years and 10 months respectively. She is the wife of Mr. Mohiuddin Arif, who was illegally arrested and arbitrarily detained by the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) in January 2010. Arif was brutally tortured while in detention in the custody of the RAB-4 and the Pallabi Police of the Dhaka Metropolitan Police. At one stage Arif was taken to his home and tortured in front of his family, including his wife and parents He succumbed to his injuries while in detention on February 3, 2010. Mahfuza expressed her views regarding the law-enforcement system of Bangladesh in an interview with the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC).

The AHRC‘s Urgent Appeal regarding the custodial death of Mohiuddin Arif can be seen here: AHRC-UAC-019-2010.



What do you think about the policing system in your country?


The word Police is a synonym for lawlessness and brutality. The police are the most dangerous of people. They can and do anything for money.


What do you think of the use of torture?


My husband, Mohiuddin Arif, was arrested by the RAB and brutally tortured in our home in front of me. We had faith in the law up to the level that the law-enforcers cannot do anything beyond the law and they will return him to us. But, instead, the RAB tortured my husband badly and handed over him to the police. The police did not take any initiative in providing medical treatment to save my husband’s life. Even in jail he was not afforded any care. When he was taken to the Dhaka Medical College Hospital, proper medical treatment was denied him. All of the officials, who work in the RAB, the police department and the hospital, are responsible for killing my husband.


Only the Asian Human Rights Commission stood beside our family after the torture and death of my husband. Now, the government has set up an enquiry committee. It is comprised of three persons – an officer of the Ministry of Home Affairs, a police officer and a lawyer. But, in fear of the RAB, witnesses, who have been regularly intimidated by them, do not want to speak out and disclose the real truth. The truth is that the RAB tortured and killed my husband. They are murderers, not protectors of the law at all!


What are your views on public relations with the police?


Ordinary people do not have good relations with the police. Only criminals have good relations with the police. If you do not give them bribe money, they will torture people or even kill people in the name of crossfire.


If you have a problem these days would you go to the police station?
Because of the brutal actions of the RAB and the police I am finished. I have lost my husband and that is the great harm that the RAB and police did to me and my family. I am a widow. Now what I will do with my two children? How I will feed them? Every day my mental suffering is compounded. I do not see any hope for justice anywhere in this country. There is no law that protects poor people like me. We will not get justice while the RAB enjoys impunity. Their actions are above the law of the land. If I talk out anymore, they can easily kill me like they killed my husband.

Document Type : Statement
Document ID : AHRC-STM-126-2010
Countries : Bangladesh,
Issues : Torture,