SRI LANKA: The disappearance of Gayashan requires an inquiry by the Criminal Investigation Division (CID); AHRC tells the IGP
12th September 2016
Mr. Pujith Jayasundara
Inspector General of Police
New Secretariat
Colombo 1, Sri Lanka
Dear Mr Jayasundara,
The disappearance of Gayashan requires an inquiry by the Criminal Investigation Division (CID)
The disappearance of Gayashan, a 20 year old youth from Ambalangoda while in the custody of the Hambanthota Police for the last 06 days is now well-known in Sri Lanka. However, his whereabouts after he has been arrested by the Hambanthota police, and after being in their custody is yet unknown. His arrest and detention at the Hambanthota police has been witnessed by several persons including two persons who have been arrested together with him and who were later released. The boys who have been released complain of being severely beaten up by the officers of the Hambanthota police during custody.
Now after 06 days, it is either still a case of a missing person, whose whereabouts is yet unknown or it is a case of a murder of this young person and of the disposal of the body. If, the latter is the case, what needs to be done is to initiate an inquiry into the murder and the disposal of the body.
If instead, the person is only missing but cannot be found, that too is rather a mystery as he was, according to eye witnesses, at the police station before he went missing. In that case too, what is needed, is a serious inquiry by officers from outside this police station.
Whether it be a case of murder and disposal of the body or a person being missing for the last six days, the best course of action under the circumstances is to hand over the inquiry to the officers of the Criminal Investigations Division (CID). Therefore, we urge that this inquiry be handed over on an urgent basis, to the Criminal Investigations Division who can within a shortest possible time be able to inquire into and to find out what in fact, happened to this young man.
Delay in taking effective action under these circumstances will increase the danger to the life of this boy, if he is still alive. On the other hand, delaying of the inquiry in case that he had been murdered will only help the culprits to tamper with material evidence in the case.
In all cases of missing persons most urgent actions are required from the police, in the investigations and in the discovery of what has actually happened.
Therefore, we urge you to provide the necessary instructions for a special inquiry into finding the whereabouts of this young man, who has disappeared six days ago.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
Basil Fernando
Right Livelihood Laureate 2014
Director of Policy and Programmes
1. Professor Siri Hettige, Chairman National Police Commission, Block No. 9, B.M.I.C.H. Premises, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka
2. Dr Deepika Udagama, Chairman National Human Rights Commission, No 165, Kynsey Road, Borella, Colombo 08, Sri Lanka