NEPAL: AHRC welcomes 2nd Constituent Assembly Elections 

Nepal has successfully conducted the second Constituent Assembly elections on 19 November 2013 with estimated 70 percent voter turnout. The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) would like to congratulate voters, the Election Commission, national and international observers, security agencies, media, and civil society for their active participation in election management.

The exciting participation of Nepali people exercising their franchise shows their eagerness to have a constitution. It shows their desire to end the stalemate and usher peace and security in the country. The Constituent Assembly had failed to promulgate a constitution before its dissolution on 28 May 2012. Now, another chance for leaders and political parties to bring forth a Nepali constitution, and to establish peace and security for citizens, has arrived. There was fear that the November 19 elections would be sabotaged or called off; but voting has been conducted in a peaceful manner.

The AHRC does note with concern the bomb blast in Azad Galli of Bhotebahal Kathmandu, which injured three children: Samin Khadgi, Sunita Balami, and Ganga Balami. Samin lost his fingers in the incident and is being treated at Bir Hospital in Kathmandu. The children mistook the bomb as a toy, which exploded after they started playing with it. The government should investigate and book the culprit. And, it should ensure education and opportunities for these children.

The AHRC also notes that some media and television channels were barred from taking pictures and videos of the election process, despite having accreditation and permission from the Ministry of Information, Nepal. Journalists from Al Jazeera television were barred from shooting videos and taking pictures during the election. This infringes the right to information, the media’s right to inform the public. We call upon the Ministry of Information to probe and provide an explanation.

The AHRC would also like to urge the Election Commission to re-arrange election in two Jumla district stations where members of CPN Maoists seized ballot boxes and threw them into the Tila River. Investigations should be carried out in Dailekh district too, where electoral capture and beating of a CPN UML leader have become known.

Rights conditions have deteriorated in Nepal. Insecurity has risen. There is higher incidence of attack on human rights defenders. The AHRC therefore urges the pending torture bill to be passed at the earliest. The country should initiate institutional reforms of police, army, and related offices in order to commit to uphold human rights in the country.

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Document Type : Statement
Document ID : AHRC-STM-215-2013
Countries : Nepal,
Issues : Child rights, Human rights defenders, Judicial system, Right to education, Torture,