PAKISTAN: Another Ahmadi academic is killed by Muslim fundamentalists — Asian Human Rights Commission

November 27, 2009

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission

PAKISTAN: Another Ahmadi academic is killed by Muslim fundamentalists

On November 26, 2009 Mr. Rana Salim, a well known educationalist of Sanghir district, Sindh province, was shot dead. Mr. Salim and his wife ran the prestigious New Life public school, credited by residents for the quality of its teaching.

As Mr. Rana was walking out from Baitul Hamd mosque after his evening payers, he was shot at point blank range and was rushed to hospital, but died on the way. The local police didn¡¦t arrive until very late and have yet to start any investigation. District authorities have stated that the assailant cannot be identified and that therefore they cannot speculate on the cause of the murder.

However the administration of New Life Public School claims to have been frequently threatened by Muslim extremists and though the deceased had reported this, no actions had ever been taken by the authorities.

Fundamentalist groups are openly critical of the notoriously high performance of Ahmediya schools in Pakistan, since they consider the Ahmediya community ¡V which they believe to be non Islamic community ¡V a threat. In the past it has been left to local people to shield this particular school from small attacks.

Salim is the 106th Ahmadi to be murdered since 1986, when former military dictator General Zia ul Haq prohibited the religious sect from performing Islamic rituals and constructing mosques. During 2009  six Ahmadis have so far been murdered in target killings, and the state consistently fails in its responsibility to protect them, despite repeated claims by the current administration that it represents the best interests of minorities in the country. The impunity seen to be enjoyed by those who commit crimes against Ahmadis only encourages further discriminatory violence.

Document Type : Statement
Document ID : AHRC-STM-234-2009
Countries : Pakistan,