PAKISTAN: The severance of the sexual organ of an arrestee indicates the collapse of police discipline and calls for high level police and government inquiries
The case of Mr. Hazoor Buksh Malik, a young man of 24 years of age whose penis was severed at the Market Police Station in Larkana district, Sindh province, Pakistan on January 25, 2007 should raise grave concerns regarding the act itself and the nature of policing and the nature of the governance in Pakistan.
An act such as this is not accidental but only shows a state of impunity and the resultant state of mind existing in the officers who engaged in this extremely inhuman and cruel act. The fact that the police hierarchy and the government are not gravely shocked by this demonstrates a state of apathy at such behaviour both within the policing system as well as in the government. Such apathy while being an indication of the extent of the collapse of the rule of law also shows a stark absence of respect for ethical and moral values which are taken fundamental to any civilized society.
The details of the case are as follows:
On 22 January 2007, 24-year-old Mr. Hazoor Buksh Malik, a cook by profession, was arrested by the Market police near the ladies shopping market named Resham Gali in Larkana city, Larkana district, Sindh province for not possessing a national identity card while he was shopping. It is reported that Mr. Hazoor Buksh had worked as a cook in the house of Mr. Khan Moummad Tunio, the SHO of the Market Police station some three years ago. At that time, he had been arrested by the SHO on the charge of stealing Rupees 25,000 (USD 417) from the house and severely tortured. He was later released due to lack of evidence. However, the SHO Mr. Moummad Tunio had ordered the victim to leave the area immediately and not to return to Larkana city. The SHO had then allegedly threatened the victim, saying that if he saw the victim again under his jurisdiction, he would be subjected to exemplary punishment.
Late in the night of 25 January 2007, the SHO Mr. Mohummad Tunio arrived at the police station in a state of inebriation and ordered on-duty police officers to fasten the victim with ropes and chains. The officers on duty at that time were Registrar Head Constable (Head Moharar) Mr. Rab Nawaz Mangi, Assistant Sub Inspector Mr. Abtab Abbasi, Head Constable Mr. Abdul Latif, and Head Constable Mr. Ayaz Shahani. The SHO then began to brutally torture Mr. Hazoor Buksh, and at the height of rage, he allegedly severed the victim’s penis with a sharp-edged knife. It was around 2:30 am and the victim’s hands remained chained behind him.
Early the following morning on January 26, Mr. Hazoor Buksh was found unconscious lying in the police lock-up in a pool of blood. The police took him to Chandka Medical College and Hospital in Larkana district. Since then, he has been under treatment at the Jail Ward of the hospital, chained to his bed and under police custody.
What followed thereafter also shows the depth of degeneration within the police force. The police first attempted to create an impression that the victim himself had done this to himself in a suicide attempt. The police also claimed that the victim is mentally ill. The actions by the police lead to a popular retaliation when the local people and journalists held a protest and went on strike. Such a reaction on the part of the public also indicates the high level of distrust and dissatisfaction at the nature of policing in the country. Such protests and strikes against police brutality are not uncommon in Pakistan.
The reaction of the police to the protest was to appoint a Deputy Inspector General (DIG) to conduct “an inquiry”. However, as expected the DIG’s inquiry report confirmed the police version. This report lead to further protests and a re-inquiry was done by another senior police officer but the report has not been published.
The principal of Chandka Medical College and Hospital, Larkana conducted inquiries and confirmed that the injury could not have been caused by the victim himself but by a third person. The medical report has come despite of the pressures exercised by the police on the medical board to get a verdict in their favour.
The alleged perpetrator, the Station Head Officer (SHO) remains in his post in the police service as well as the other officers who are alleged to have assisted him in this act.
Even more disturbing is a report that for some time the severed sexual organ was placed on display by the police, obviously for the purpose of intimidation and perhaps also for the puerile amusement of the officers.
Any state that respects the rule of law and wishes to maintain a legitimate system of authority should cause an inquiry at the highest level into this matter and take action, not only to punish the perpetrators, but also to address the root causes as to how such actions could happen at all. The responsibility for this inquiry lies with the highest levels of the police at the central and provincial levels. On the other hand this should also be a matter of inquiry by the government itself. The degeneration of the police to this extent is a matter of the highest concern to the political authorities in the country. Thus, the government of President Musharaff should cause a high level inquiry the findings of which should be published. The inquiry of the political authority, which is the government, should not confine itself only to this incident but also to the factors that have made such behaviour and mentality of the police possible. All public opinion makers in Pakistan and those who are concerned with human rights and the rule of law in the country from outside should call for such inquiries to be held both by the police and the government as the political authority.
The demand should be for an immediate and thorough inquiry and a public debate on this matter. The lawyers and human rights groups should also seek the intervention of the judiciary in order to facilitate serious inquiries into this matter. Those who engage in human rights work as well as human rights research should devote the coming months if not years to study the malaise that affects the policing system of Pakistan and make their findings public with a view to campaign and lobby for fundamental changes of this despicable and degenerated system.