SRI LANKA: The age of misrepresentation and the No Fact Zone
In the No Fact Zone of Sri Lanka flowers are blooming, the country is flowing with milk and honey and the old paradise still remains the old paradise. Internally displaced people are all smiling and enjoying their lives as never before; under the trees, in the flood, bitten by snakes, they are living as if they were in the Garden of Eden before the fall. They have nothing but gratitude to the government for the liberation they have achieved.
In the No Fact Zone the east is also now an extension of that paradise where people happily submit themselves to extortion and armed gangs of angels protect their security. Even the doctors can leave the place when they get threatening letters to vacate the area because the people no longer fall sick. Complaints of electoral violence are of no consequence at all, for the people can achieve their happiness without being burdened with such things as elections. What does the murders of a few people matter when the majority lives in this wonderful state of bliss, security, peace, prosperity and happiness?
However, in the rest of the country people frequently suffer from hallucinations of seeing freedom of expression attacked, corruption thriving and even lawyers receiving letters from Mahason Balakaya, the Battalion of the Ghosts of Death, grenades being thrown and other attacks being made on lawyers. Some people are even hallucinating about witnesses being killed and their families having to go into hiding.
In the No Fact Zone the only villains are the human rights organisations whose sole aim is to create sympathy for the LTTE. Since there is no good reason for anyone to create such sympathy for no good cause, these human rights organisations may well be paid agents of the LTTE itself. They cannot see that the angel Gabriel, in the form of the Rajapakse regime, having rescued the nation from all evils, has now recreated the paradise of Sri Lanka.
The No Fact Zone in Sri Lanka was created by great intellects that devote all their time to tell the world about how wonderful things are. The guardians of the No Fact Zone are exasperated by those who cannot appreciate the progress and the improvements that are seen through eyes adjusted to the No Fact Zone. It is because they cannot see through the eyes which are adjusted to view the beauties of the No Fact Zone that these wicked people suffer from all types of syndromes and psychosis. The simple lesson promoted by the guardians of the No Fact Zone is that no one in Sri Lanka or outside, needs to worry about the country as it is will do better without the critical scrutiny of the opposition, the media and human rights organisations. Things are so good so let¡¦s just allow them to remain as they are, is the message that the people in the country need to become indoctrinated to. Facts, photos and statements of anyone other than those who represent the government should be disbelieved thoroughly, as these are intentionally or unintentionally, the creation of those who sympathise with the LTTE.
The propaganda industry has developed the art of misrepresentation to such an extent that perhaps those engage in that industry themselves believe in their own propaganda. Goebbels explained that he learned the art of propaganda from the western commercial advertisements which were developed to sell commodities. Today the government propaganda machinery has learned so much from Goebbels that what the Sri Lankan people have in plenty is the propaganda of success. As this propaganda flourishes what the actual people experience, think and say does not matter at all. In fact, the people do not matter at all. The government by the people, of the people and for the people does not matter at all. In the No Fact Zone everyone can live happily ever after.