PAKISTAN: Solidarity message from Working Women Organization on 8th March International Women’s Day 2010

Dear friends,
We wish to share with you the following article from the Working Women Organization.
Asian Human Rights Commission
Hong Kong
An article from Working Women Organization forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission
PAKISTAN: Solidarity message from Working Women Organization on 8th March International Women’s Day 2010
Dear Friends,
It was in 1910, at the event of International Conference in Copenhagen that German leader Clara Zetkin, first raised the idea of organizing an International Women Day to mark the important victories of women workers in the United States and to provide a focus for women around the world to organize public actions to win the right to vote.
March 8th International Womens Day is an important day to forge stronger links and unity between all those struggling for the liberation of women around the world. It is a day with a proud history for the womens movement – a history of internationalism, unity, solidarity and struggle. The day is an important landmark of womens struggle for achieving their rights and struggling to end the dark era of gender discrimination.
March 8 is a day of review and analysis of our weaknesses and achievements and it is the day to chalk out new plan of action and strategies to over come the constraint, it is a day of struggle for women’s liberation and a day for struggle to getting their legal rights.
Today, Pakistani women are celebrating March 8th in very critical situation. War is going on in different cities of Pakistan in which innocent women and children lost their lives, suicide attacks are killing innocent people, working women are working in harsh condition, women work is not recognize, women especially workingwomen, are facing harsh exploitation, harassment and violence, unrecognized work, unsecured and temporary jobs, low wages as compare to their male counterparts. Violence against women is on the rise, thousands women are working in informal sector and there is no legislations for informal sector and domestic workers. Even though government sign Convention for the elimination against women (CEDAW) but it is not implemented.
All these obstacles are giving us more courage and strength to fight and to celebrate 8th March 2010.
On the eve on March 8th 2010, Working Women Organization is organizing a protest rally in front of Lahore Press Club and March towards Assembly Hall, Hundreds of women workers from formal and informal sector will participate.
On the behalf of Working Women Organization and its thousands members, we extend our deep solidarity for all who are struggling world wide to end oppression, violence and exploitation against women.
We wish you get great success and achievements in your struggle, and request you to kindly send your solidarity messages to email:
In solidarity,
Rubina Jamil
Working Women Organization
14-N, Industrial Area, Gulberg II,
Lahore Pakistan
Tel: 0301-4667633 Fax: 91-42-35311194
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