INDIA: Persecution and repression against raising an issue of malnutrition in Madhya Pradesh (MP)

I am writing to bring to your notice the remarks made by Ms. Ranjana Baghel, the Minister for Women and Child Development Department of Madhya Pradesh, who recently visited Burhanpur and Khandwa districts. The remarks quoted below were reproduced in the local media.
The Spandan Samaj Seva Samiti (Spandan), a Right to Food Group, has been continuously exposing cases of malnutrition deaths in the above two districts and has filed a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) in the Supreme Court of India (Writ Petition No. 6671 of 2007, Right to Food Group Vs State of MP).
Spandan has been conducting rigorous research and assessment on the nutrition status of children and sharing the findings with the relevant district administrations in an attempt to improve the situation and to ensure the food security and nutrition, of the children in particular. Spandan has been advocating that the government should be more concerned about the household food insecurity and should prevent deaths from malnutrition. Accordingly, Spandan filed a PIL seeking justice for and on behalf of the children who cannot speak out for their rights.
While the PIL is in the process, the Minister for Women and Child Development Department made irresponsible and groundless comments. She said, “…the reports by Sapandan on malnutrition are not true…the reports are politically motivated…the NGO is trying to get funds from central government…we will take action on Spandan…”
I am apprehensive about the issues raised in the PIL and suspect that the local government will persecute Spandan. The local government, instead of acknowledging the facts and dealing with the PIL as a non-adversary, is trying to escape from the responsibility by distorting the truth and accusing the human rights group.
The groundless accusation against Spandan not only tarnishes the human rights group’s credibility, but could mislead the public, which may affect the court process. It further threatens Spandan to stop human rights work for the poor.
Spandan is not a political party, but is a human rights group advocating and supporting the rights of the children and the poor. A letter was sent to the Chief Justice of Madhya Pradesh requesting to take a note of this matter and seeking justice for the children who died from starvation so far, and for those who would face similar situation in the near future.
We request you to take immediate action to stop threatening and distorting of facts against the human rights group. We believe that the government should not take action against human rights group, but take actions to save lives of the victims and the poor suffering from hunger and malnutrition.
Yours sincerely,
1. Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh
2. Governor of Madhya Pradesh
Ms. Seema Prakash, Human Rights Defender, Spandan Samaj Seva Samiti
Additional comments by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)
The AHRC expresses it regret from learning the fact that the Women and Child Development Department of the state has denied the cases of deaths from malnutrition and is accusing the local human rights group as politically motivated.
The AHRC had reported similar situations from Uttar Pradesh. The state government as well as the local government accused the human rights group that reported deaths of children suffering from malnutrition alleging that the reports were false and inflated through the media. The human rights defenders further received anonymous calls, threatening death from unknown persons.
The denial about deaths from malnutrition and threats against human rights group exposes the political intention of the government to shift its responsibility and conceal the real situation. The AHRC believes that the government is at duty to prevent malnutrition, and starvation deaths. The government must also ensure the food security for the poor. Further, the government also has a duty to create and encourage public opinion based on objective facts.
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