BURMA: Plea to release Phyo Wai Aung immediately from the custody, who is critically ill and in the final stage of Liver Cancer

Dear friends,
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following letter from the brother of imprisoned torture victim Phyo Wai Aung to the President of Myanmar (Burma) to request the release of his brother, who is critically ill, from custody immediately. The letter is forwarded as written
Asian Human Rights Commission
Hong Kong
An Open Letter from Phyo Wai Aung’s brother sent to the President of Myanmar forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)
25th May 2012
The Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Plea to release Phyo Wai Aung immediately from the custody, who is critically ill and in the final stage of Liver Cancer (Hepato-cellular Carcinoma) as an fair or humanitarian perceptive, who received the Death sentence by the unfair court based on the illegal confession taken by the means of inhuman torture by accusing him as involment in 2010 15th April Bombing Case
Regarding the above subject, Dr. Htet Wai Aung, brother of Phyo Wai Aung, plead to President of Myanmar as follows.
1. Phyo Wai Aung, my brother, was arrested on 22 April 2010. Accusing him in involvement in 2010 X2O Water Festival Pavilion bombing, he was tortured by various means of inhuman torture at Aung Thabyay Secret interrogation center to get the confession for the crime he didn’t commit. And before any trial, police chief Khin Ye made the press conference (just three days after police got the illegal confession) in which he called Phyo Wai Aung as ‘terrorist and murderer’. Only 69 days after the arrest, police filed the charges against him at the court. Then the case was examined by the unfair close trial at the special court room inside the Insein Prison which denied the public even family members to hear the trial process. Two years after the 1st hearing, on 8 May 2010, he received the Death Sentence by the court despite the defendant plead the court by more than 60 pages argument in which all the accusations wore clearly and successfully defensed, the family submitted so many complaint letters to the Myanmar Authority mentioning he was wrongly and unfairly accused and even international human rights organization including United Nations Special Rappoutuer on the situation of Human Rights in Myanmar, Mr. Quintana pointed out the unfair detention and requested to decide the case free and fair.
2. Since 2008-09, he got Hepatitis B infection and he received also the liver surgery for the liver abscess. And our father was also passed away due to Hepato-cellular Carcinoma (Liver Cancer) as the complication of Hepatitis B infection. In this regards, we had made the request the prison officials and high rank officials of Ministry of Home Affairs to refer Phyo Wai Aung to Liver specialist for the regular treatment on 24 May 2010 just before he was transferred to Insein Prison. But the request was ignored. Since January 2012, Phyo Wai Aung suffered the lot of severe liver problems such as huge enlargement of liver, unable to sit and sleep due to severe pain, elevated liver enzymes. Therefore he and his family requested to prison to refer him to the specialist hospital. But prison authority and medical doctors refused to refer him and treated him only with antibiotics and analgesics. Prison referred him only on 10th May 2012 (only two days after the verdicts). Only on 11 days after the referral, he received the CT scan. According the CT scan and blood test (including tumour markers), we were heartbreaking to know he was diagnosed as the late stage of Hepato-cellular Carcinoma (Liver Cancer). Numerous liver tumour spread on both sides of liver and all around the liver. On 23d May 2012, he was referred to Professor/Head of liver ward of Yangon General Hospital and the specialist instructed the best possible treatments on the chart. He was taken back to the Insein Hospital and he is receiving the away treatment of liver specialist as away patient. According the CT result, Phyo Wai Aung has only months to live may be less.
3. We have been informing the highest authorities of the country so many times within these two years that Phyo wai Aung was wrongly and unfairly accused by the police. (Even the requests and complaints are unfairly ignored) We would like to plead the President
a) To release Phyi Wai Aung immediately from the custody so that he can get the best possible proper treatment as in-patient under direct supervision of the specialist, he can fight his final days with his beloved wife, two children; he can get the supportive strength from his beloved relatives and his friends (as the humanitarian perceptive at the latest).
a) The letters submitted to the authorities about his health
b) CT result
Dr . Htet Wai Aung
(Brother of Phyo Wai Aung)
73A, Thida Street, Tamwe Township, Yangon
l4/Ah Ga Pa (N)161936
Copies sent to
1) U Wanna Maung Lwin, Union Minister for Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2) Union Minister, Ministry of Home Affairs
3) U Thura Shwe Man, Chairperson, Pyithu Hluttaw
4) Daw Aung San Su Kyi, Chairperson, NLD
5) U Thein Nyunt, Chairperson, NNDP
6) Mr. Thoma Oeja Quintana, UN Special Rappourtuer on the situation of Human Rights in Myanmar
7) Ms. Stacey May, Foreign Affairs Officer, Office of East Asia & Pacific Affairs, US Department of State
8) Chairperson, Myanmar Human Rights Commission
9) ED, Asian Human Rights Commission
10) Amnesty International
11) Deputy Director, Asia, Human Rights Watch
12) Office copies
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