INDONESIA: Third Commission of Indonesian Parliament should force Attorney General to conduct investigation

Jakarta, 12 February 2007
The victims and family of the victims of human rights gross violation s cases and KontraS, IKOHI, Demos and Imparsial urge the Third Commission of Parliament to take urgent measure on Attorney General denial to proceed the gross human rights violation. Conclusion taken on meeting between Third Commission with Attorney General that Parliament should send recommendation to President to enact President Decision on Adhoc human rights courts- is not correct decision.
We express disappointment and we are very suspicious that Attorney General merely seeks an excuse not to resolve the cases. Their interpretation toward Law No.26/2000 on human rights court is merely a tool to protect certain vested political interest. Their argumentation on the enactment of the Law No.26/2000 basically contradicts with the constitutional obligation of government. Attorney General also neglects the precedence on the case of East Timor and Tanjung Priok. This legal stand doesn t make sense and quite shameful for Attorney General.
Third Commission has failed to force and inquiry on the cases of gross human rights violation. We regret all decision taken on that meeting. The decision merely emphasized unreasonable and unjustified argumentation of Attorney General. We regret that Parliament have taken wrong stand on that matter by not considering the suffering of the victims and family of the victims. Legally, it also contradicts Law No. 26/2000 on human rights court.
As far as our knowledge, Parliament s duty is to supervise the government. Therefore, the Third Commission of Parliament should take urgent measure on the Attorney General denial to precede the gross human rights violation. Beside that, we demand Third Commission to fulfill their promise to organize meeting between Third Commission, General Attorney and National Human Rights Commission. That meeting will mark an important step toward resolution of gross human rights violation in Indonesia.
The Commission of Disappeared and Victims of Violence (KontraS)
Jl. Borobudur No. 14 Menteng
Jakarta Pusat 10320 Indonesia
phone : 62-21-3926983
fax : 62-21-3926821
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