NEPAL: Nepal Tibetan Solidarity Forum appeal for Tibet

An All Women Silent Appeal March will be carried out today starting from Lainchour proceeding through Thamel areas. The women dressed in black and white with black armband around their arms, mask over their mouths are protesting against Chinese authorities against the recent sentencing 30 Tibetans from three years to life imprisonment for merely exercising their freedom of expression, and demand fair and transparent trial for the imprisoned Tibetans in Tibet. Since 10th March, 2008 widespread protest have taken place in all areas of U-tsang, Kham, Amdo and in various Chinese cities where Tibetans reside. These peaceful protests are outbursts of the deep-rooted resentment for Chinas repressive policy on Tibet.
China’s state media, Xinhua reported conducting a public trial in Lhasa, on 30 April, 2008. The penalty imposed on the 30 Tibetans ranges from three years to life imprisonment for merely exercising their freedom of expression. These sentences are disproportionate to what the Chinese authorities say are the “crimes” they committed. These trials were not fair and transparent; did not follow the due process of law; and the accused were denied independent lawyers to defend their case. The manner in which the recent trials were held forewarns of a more severe and unfair punishment to befall on many of the Tibetans currently in custody, to the point of even awarding death penalty.
According to latest confirmed reports, China’s use of lethal force to suppress the peaceful protests in Tibet has resulted in the death of 203 Tibetans with over 1000 injured and more than 5700 arrested. Many of them are monks and nuns.
Patriotic re-education campaign has been re-launched and anti-Dalai Lama campaigns are being rigorously carried out everywhere and especially in monasteries. Raids are conducted by Chinese authorities into homes and monasteries and pictures of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, if found, are confiscated or, thrown and trampled upon. These actions hurt the sentiments of the Tibetan people most.
We would like to draw the attention of the International Community and our Nepalese brothers and sisters to the present crisis in Tibet and to appeal to them to intervene on our behalf for an immediate peaceful resolution of the same. The critical situation in Tibet shows no sign of improvement and the black out of Tibet continues to this day. All tourists and non-governmental organizations have been expelled from Tibet. Additional restrictions have been imposed on the movement of press, thereby blacking out Tibet to hide their misdeeds from international scrutiny.
We therefore APPEAL:
1. To immediately send an independent international fact-finding mission into Tibet
2. To exert pressure on the PRC government to allow unfettered access to free press in whole of Tibet
3. To pressure the PRC to end the brutal killings in the whole of Tibet
4. To pressure the PRC to immediately release all the arrested and imprisoned Tibetans
5. To extend immediate medical assistance to those injured Tibetans
6. To pressure the PRC to allow free movement of people and provide access to daily needs
NTSF reiterates our sincere gratitude to the people and Government of Nepal for the kindness bestowed upon the Tibetans in Nepal for almost 50 years.
Nepal Tibetan Solidarity Forum
May 11th 2008
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