PAKISTAN: An elderly Christian was tortured to death by the police

AHRC-FPR-051-2012.JPGArifwala, Punjab: October 16, 2012. (PCP) The Christian leaders of Pakpattan and Arifwala protested in District Headquarters Hospital and in front of District Police Office Arifwala to register a murder case against police on killing an old age Christian Niamat Masih here today who was tortured to death in Saddar Police Station Arifwala.

Mr. Javed Sohtra Advocate, ex-member of District Government Pakpattan, Mr. Rocus Bhatti, Pastor Yaqoob Amanat and other angry Christian protestor urged Chief Minister of Punjab to immediately act to arrest culprit who tortured Niamat Masih to death.

Talking to PCP, Javed Sohtra advocate said that Niamat Masih was a poor Christian resident of village Chak No. 149 EB Arifwala, District Pakpattan living with his family.

The Police Station Sadar arifwala registered a FIR number 509/12 under section 365B PPC against Asif Imran son of Niamat Masih, Maria aged 11 years and Mehwish daughters of Niamat Masih on allegations of abducting Shazia Bibi, a Muslim girl, daughter of complainant Mohammad Ashraf resident of the same chak on 02/10/2012.

In FIR the, occurrence took place on September 24, 2012, In which complainant alleged that the accused persons abducted his daughter Shazia to marry with Asif Imran, before 10 days.

The police arrested Niamat Masih and tortured him brutally and then the police took physical remand of Niamat Masih from magistrate Arifwala.

Again police tortured him brutally and due to his injuries Niamat Masih became senseless, to see situation the police admitted Niamat Masih in civil hospital Sahiwal where Niamat Masih died due to his injuries.

On October 15, 2012, police brought dead body of Niamat Masih in DHQ hospital Pakpattan for post -mortem where Javed Sahotra Advocate ex member of district goverment of Pakpattan, Rocus Bhatti, Pastor Yaqoob Amanat and many Christians protested in DHQ hospital against the brutal torture by the police on Niamat Masih and demanded to chief minister Punjab for registration of FIR under section 302 PPC against Police PS Sadar Arifwala.

Dr. Nazir S Bhatti, President of Pakistan Christian Congress PCC and Mr. Ashiknaz Khokhar, President of PCC Sahiwal district has strongly condemned police brutality and killing of Niamat Masih an old age Christian to death.

Mr. Javed Sohtra Advocate and PCC leaders have urged Chief Minister Punjab and Governor Punjab to take notice of killing is of Niamat Masih and to punish culprits.

PCC Chief Nazir Bhatti said that there is no value of Christian life in Pakistan and assassination of Christians is ongoing in hands of Muslim public or Muslim civil servants and justice is never ensured.

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Document Type : Forwarded Press Release
Document ID : AHRC-FPR-051-2012
Countries : Pakistan,
Issues : Freedom of religion, Police violence, Torture,