SRI LANKA: Request to Sri Lankan President and Government to withdraw the false Impeachment motion against Chief Justice

No influence from the politician to judicial system and independence to judicial system
Rev/ Your Excellency/ Dear Sir/ Madam,
You are aware, that a notice of an impeachment resolution signed by approximately 117 Hon members of parliament has been submitted to the Hon the speaker of parliament, against the Hon Chief Justice of Sri Lanka.
Prior to this, there were a number of orders that had been delivered by the Supreme Court Presided by Hon the Chief Justice which may not have been to the liking of the Executive and/or the ruling party, culminating in the handing over of such resolution.
The Sovereignty of the people under the constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka is exercised and enjoyed, inter alia by Parliament consisting of elected representative of the people exercising legislative power, His Excellency the president of the republic elected by the people exercising executive power, and Court tribunals and institutions created and established or recognized by the constitution or judicial power of the people.
Thus you would see that there is, inter alia, separation of power between the executive legislature and the Judiciary, in order to ensure good governance.
We would also wish to place on record that the standing orders (No 78A) which was brought into operation in the year 1984 do not seem to ensure a fair trial/ inquiry according to the accepted principles relating to fair trial/inquiry to a person brought before a selected committee and it requires a drastic amendment to the said provisions, if it is to ensure such a four trial/inquiry.
Further, an impeachment of the Hon. the Chief Justice at this stage, in the aforesaid backgrounds may have a negative effect on the independence of the Judiciary. This would well have a serious effect on the right of the citizens of this country.
In the circumstances, we call upon you to sign this e- petition to persuade the government to withdraw this maligned impeachment.
Yours Faithfully
Coalition for judicial Independence
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