THAILAND: Sarawut Bamrungkittikhun released from military custody
A Statement from Thai Lawyers for Human Rights (TLHR) forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission
Over 30 police and military officers have raided and arrested Mr. Sarawut Bamrungkittikhun, admin of the “PeodPraden” (Open Issues) Facebook page from his residence in Suratthani since 9 March 2016. Today, 16 March 2016, the Thai Lawyers for Human Rights (TLHR) has been informed by his relatives that he has been released from custody. His relatives have gone to pick him up from the Vibhavadi Rangsit Military Camp, the 45th Military Circle of Suratthani around 8.00am today.
After his arrest on 9 March 2016, Sarawut had been deprived of liberty in a military barrack in Bangkok. He was transferred to Suratthani last night, though it was not clear when exactly it happened. Upon his release, he was also given back his laptop computer and mobile phone and no charges were pressed against him. TLHR is pleased to hear Sarawut has been released safely. Nevertheless, the incidence, again, attests to the pattern of holding in custody of an individual in an undisclosed location and the denial of their right to contact relatives as well as the refusal to reveal the whereabouts and fate of the detainees. The release can certainly not right the wrongful act of detention in breach of human rights principle.
TLHR reaffirms our demand for the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) to act in compliance with international human rights obligations prescribed in the international conventions to which Thailand is a state party and to stop invoking power of the Head of the NCPO Oder no. 3/2558 to have an individual arbitrarily deprived of liberty.
The views shared in this statement do not necessarily reflect that of the AHRC.