BURMA/MYANMAR: MNHRC appeals the President to pardon the all political prisoners
A Statement from Myanmar National Human Rights Commission forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission
Myanmar National Human Rights Commission Statement No.(15/2015)
- The Multi-party Democracy General Elections will be held on 8 November 2015. Only a few days remain. The political parties and independent candidates are campaigning earnestly to be victorious in the General Elections.
- The Union Election Commission has been endeavouring their best to hold free and fair elections in conformity with the law and has requested the responsible organizations and the public to extend their cooperation for the holding of peaceful and independent balloting.
- The Myanmar National Human Rights Commission, therefore, earnestly urges the responsible organizations and the public to cooperate fully with the request by the Union Election Commission for the successful holding of General Elections.
- Moreover, as a gesture of welcoming the General Elections, granting of pardon to the political prisoners who can peacefully take part in the democratic nation-building process, and sympathetic consideration for a pardon to the students and supporters detained for their part in the demonstration in connection with the amendment of the National Education Law will allow them to participate freely in the General Elections.
- In this regard, the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission has submitted an appeal to the President to consider granting of pardon to the political prisoners and the detained students and supporters.
Myanmar National Human Rights Commission
Dated: 27 October 2015