INDONESIA: Exposing the silence of torture

Today, 26 June, is a historical day for all mankind. Today, everyone around the world is commemorating theInternational Day in Support of Victims of Torture. On this day, everyone is coming together to support thevictims that have suffered a crime that is considered as common enemies of all mankind, which is called torture.
Torture is, no doubt, a crime that is very serious, which leaves deep pain and trauma to anyone that becomes a victim. Victims of torture prefer to stay silent, mute, and not fight. Their silence is without reason. They worry that if they do speak out or fight they will experience more cruel and brutal punishment by the state apparatus.
The cruelty of torture will never be uncovered if the victims remain silent. If they do remain silent, who will speak out for them? We, who are fortunate not to experience torture, should feel obliged to voice out the misery and agony experienced by the victims. We, who are fortunate not to experience torture, should side with them, and not with the torturers. Our silence gives insignia that we are with the torturer. Conversely, by siding with the victims, we are not only showing our support, but we are also showing that we come here forthem, we are here for them, and we want to fight with them to bravely say “stop torture!”
If we, who feel fortunate not to experience torture, also remain silent, the criminality of torture will never be uncovered. By silencing the practice of torture, it only leaves open the road for more, more, and more torture amongst us. As long as torture is not exposed, it will continue to haunt us. And it is not impossible that one day we will also become victims of torture.
In view of this, the Indonesian Coalition Against Torture, invites all elements of society to side with and show support towards the victims of torture and other victims of cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment or punishment humanity. Dont allow yourself to become the next victim of torture. Fight against torture!
Jakarta, 26 June 2008
Indonesian Coalition Against Torture (ICAT)
Jaringan Anti Penyiksaan Indonesia (JAPI)
Jaringan Anti Penyiksaan Indonesia
Organising Committee for the Commemoration of the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture
26 June 2008
Secretariat: LBH Masyarakat Jl. Tebet Timur Dalam III D No. 2, Jakarta, Tel. 021 830 54 50, Fax. 021 829 15 06
AJI Indonesia, Arus Pelangi, ELSAM, Forum Korban Napza, HRWG, ICMC, ICTJ Indonesia, IKOHI Jabodetabek, IKOHI Nasional, Imparsial, JSKK, KASBI, KontraS, LBH APIK, LBH Jakarta, LBH Masyarakat, Our Voice, PBHI Jakarta, PBHI Nasional, PEC, PMKRI Bengkulu, PSI, Stigma, Yappika, YLBHI, YPKP 65
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About AHRC: The Asian Human Rights Commission is a regional non-governmental organisation monitoring and lobbying human rights issues in Asia. The Hong Kong-based group was founded in 1984. The above statement has only been forwarded by the AHRC.
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