SOUTH KOREA: International Solidarity Week to Remember the Sewol Ferry Tragedy
International Solidarity Week to Re
member the Sewol Ferry Tragedy
– The Truth Shall Not Sink with Sewol!
Period: 8 August 2014 (Fri) ~ 14 August 2014 (Thu)
On April 16, 2014, hundreds of desperate voices cried out for rescue – but most of those cries went unanswered. The tragic sinking of the Sewol ferry cost the lives of 304 innocent people, 10 of whom who are still missing and unaccounted for. It has been over 100 days since the tragedy occurred yet the world still waits for an independent investigation to be properly conducted. The victims’ families are desperately protesting for the enactment of a special law which would establish an independent commission to investigate the cause of the accident and also develop strong measures to prevent tragedies like this from happening again.
Please Join our International Solidarity Week to Remember the Sewol Ferry Tragedy!
How to Raise Your Voice?
- One-person or Group Demonstration to raise awareness of the Sewol Ferry Tragedy
- You can download banners for your demonstration at
- Organize a Candlelight Vigil to remember and honor the Sewol Ferry victims
- Create an event which people in your region can join at
- Send Solidarity Messages to the Sewol Ferry Victims
Please send details on your participation with photos/videos to by August 14, 2014 (Korea Time). We will post it on our websites and share these Solidarity Messages with the victims’ families.
Documentary Film by Newstapa “Golden Time for Sewol ferry – There was no State” >>