FORWARDED APPEAL (Thailand): Five student activists advocating human rights are at risk of torture

Dear friends,
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is forwarding to you an appeal that five student activists advocating human rights have disappeared from their dormitory on 15 August 2008 in southern Thailand. Two of whom had previously been arrested in January of this year.
The disappeared victims, all are students of the Yala Rajabhat University, had been actively involve in providing training on legal aid and discussion on human rights in the villages. At the time they disappeared, they were also in the process of soliciting financial support for the student camp they are supposed to hold this week.
If you have further questions, please communicate to the contact persons below.
Thank you.
Urgent Appeals Desk
Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)
Urgent Appeal
RE: Five students arrested in Yala, 2 of them re-arrests
Five students from Yala Rajabhat University disappeared this morning (around 8 am on 15 August 2008) from their dormitory, located near the old market of Muang Yala. Two of the students had been arrested in January of 2008 and were allegedly tortured in detention.
1. Mr. Ismael Tae, aged 22 and a forth year student at the Faculty of Science, Major Communication, Yala Rajabhat University.
2. Mr. Amisi Manak, aged 22 and a forth year student at the Faculty of Management Sciences, Major Finance, Yala Rajabhat University.
3. Mr. Ruslan Tuyong, aged 23 and a forth year student at the Faculty of Education, Management Program, Yala Rajabhat University.
4. Mr. Waerosalee Latae, aged 23 and a forth year student at the Faculty of Education, Management Program, Yala Rajabhat University.
5. Mr. Romlee Latae, aged 21 and a second year student at the Faculty of Science, Major Biology, Yala Rajabhat University.
After noticing the disappearance, at around 12 pm, friends of the five students went to the Muslim Attorney Center in Yala to report the disappearance and ask for assistance in locating their friends. As the two students who had been arrested in January were detained in Special Taskforce 11 in Yala at the time, MAC inquired with the same unit and found out that the students were detained there.
The relatives were informed and are trying to visit the students tomorrow morning. However, generally visits by families and lawyers are not allowed during the first 4 days. As torture reports continue and students are being targeted for their activities, concerns are high that the students might face ill-treatment during detention. We urge you to contact the Thai authorities to ensure the students are detained according to the law and fairly treated during detention.
All five students are members of Student Federation of Yala, a student organization that is actively organizing human rights activities in Yala Province. According to their friends from the federation, the students were trying to find funding for their student camp next week.
Mr. Ismael Tae and Mr. Amisi Manak were arrested and tortured in the Special Task Force Unit 11, Yala together with other five students from Yala Rajabhat University. The incident took place Sunday, 27 January 2008 when a group of military men dressed in plain cloths came to arrest the students in their university dormitory. They were arrested two days after the federation organized a legal and human rights training in a village at Yala Province. It is alleged that the Thai authorities suspected these students are involved in insurgent activities. However, the Student Federation of Thailand (SFT) and other human rights organizations believe that those arrested is from their activity on human rights. The students were released within 9 days, after a complaint was filed at the Yala Court. No evidence or charges were brought before them. The incident was reported to the National Human Rights and the Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights. The students have been preparing a motion to the court for having been tortured in detention.
For further information, please contact:
Romzee Dokho 081-134-5873
Arachapon Nimitkulpon 086-368-6316 (English speaking)
The sample letter below is inserted by the AHRC:
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Dear __________,
THAILAND: Five student activists advocating human rights are at risk of torture
Details of victims:
1. Mr. Ismael Tae, aged 22 and a forth year student at the Faculty of Science, Major Communication, Yala Rajabhat University
2. Mr. Amisi Manak, aged 22 and a forth year student at the Faculty of Management Sciences, Major Finance, Yala Rajabhat University
3. Mr. Ruslan Tuyong, aged 23 and a forth year student at the Faculty of Education, Management Program, Yala Rajabhat University
4. Mr. Waerosalee Latae, aged 23 and a forth year student at the Faculty of Education, Management Program, Yala Rajabhat University
5. Mr. Romlee Latae, aged 21 and a second year student at the Faculty of Science, Major Biology, Yala Rajabhat University
I am writing to express my deep concern about the disappearance of five student activists, whose names are mentioned above, from the dormitory of their university where they were staying on August 15. Their dormitory is located in the old market in Muang district, Yala province.
Two of them, Ismael Tae and Amisi Manak, had previously been arrested on 27 January 2008 by a group of men dressed in plain clothes. Those who arrested them were later identified as members of the Special Task Force Unit 11 in Yala.
Given the previous experience that two of these missing students had, I am deeply concerned that the security forces may have been involved in their disappearance once again. I therefore urge you to ensure that a credible and effective investigation is conducted into their case.
I am deeply concerned that should they be taken by security forces, they would be subject to torture and inhuman treatment which has already happened to an Imam, Yapa Kaseng, who died in military custody in March of this year.
These missing students will remain at serious risk unless they are located and brought before lawful authority. The death of Imam Kaseng raises the stark reality of the endemic use of torture and inhuman treatment in this place. I therefore urge you to exhaust all means to locate their whereabouts.
They should also be arraigned before the lawful authorities so that they may be able to defend themselves in court should they be arrested on a charge, or charges already filed against them. Those responsible for their disappearance should also be identified and held to account for the abductions.
Yours sincerely,
Please contact the following authorities:
1. Mr. Samak Sundaravej
Prime Minister
c/o Government House
Pitsanulok Road, Dusit District
Bangkok 10300
Fax: +662 282 8631/ 280 1589/ 629 8213
Tel: +662 280 1404/ 3000
2. General Anupong Phaochinda
Chief, Internal Security Operations Command c/o Government House
Pitsanulok Road, Dusit District, Bangkok 10300 THAILAND
Fax: +662 282 8631/ 280 1589/ 629 8213
Tel: +662 280 1404/ 3000
3. Lt. Gen. Viroj Buacharoon
Fourth Army Area
Sirinthon Camp, Khaotoom
Yarang, Pattani 94160
Fax: +66 73 262 572
Tel: +66 73 262 598
4. Mr. Theera Mindrasak
Governor, Yala Province
Muang District
Yala 95000
Fax,Tel: +66 73 212 002
5. Prof. Saneh Chamarik
National Human Rights Commission of Thailand
422 Phya Thai Road
Pathumwan, Bangkok 10300
Fax: +662 219 2940
Tel: +662 219 2980
1. Mr. Sompong Amornwiwat
Minister of Justice
Office of the Ministry of Justice
Ministry of Justice Building
22nd Floor Software Park Building,
Chaeng Wattana Road
Pakkred, Nonthaburi 11120
Fax: +662 502 6699/ 6734 / 6884
Tel: +662 502 6776/ 8223
2. Pol.Gen. Kovit Wattana
Minister of Interior
Office of the Ministry of Interior
Atsadang Road, Ratchabophit
Pranakorn, Bangkok 10200
Fax: +662 226 4371/ 222 8866
Tel: +662 224 6320/ 6341
3. Mr. Tej Bunnag
Minister of Foreign Affair
Office of the Minister of Foreign Affair
443 Sri Ayudhya Road
Ratchathevee, Bangkok 10400
Fax: +662 643 5318
Tel: +662 643 5333
4. Pol. Gen.Patcharavat Wongsuwan
Acting Commissioner-General
Royal Thai Police
1st Bldg, 7th Floor
Rama I Road, Patumwan
Bangkok 10330
Fax: +66 2 251 5956/ 205 3738/ 255 1975-8
5. Mr. Chaikasem Nitisiri
Attorney General
Office of the Attorney General
Lukmuang Building
Nahuppei Road
Praboromrachawang, Pranakorn,
Bangkok 10200
Fax: +662 224 0162/ 1448/ 221 0858
Tel: +662 224 1563/ 222 8121-30
6. Mr. Homayoun Alizadeh
Regional Representative for Asia-Pacific of OHCHR
UN Secretariat Building, 6th Fl., Room A-601
Rajdamnern Nok Ave.
Bangkok 10200,
Fax: +662 288 3009
Thank you.
Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (
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