INDONESIA: Eight Years After Yap Yun Hap’s Death (Commemoration of Semanggi II)

Dear friends,
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward you the following press release dated September 24, 2007, regarding the Commemoration of Semanggi II from the Commission for the Disappearances and Victims of Violence (KontraS)
Asian Human Rights Commission
Hong Kong
Semanggi II happened on 24 September 1999 in which the political transition, numerous demonstrations against the National Security and Safety Bill and demand to revoke dual-function of Indonesian Armed Forces were at horde. Such incident was closely related to series of incidents in several regions, albeit in different time and places. Semanggi II was disastrously welcomed with hot bullets of Indonesian Armed Forces resulting 10 people down, including Yap Yun Hap, Zainal Abidin, Teja Sukmana, M Nuh Ichsan, Salim Jumadoi, Fadly, Deny Julian, Yusuf Rizal, Saidatul Fitria and Meyer Ardiansyah.
Gunfire resulting death of youth people was notably known in incidents of Trisakti, Semanggi I & II, which is thus far still being with no sign of stopping played by the Parliament and Attorney General. This situation has never changed after eight years passed which for the families are likely to face a huge obstacle without leaving any chance to attain justice.
Actually, early this year there was a small hope in this case, on 14 February 2007 the Commission III of the Parliament recommended the Head of Parliament to set up the Human Rights Ad-hoc Court, however, such recommendation was turned down by Parliament’s internal mechanism through voting method conducted by the Consultative Board on 6 March 2007. It is ironic to know that human life matter was decided by votes.
Still fresh in our memory, when Parliament Ad-hoc Committee on 2001 clearly declared through the plenary council, that Trisakti, Semanggi I & II were not gross violations of human rights. Such recommendation disregarded legal process conducted by National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) which said that those were gross violations of human rights.
We fully comprehend the Attorney General’s stance that did not want to conduct investigation and were waiting for the recommendation of the establishment of Human Right Ad-hoc Court, as of such recommendation was truly required. But essentially the Attorney General should have been in this position if the case is already investigated and will be prosecuted. Then Attorney General should ask for the recommendation (in accordance with the Human Rights Court Law No. 26 year 2000). Such stance by the Attorney General only attracts political intervention in the pending legal process. And since the Parliament does not want to repeal their recommendation, the Attorney General will always use this as an excuse.
Therefore, we, Yap Yun Hap’s parents together with the victims’ solidarity, urge:
First, Parliament stops politicising gross violations of human rights. Keep passing the ball around will only increase victims’ sufferings.
Second, Parliament revokes Ad-hoc Committee’s recommendation which states that Trisakti, Semanggi I&II were not gross violation of human rights and recommends the Attorney General to conduct investigation on all gross violations of human rights which currently are halted in the investigation stage.
Third, President should be proactive. He should give solution regarding such never-ending debate between those state agencies. If he could reconcile the hitch which recently happened between State Auditor Agency and Supreme Court, why can’t he resolve this case?
Forth, the new commissioner of Komnas HAM should be proactive also; hence such incident can be anticipated if Komnas HAM has first-class and comprehensible framework and relation with the Attorney General and Parliament.
Association of Victims Families of Trisakti, Semanggi I&II
Networking Alliance of TSS Case
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