BANGLADESH: 29 persons killed by law enforcement agencies, 52027 arrested and slum eviction drives cause human rights violation during the first 30 days of emergency

11th February 2007
From 12 January to 10 February 2007 during the total 29 persons have been reportedly killed and 52027 persons have been arrested.
Of the 29 people killed by law enforcement agencies, 11 persons were killed by the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB), 9 by police, 6 by the army and 3 by joint forces.
Of those 29 people who were killed by the law enforcement agencies across the country, 10 were killed in alleged crossfire by the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB), it has also been alleged that 4 were killed by Police crossfire, 3 were tortured to death by Police, 1was arrested by RAB and later died in the hospital, 2 died in the hospital after being arrested by Police, 4 were killed due to torture by Army, 1died while trying to escape from the Army van which was carrying him, 1 jumped off a six storied building and died while in the custody of the Joint Forces, 2 were arrested by Joint Forces and died in the Police Custody and 1died in the hospital after being arrested by the Army.
Of the killed 29, 5 were from BNP, 2 from Awami League, 4 from Purbo Banglar Communist Party (Jonojuddho), 1 from Purbo Banglar Communist Party, 1 from Biplobi Communist Party, 1 from Gono Mukti Fouz, 1from Sromojibi Mukti Andolon, 1was a farmer, 1 was an alleged drug peddler, 1 was under trial prisoner, 1 was freedom fighter, 1 was detained bus driver and 9 were alleged criminals.
Odhikar demands independent inquiries in all the above-mentioned extra judicial killing/deaths and that the results of such inquiries be made public.
Odhikar also expresses its concern regarding the arrests made under the Special Powers Act of 1974. It also expresses concern about detaining people without charges, which is a violation of human rights.
It further expresses its grave concern at the slums eviction drives rendering thousands of poor people shelter less without offering them any housing alternatives.
Odhikar has prepared this report on the basis of 11 national dailies and its own fact-finding reports.
ASM Nasiruddin Elan
Office in charge
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About AHRC: The Asian Human Rights Commission is a regional non-governmental organisation monitoring and lobbying human rights issues in Asia. The Hong Kong-based group was founded in 1984.
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