SRI LANKA: INVITATION to participate as Observers / Enthusiasts / Activists / Human Rights Defenders

Monitoring involuntary Disappearances, Abductions, Extra Judicial Killings, Extortionsand Arbitrary arrests and detentions in Sri Lanka
#72 Bankshall Street Colombo 11 Sri Lanka P.O.Box 803 Colombo
Phone 11-2473511 Fax 11-2435961 E -mail:
(Chairman) Sirithunga Jayasooriya (Convener) Mano Ganesan MP
(Members) Luxman Kiriella MP, Suresh Premachandran MP
Dear Sir/Madam,
First of the series of public Meetings for Expression of Grief of the Families and Friends of the Disappeared in Colombo on Monday 09th April, 2007, 4 PM at Veera Mylan Hall, No.146, Sri Kadiresan Street, Pettah, Colombo 11 to give voice to those affected by the escalating violations of human rights in the form of Abductions, Disappearances, Extortions, Intimidation and Extra-judicial killings.
Over one thousand cases of disappearances and extra-legal killings have been reported in the past year and continuing unabated at present. Many violations have not been recorded, due to fear of retaliation. Most violations have occurred mostly in the North-East, Colombo, Gampaha and Puttalam Districts. All of them have targeted Tamil citizens. Not a single case has been brought to any conclusion, nor any of the perpetrators prosecuted, even when there has been clear evidence. A culture of impunity provides the framework for these violations.
The Civil Monitoring Commission (CMC) is mandated to hold all perpetrators accountable and to serve in delivering justice to those affected, while mobilizing civil society to advocate for an immediate HALT to these gross violations. We believe that it is time for forces that have a social conscience to find the collective courage of conviction and determination to take a stand and act for the sake of humanity. We are convinced that the decisions and actions of the few will be transformed into a collective will of the people to decide and achieve a life with dignity, humanity, justice and freedom.
Thanking you,
Mano Ganesan MP
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About AHRC: The Asian Human Rights Commission is a regional non-governmental organisation monitoring and lobbying human rights issues in Asia. The Hong Kong-based group was founded in 1984.
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