ASIA: AHRC TV – A panel discussion with two members of parliament, one from Sri Lanka, one from Nagaland, India and a human rights activist on the prevention of torture

(Hong Kong, January 30, 2014) In a video panel discussion Eran Wickramaratne, a Member of Parliament and Mohon Kikon, a Member of the Legislative Asembly, Nagaland, India and Ernesto Anasarias, a human rights activists from the Philippines on issues relating to the prevention of torture in their countries. The interview is led by Mr. Basil Fernando of the Asian Human Rights Commission.
This panel discussion was conducted during the 2nd Meeting of the Asian Parliamentarians organized by the Asian Alliance against Torture and Ill-treatment (AAATI).
Several interesting issues such as the reasons why the police in Asian countries frequently use torture, what incentives could be developed to stop this practice, some of the experiences about activism to fight against torture and how to improve the societal reactions against torture are some of the issues discussed in this one-hour-long interview.
You may see the interview here.
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