PHILIPPINES: Tortured doc performs free surgery, gives away medicines to poor patients
(Hong Kong, February 18, 2010) Necta Montes, the niece of Dr. Alex Montes, speaks of her uncle’s compassion of helping poor patients during a demonstration at the Philippine Consulate today. Alex is one of the 43 health workers whom the military and police have illegally arrested, tortured and falsely charged on February 6, 2010.
“My uncle has often asked me to assist him in simple surgical procedures when poor families from nearby slum communities would come to our home to seek for his help, he would (also) send the patients with medicines “, Necta recalls helping her uncle.
Necta, presently the regional secretary of the World Student Christian Federation Asia-Pacific Region (WSCF AP) here in Hong Kong, was joined by several regional and local groups calling for the unconditional release of the 43 health workers.
Necta Montes (in the middle) speaking at the Philippine Consulate in Hong Kong
All of the 43 health workers, two of whom have already been illegally arrested, tortured and falsely charged in September 2008, are being held at the Camp Capinpin, a military camp in Tanay, Rizal.
“My family and the families of the 42 illegally arrested health workers strongly deny and condemn the Military for spreading malicious accusations and making-up false charges against our loved ones. We are enraged by this incident and angered by the physical torture and the mental anguish that our loved ones have been subjected to”, added Necta regarding the soldier and the police charges on him and the 41 others.
Sixty-two-year old Alex, a graduate of medicine at the University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Medical Center in 1975, has spent nearly 40 years of his life visiting poor rural communities organizing Medical Missions together with the members of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP’s) Healing Ministry.
He has been accused by the military and police of being member of a rebel group, the New People’s Army (NPA). He was also accused of supposedly taking part in a plan to assassinate General Jovito Palparan, a retired military general who had been accused of being involved in the killing of activists.
Palparan is now a member of the House of Representatives, a lawmaking body of the Philippines.
Alex was reported to have been electrocuted and subjected to psychological torture following their arrest on February 6, 2010. He and his companions have all been blindfolded and subjected to continuous interrogation in absence of their legal counsel. During the first few days of their detention, their relatives and loved ones visiting them in jail had difficulty of having free access to him.
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has issued an appeal on this case, to read and support the appeal please read: AHRC-UAU-003-2010; AHRC-UAU-005-2010.
Magandang Umaga po sa inyong lahat! Good morning to all of you! Thank you for giving me this chance to express my indignation on the illegal arrest, detention, and torture of the 43 health workers in the Philippines.
My name is Necta Montes, I am a niece of one of the illegally arrested health workers, Dr. Alexis Montes. My uncle was accused by the Military of being a member of the New Peoples Army and taking part in a plan to assassinate General Jovito Palparan, also known as the Butcher of Activists and a favorite general of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. Not able to find substantial evidence to prove these ridiculous accusation against my uncle and the 42 health worker, the Military charged them with Criminal offences and illegal possession of firearms. Using the guns and explosives they themselves, the Military, have planted as evidences during the raid and arrest they conducted last February 6.
My family and the families of the 42 illegally arrested health workers strongly deny and condemn the Military for spreading malicious accusations and making-up false charges against our loved ones. We are enraged by this incident and angered by the physical torture and the mental anguish that our loved ones have been subjected to by this fascist Military.
As doctors, nurses, midwives and community health workers they commit themselves to an oath to provide medical care and attention to ANYONE, and I repeat ANYONE needing their help at all times and in any place. In fact, when the illegal arrest was conducted on February 6, they were undergoing a First Respondents Training, NOT to build explosives as this stupid military accused them, but to equip community health workers to SAVE LIVES and NOT TO
Dr. Alex Montes is seen in this undated photo in one of his free consultations (contributed photo)
My Uncle Dr. Alexis Montes is a 62 year-old licensed medical doctor. He has used his professional training and skills to heal the sick among the poor in my country. He has tirelessly devoted his service to people who cannot afford to go to the hospital for all sorts of ailment and treatment. He has spent nearly 40 years of his life visiting poor rural communities organizing Medical Mission together with members of our the Healing Ministry of our church, the United Church of Christ in the Philippine. As his eldest niece, my uncle has often asked me to assist him in simple surgical procedures when poor families from nearby slum communities would come to our home to seek for his help. He would not only do the surgical procedure for free, but he would send the patients with medicines and oftentimes give them few pesos for their ride home.
In a country where half of our population have no access to basic health care, where 40 % of our people cannot afford basic medicines even to treat a simple cold and where 10 women die every day because of childbirth related complications, health workers like my uncle and his 42 co-workers are the only HOPE and lifeline for the poor people.
Now I ask our government, Is it a CRIME to heal the sick poor people? Is it a crime to take on the responsibility of the failure of this government to provide basic medical care to its people? Is it a crime to be motivated by your faith to follow the example of Jesus Christ to heal and serve the people?
The illegal arrest of Dr. Alexis Montes and 42 health workers is a miscarriage of justice! It is an act of blatant disregard of human rights and the ideals of any democratic society! The arrogance of the Military establishment indicates a direct approval of the president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo of these actions!
If the Philippine government will not act to stop the Militarys wanton disregard of peoples rights and welfare and continue to commit crimes against the people, WE WILL ACT!
Justice to all the victims of human rights violation of the Gloria Arroyo Regime!
Free the 43 Health workers Now!
He was born on January 29, 1948 at the Philippine General Hospital Manila
Father: Atty. Valentin G. Montes (deceased)
Mother: Amparo Solinap-Montes (deceased)
Wife: Evelyn Tayag-Reyes from San Simon Pampanga
Dr. Conor Jan, 30 years old
Vencer (dentist), 28
Allyn, 24
Christian, 22
Elementary: Silliman University Elementary School, 1960
High School: Silliman University High School, 1963
Pre Med: Silliman University, 1971
Medicine: University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Medical Center, 1975
Philippine Board Exam: 1976
PRC Board Examination (Medicine): 81% grade average
Finished Medicine: 4years
Excelled in Opthalmology
Work Experience:
1. Martinez Memorial Hospital- 1976
2. Oil Rig Physician- 1981
3. Calamba Medical Center- 1982
4. Capitol Medical Center- 1982 1986
5. Private Practice
6. United of Church of Christ in the Philippines- 1986
7. Medical Missions
8. Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity
9. Church Network (Presbyterian Church, USA, etc.)
10. Director, Health projects of UCCP Church Related Projects 1986 to 2006
11. Coordinator Community Ministries Program, VCMC 2005-2008
1. Rotating Intern, Mary Johnston Hospital- 1975-1976
2. Rural Health Practice Program, Department of Health- 1977
3. Hydrogen Sulfide Safety and Survival, National Safety Engineering- 1982
4. Post-graduate training course, MCU-FDT Medical Foundation Hospital, 1986
6. Post-grad course, Cancer of the Esophagus, Stomach, Liver and Biliary Tract, 1983