BANGLADESH: People rally further demanding the arrest of army Major Mustafizur and the attackers
(Hong Kong, May 5, 2011) The inhabitants of Paikgachha have again held a rally demanding the arrest of Mustafizur Rahman Bokul, a major in the Bangladesh army, and his aides for gouging the eyes of human rights defender FMA Razzak and his brother Bodiuzzaman Bodiar. The rally was held at the zero point of Paikgachha town on Thursday, 5 May, afternoon.
People of Paikgachha demand arrest of army major Mustfizur and other attackers in a procession on Thursday – AHRC Photo
Freedom-fighter and vice president of the Bangladesh Awami League Godaipur union unit, Mr. Mohammad Shahjahan Sharder, presided over the rally. Among others the rally was addressed by the president of the Godaipur Jubo League (youth wing of Bangladesh Awami League, ruling political party) Mr. Zakir Hossain, journalist Alauddin Raza, businessman Ziauddin Nayeb, transport worker Jamil Biswas and a neighbour of Razzak, Azibor Gazi. Around five hundred people, including journalists, public representatives of the local government units, businessmen and people of all walks of life took part in the rally.
A procession rounded the main streets of Upazilla headquarter before the rally. The people carried a banner titled: “Inhabitants’ enraged demonstration in protest of mysterious role of administration on gouging two eyes and fracturing hands and legs of newspaper editor, former general secretary of Paikgachha Press Club and human rights defender FMA Razzak and his brother Bodiar”.
The procession chanted slogans demanding the arrest of the eye-gouger Major Mustafizur Rahman Bokul, his brother Mokhlesur Rahman Kazal (mostly known as Kazal Sarder) and all other perpetrators. The speakers in the rally demanded the immediate termination of Major Bokul from service of the armed forces. They also demanded the removal of the Officer-in-Charge (OC) Enamul Haque and other police officers for supporting the perpetrators for the last two and half months to commit this latest heinous crime.
People demand arrest of army major Mustfizur and other attackers in a procession – AHRC Photo
Human rights defender FMA Razzak has just survived in a critical condition due to the deadly attacks. The doctors fear that he may be blind forever following the attempted eye-gouging.
The Asian Human Rights Commission has launched an online campaign demanding protection, treatment and justice for FMA Razzak. The AHRC has urged all human rights organisations, professional bodies and governmental authorities concerned to intervene immediately into this matter and participate in the campaign.
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