SOUTH KOREA: Over one hundred villagers in Gangjeong faced legal action for peaceful demonstration

Dear friends,
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the continued legal actions against over hundreds of villagers in Gangjeong village, holding peaceful demonstrations against the construction of a naval base in Jeju Island since 2007. As the construction continues the villagers and activists face legal actions for ongoing peaceful assemblies and demonstration. In a recent case reported, 29 people were arbitrarily arrested on January 10, 2012 and released two days later. From 2007 onwards, while the ignorance by media continues, villagers have been repeatedly arrested and released and now faced legal action by the police.
Gangjeong village in Jeju Island was designated for a naval base in 2007. Before launching the plan to build a facility, it is needed as legal step that the relevant authority must have the consent of the resident in that area and decide at a meeting of the villagers. However, according to an interview with Mr. Kang Dong-Kyun, the head of Gangjeong village, a meeting for approval of the naval base was illegally held and only 87 out of 1,900 villagers participated in the meeting and everything was passed without due process except the essential area regarding the naval base of place. The construction has started and has been going on while no investigation has been made in spite of the illegality of the meeting.
According to the information, the process of decision for designing Gangjeng as naval base have not reflected those who against the construction of naval base and even after the construction started and instead of some respond to their demand, they have taken a legal action of arbitrary arrest or sending a letter to be question at the police station to the protester who want to speak out with the freedom of assembly and demonstration that should not restricted when it comes to exercise of this right.
Even though it is reported that almost 94 percent of residents in Jeju Island are against the construction of naval base there, the relevant authorities are pushing forward the construction. In spite of this predominant objection against naval base, as villager’s demands are denied, the due process as well as democratic values is also undermined and it is said that they are suffering from emotion of extreme hostility to local government and instilled mistrust within their community.
On January 10, 2012, tens of Catholic priests and activists were praying near the naval base but were arrested by the police. Sadly, it is not such a single incident but one of many. For instance, the mayor of village, Kang Dong-Kyun, was arrested and released for eleven times since 2010 and Go Gwon-Il, Chairman of villagers’ committee to stop naval base since 2011, was for nine times arrested. This sort of repeated arrest and release following legal action does not only apply to the leadership of the village but also to the villagers as well as human rights defenders. As of now, over a hundred persons have been called for questioning by the local police.
In 2002, the naval put the priority Hwasun port as a nominee in Jeju Island but because of strong objection from villagers they failed as well as Wimi-ri. They say from nominating to launching the construction, local government proceeded at once almost for only one month. According to information, Gangjeng was rapidly included into list of nominate even three days before public opinion poll. Even though after decision of construction which is controversial because the villagers who lives in Gangjeong, Beophwan, and Dea-po near the nominate naval base were excepted from public poll, those who oppose the construction have held peaceful protest onward, the government started taking legal action against any protesting persons opposing the base. While the local mainstream media is reluctant to take up this issue, alternative media and foreign media including Al Jazeera have high lightened the issue.
Please send a letter to the authorities listed below asking for withdrawal of all charges against the villagers and rights activists. Please be informed that the AHRC also writes letters to the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders.
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To support this case, please click here: SEND APPEAL LETTER
Dear ___________,
SOUTH KOREA: Over hundred of villagers in Gangjeong faced legal action for peaceful demonstration
Name of persons faced legal action:
(1) Yang Hong-Chan (villager):
2007/ police investigation as witness on the incident related to a Jeju Sori reporter on June 4
(2) Yoon Sang-Don (villager):
2007/ police investigation as witness on the incident related to a Jeju Sori reporter on June 4
(3) Kang Sung-Won (villager):
2007/ police investigation as witness on the incident related to a Jeju Sori reporter on June 4
(4) Kim Jung-Min (villager):
2007/ police investigation as witness on the incident related to a Jeju Sori reporter on June 4
(5) Lee Hang-Joon (villager):
2007/ police investigation as witness on the incident related to a Jeju Sori reporter on June 4
(6) Cho Eung-Nam (villager):
2007/ police investigation as witness on the incident related to a Jeju Sori reporter on June 4
(7) Cho Young-Sik (villager):
2007/ police investigation as witness on the incident related to a Jeju Sori reporter on June 4
(8) Kang Haeng-Keun (villager):
2007/ Charge: act of violence/ Result: Cleared of suspicion/ Accuser: Yoon Tae-Jung (* former village mayor who favors naval base construction)
(9) Moon Sang-Chul (villager):
2007/ Charge: threat etc./ Result: fine 700,000 won in the 1st trial, 500,000 won in appeal suit
2009/ Charge: damage on public stuff, obstruction of business/ Result: Fine 1,500,000 won/
(10) Jin Se-Jong (villager):
2007/ Charge: injury in collaboration/ Result: Fine 700,000won/ Accuser: Yoon Tae-Jung (* former village mayor who favors naval base construction)
(11) Yoon Chan-Bum (villager):
2008/ Charge: injury, obstruction of the performance of official duties etc./ Result: 2 million won fine/ accuser: Song Moo-Jin, navy commander, naval base business committee
2010/ Charge: obstruction of business/ Result: 1,500,000 won fine
(12) Kang Kyung-Min (villager):
2007/ Charge: obstruction of the performance of official duties / Result: 3million won fine/
Accuser: Kim Tae-Ho, navy lieutenant commander, naval base business committee then
(13) Yoon Kyung-Yong (villager):
2008/ Charge: act of violence etc/ Result: 500,000 won fine/ Accuser: City hall public service personnel
(14) Kang Taek-Keun (villager):
2008/ Charge: act of violence etc/ Result: 500,000 won fine/ Accuser: City hall public service
personnel2011/ called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on August 24
(15) Goh Byung-Hyun (villager):
2007/ Charge: injury in collaboration/ Result: suspension of indictment/ Accuser: Yoon Tae-Jung (* former village mayor who favors naval base construction)
(16) Cho Soo-Joon (villager):
2007/ police investigation as witness on the incident related to a Jeju Sori reporter on June 4
2007/ Charge: injury in collaboration/ Result: suspension of indictment/ Accuser: Yoon Tae-Jung (* former village mayor who favors naval base construction)
(17) Kim Gab-Deuk (villager):
Year unknown/ Charge: injury in collaboration/ Result: suspension of indictment/ Accuser: Yoon
Tae-Jung (* former village mayor who favors naval base construction)
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business (June 20 sit-in in the business committee bldg. complex)/
Accuser: Kim Dong-Shin/ Call letter date: Aug. 5
(18) Goh Shi-Rim (villager):
2007/ police investigation as witness on the incident related to a Jeju Sori reporter on June 4
2007/ Charge: injury in collaboration/ Result: suspension of indictment/ Accuser: Yoon Tae-Jung (* former village mayor who favors naval base construction)
(19) Kang Hee-Woong (villager):
2008/ Charge: act of violence, obstruction of business/ Result: 500,000 won fine
2010/ Charge: obstruction of the performance of official duties/ Result: 2million won fine
(20) Yoon-Sang-Hyo (villager):
2007/ police investigation as witness on the incident related to a Jeju Sori reporter on June 4
2010/ Charge: Obstruction of business/ Result: 2million won fine
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on August 24
(21) Kim Jae-Hoo (villager):
2010/ Charge: Invasion into building, obstruction of the performance of official duties, act of
violence, injury/ / Result: 2million won fine
(22) Lee Bang-Geun (villager):
2009/ Charge: act of violence/ Result: 5million won fine
(23) Kang Dong-Kyun (village mayor):
2010/ Charge: total 12 charges including of illegal rally, obstruction of business/ Result: Court decision of one and half year imprisonment but three years’ probation
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business on construction on June 9/ Accuser: Cho Hyun-Je, field director of the Chosuk construction industry co.(call letter date: July 4)
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business/ Accuser: Jung Jin-Do, Woochang maritime construction company (call letter date: June 22)
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business/ Accuser: Jung Jin-Do, Woochang maritime construction company (call letter date: June 28)
2011/ Charge: violation of law related to public waters management and reclamation act/ Accuser: Cho Hyun-Il (call letter date: July 7)
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business/ Accuser: Jung Jin-Do, Woochang maritime construction company (call letter date: July 4)
2011/ Charge: violation of law related to public waters management and reclamation act / Accuser: Cho Hyun-Il (call letter date: July 17)
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business on construction on June 18/ Accuser: Lee Kyung-Ho, field director of Doyang co. (call letter date: July 18)
2011/ Charge: violation of law related to public waters management and reclamation act (installation of house on May 30)/Accuser: Jeju naval base business committee (call letter date: July 18)
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business/ Accuser: Cho Hun-Je (call letter date: July 9)
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business (June 9, 18, 20, 21, 22)/ Accusers: Cho Hun-Je, field director of the Chosuk construction company and Lee Kyung-Ho, field director of the Doyang Co.
(24) Yoon Ho-Kyung (villager):
2010/ Charge: illegal rally, damage on public utensil / Result: 1million won fine2011/ Charge: obstruction of business/ Accuser: Cho Hun-Je/ call letter date: July 19
(25) Kim Kyu-Nam (villager):
2010/ Charge: obstruction of business, act of violence/ Result: 5million won fine
(26) Kang Ji-Joon (Chief of Beobhwan fishing community):
2010/ Charge: taking the lead of demonstration, obstruction of business etc/ Result: 800,000 won fine
(27) Kang Jung-Soon (villager):
2008/ Charge: act of violence etc/ Result: dispatched to the prosecutors’ office after investigation by the Seogwipo Police Station
2011/ called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on
Aug. 24
(28) Hong Dong-Pyo (villager):
2007/ police investigation as witness on the incident related to a Jeju Sori reporter on June 4
2008/ Charge: related to rally/ Result: dispatched to the prosecutors’ office after investigation by the Seogwipo Police Station
2011/ Charge: obstruction of the performance of official duties on Aug. 24
(29) Hong Dae-Pyo (villager):
2007/ police investigation as witness on the incident related to a Jeju Sori reporter on June 4
(30) Jung Young-Hee (villager):
2007/ police investigation as witness on the incident related to a Jeju Sori reporter on June 4
2010/ Charge: related to rally, obstruction of business etc/ Result: 1.5 million won fine
2011/ Charge: violation of law on the public waters
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24
(31) Kim Jong-Hwan (villager):
2010/ Charge: obstruction of business/ Result: 5million won fine
(32) Goh Young-Jin (villager):
2010/ Charge: obstruction of business/ Result: 1.5million won fine
2011/ Got police investigation on July 17
(33) Jung Kyung-Bo (villager):
2010/ Charge: obstruction of business/ Result: 1.5million won fine
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business (on the dredging construction work on the sea surface on
June 9)/ Accuser: Cho Hun-Je, field director of the Chosuk construction company/ call letter date:
July 4
2011/ Arrested on Sept. 2 when there was a police raid and resistance to it
(34) Cho Kyung-Chul (* co-vice mayor):
2007/ police investigation as witness on the incident related to a Jeju Sori reporter on June 4
2010/ Charge: obstruction of business, obstruction of the performance of official duties / Result:
5million won fine
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24
(35) Go Gwon-Il (Chairman of villagers’ committee to stop naval base since 2011):
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business/ Accuser: Cho Hun-Je/ call letter date: July 9
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business/ Accuser: Jung Jin-Do/ call letter date: June 22
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business/ Accuser: Jung Jin-Do/ call letter date: June 28
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business/ Accuser: Jung Jin-Do/ call letter date: July 4
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business (on the dredging construction on the sea surface on June 9)/ Accuser: Cho Hun-Je, field director of the Chosuk construction Co./ Call letter date: July 4
2011/ Charge: Violation of law on the public waters management and reclamation act
/ Accuser: Cho Hyun-Il / Call letter date: July 7
2011/ Charge: Violation of law on the public waters management and reclamation act
/ Accuser: naval base business committee/ Call letter date: July 25
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24
(36) Jung Soon-Sim (villager):
2011/ Charge: violation of law on the Public Waters Act (house installation on May 30)/ Accuser:
Jeju naval base business/ call letter date: July 18
(37) Yoon Chang-Sook (villager):
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business/ Accuser: Jo Hun-Je/ call letter date: July 11
2011/ Got police investigation in his farming field on July 17
(38) Kang Jung-Geun (villager):
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business/ Accuser: Jo Hun-Je/ call letter date: July 11
(39) Kim Young-Sam (villager):
2011/ got police investigation on July 17
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business/ Accuser: Jo Hun-Je/ call letter date: July 20 (2nd call)
(* Indicted by prosecutors on July 21, annexed with the arrest case of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun,
Song Kang-Go, and Go Gwon-Il, included of Kim Jong-Hwan. The first trial was Aug. 5, 2011)
2011/ Charge: violation of law on the Public Waters (installation of container)/ call letter date: Aug. 3
2011/ Charge: obstruction of traffic on Aug. 24
(40) Kim Young-woo (villager):
* Specific details are missed
(41) Kim Jong-Hwan (villager):
2011/ got police investigation on July 17
* He is currently imprisoned along with mayor Kang Dong-Kyun and activist Kim Dong-Won since Aug. 24, as of Oct. 12, 2011. There should be lots of police call letters to him. But the specific records are missed. His case needs compensation later.
(42) Goh Young-Jin (villager):
2011/ Charge: violation of Public Waters Act on July 25
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business (June 20 sit-in in the naval base business committee bldg. complex)/ Accuser: Kim Dong-Shin/ call letter date: Aug. 4
(43) Kim Kyung-Ja (villager):
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business (June 20 sit-in in the naval base business committee bldg. complex)/ Accuser: Kim Dong-Shin/ call letter date: Aug. 4
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24
(44) Lee Young-Ja (villager):
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business (June 20 sit-in in the naval base business committee bldg. complex)/ Accuser: Kim Dong-Shin/ call letter date: Aug. 4
(45) Jung Soon-Sun (villager):
Charge: obstruction of business
Charge: violation of law on the Public Waters Act
2011/ Charge: obstruction of traffic on Aug. 24
(46) Han Choon-Sun (villager):
2011/ Charge: obstruction of the performance of official duties
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24
(47) Cho Yong-Hoon (villager):
Charge: obstruction of the performance of official duties
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24
(48) Kim Min-Sou (villager):
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business/ Accuser: Jo Hun-Je/ call letter date: July 10
2011/ Charge: violation of law related to the Public Waters Act / Accuser: Director of the Jeju naval base business committee / call letter date: July 26
2011/ Charge: violation of law related to the Public Waters Act (house installation on May 30/ Accuser: Director of the Jeju naval base business committee / call letter date: July 25
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24 (* arrested on Sept. 1)
(49) Kim Mi-Ryang (villager):
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24
2011/ Charge: obstruction of traffic on Aug. 24
2011/ Arrested on Sept. 2 when there was a police raid and resistance to it
(50) Kang Young-Geun (villager):
2011/ Charge: obstruction of traffic
2011/ Charge: obstruction of traffic on Aug. 24
(51) Lee Hye-Sook (villager):
2011/ Charge: obstruction of traffic on Aug. 24
(52) Kim Hoon-Sub (villager):
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24
(53) Kim Young-Mi (villager):
2011/ Arrested on Sept. 2 when there was a police raid and resistance to it
(54) Yang Yoon-Mo (movie critic):
2010/ Charge: obstruction of business etc. / Result: 2million won fine
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business, act of violence etc/ Result: 1st court decision of one and half year imprisonment but two years’ probation
* Arrested on April 9 and imprisoned by June 1. He got the court decision of 1 and half year imprisonment but two year’s probation. Many details of his records are missed here.
(55) Song Kang-Ho (activist):
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business (on the measuring of maritime water depth on June 18)/ Accuser: Lee Kyung-Ho, field director of the Doyang Co./ Call letter date: July 1
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business/ Accuser: Jung Jin-Do/ Call letter date: May 23
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business on June 9/ Accuser: Cho Hun-Je/ Call letter date: July 4
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business on June 9, 20, 21, 22 + June 18/ Accuser: Jo Hun-Je, field director of the Chosuk construction company +Lee Kyung-Ho, field director of the Doyang corporation/ Call letter date: July 18
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business/ Accuser: Jo Hun-Je/ Call letter date: July 9
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business/ Accuser: Jung Jin-Do, Woochang maritime construction company/ Call letter date: June 22
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business/ Accuser: Jung Jin-Do/ Call letter date: June 28
2011/ Charge: violation of law on the Public Waters Management and Reclamation (house installation on May 30/ Accuser: Director of the Jeju naval base business committee / call letter date: July 19
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business/ Accuser: Jung Jin-Do/ Call letter date: April 28
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business/ Accuser: Jung Jin-Do/ Call letter date: May 13
2011/ Charge: violation of law on the Public Waters Management and Reclamation / Accuser:
Director of the Jeju naval base business committee / call letter date: July 25
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24
(56) Hong Ki-Ryong (activist):
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business on June 9/ Accuser: Cho Hun-Je/ Call letter date: July 4
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business/ Accuser: Cho Hun-Je: Call letter date: July 12
2011/ Charge: violation of law on the public waters management and reclamation (installation of house on May 30)/ Accuser: Jeju naval base business/ Call letter date: July 20
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business by an accuser: Cho Jun-Je on June 9, June 20 and 21, Call letter date: July 20
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24
2011/ Arrested on Sept. 2 when there was a police raid and resistance to it
(57) Go Yu-Gi (activist):
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business on June 18/ Accuser: Lee Kyung-Ho, field director of the
Doyang Co./ Call letter date: July 1
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business / Accuser: Cho Hun-Je/./ Call letter date: July 9
2011/ Charge: violation of law on the public waters management and reclamation (installation of house on May 30)/ Accuser: Jeju naval base business/ Call letter date: July 18
2011: Charge: obstruction of business on June 18, 20/ Accuser: Lee Kyung-Ho, Cho Hun-Je/ Call letter date; July 26 (2nd call)
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24
2011/ Arrested on Sept. 2 when there was a police raid and resistance to it
(58) Rev. Song Young-Sub (activist):
2011/ Arrested on Sept. 2 when there was a police raid and resistance to it
* Detailed records are missed.
(59) Goh Dae-Un (worker):
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24
(60) Choi Sung-Hee (activist):
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business / Result: 1st court decision of eight months imprisonment but two years’ probation, currently in appeal suit
* Detailed records are missed.
(61) Kim Ah-Hyun (activist):
2011/ Charge: violation of law on the public waters (installation of house on May 30)/ Accuser: Jeju naval base business/ Call letter date: July 20 (* arrested on Sept. 1)
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business /accuser: Kim Dong-Shin/ Call letter date: July 22
(62) Kim Se-Ri (activist)
2011/ Charge: violation of law on the public waters
* Detailed records are missed.
(63) Cho Sung-Bong (movie director):
2011/ Charge: violation of law on the public waters
* Got police call letters three times
(64) Park Yune-Ae (activist):
2011/ Charge: obstruction of business/ Accuser: Kim Dong-Shin/ Call letter date: July 22
2011/ Charge: violation of law on the public waters/ Accuser: Director of the Jeju naval base business committee/ Call letter date: July 26
* Detailed records are missed.
(65) Kang Dong-Soo (teacher):
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24
(66) Kang Sang-Wook (Democratic Labor Party):
2011/ Charge: obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24
(67) Bae Gi-Chul (activist):
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24
2011/ Arrested on Sept. 2 when there was a police raid and resistance to it
(68) Bou Jang-Won (worker):
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24
2011/ Arrested on Sept. 2 when there was a police raid and resistance to it
(69) Yang Yoon-Ran (worker):
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction on public affairs during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24
(70) Oh Jae-Ryong (worker):
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor
Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24
(71) Oh Han-Jung (worker):
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24
(72) Kang Hannah (activist):
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24
(73) Kwon Soul-Yong (activist):
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24
(74) Kim Dae-Jin (Democratic Party):
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24
(75) Kim Jong-Il (activist):
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24 ((* arrested on Sept. 1)
(76) Kim Tae-Won (activist):
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24
(77) Park Sung-Soo (activist):
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24
(78) Bang Eun-Mi (activist):
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24
(79) Pyon Yeon-Shik (activist):
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24
(80) Oh Doo-Hee (activist):
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24
(81) Lee Jong-Hwa (activist):
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24
(82) Lim Ho-Young (activist):
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24
(83) Jung Dauri (activist):
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24
(84) Jung Woo-Chul (activist):
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24
(85) Han Jung-Ae (activist):
2011/ Called by police for investigation under the charge of special obstruction of the performance of official duties during the stand-off with police at the time of arrest of mayor Kang Dong-Kyun on Aug. 24
(86) Fr. Moon Jung-Hyun:
2011/ Arrested on Aug. 25 when there was a police raid and resistance to it
2011/ Arrested on Sept. 30, after a daily Catholic mass in front of the naval base construction site where Fr. Lee Young-Chan protested against illegal construction and Br. Park Do-Hyun tried to stop police arrest of Fr. Lee. Fr. Moon was only filming/ Charge: Obstruction of business
(87) Fr. Lee Kang-Seo:
2011/ Arrested on Sept. 2 when there was a police raid and resistance to it
(88) Fr. Han Jae-Ho:
2011/ Arrested on Sept. 2 when there was a police raid and resistance to it
(89) Kim Bong-Hun (activist):
2011/ Arrested on Sept. 2 when there was a police raid and resistance to it
(90) Kim Hyung-Joo (activist):
2011/ Arrested on Sept. 2 when there was a police raid and resistance to it
(91) Kim Gi-Don (activist):
2011/ Arrested on Sept. 2 when there was a police raid and resistance to it
(92) Oh Hyun-Sook (activist):
2011/ Arrested on Sept. 2 when there was a police raid and resistance to it
(93) Kim Eun(?)-Bok (activist):
2011/ Arrested on Sept. 2 when there was a police raid and resistance to it
(94) unknown woman:
2011/ Arrested on Sept. 2 when there was a police raid and resistance to it
(95) Ahn Gun-Soo(activist):
2011/ Arrested on Sept. 2 when there was a police raid and resistance to it
(96) Kim Kook-Nam (New Progressive Party):
2011/ Arrested on Sept. 2 when there was a police raid and resistance to it
(97) Moon Sang-Bin (New Progressive Party):
2011/ Arrested on Sept. 2 when there was a police raid and resistance to it
(98) Kang Woon-Bong (Democratic Labor Party):
2011/ Arrested on Sept. 2 when there was a police raid and resistance to it
(99) Jang Joon-Hoo (Original name: Kim Soo-Yong):
2011/ Arrested on Sept. 2 when there was a police raid and resistance to it
2011/ Arrested on Oct. 6 when protested against navy test blast of the rocky coast/ released by Oct. 7
(100) Kim Hyung-Joo (activist):
2011/ Arrested on Sept. 2 when there was a police raid and resistance to it
(101~111) 11 students (name unknown):
2011/ Arrested by police on Oct. 2 when they attempted to cross a fence/ Released by Oct. 4
(112~115) 4 Hanjon Heavy Industry Workers (name unknown):
2011/ Arrested by police on Oct. 2 when they attempted to cross a fence/ Released by Oct. 4
(116) Fr. Lee Young-Chan:
2011/ Arrested on Sept. 30, after a daily Catholic mass in front of the naval base construction site where Fr. Lee Young-Chan protested against illegal construction/ Charge: obstruction of business
(117) Brother Park Do-Hyun:
2011/ Arrested on Sept. 30, after a daily Catholic mass in front of the naval base construction site where Fr. Lee Young-Chan protested against illegal construction and Br. Park Do-Hyun tried to stop police arrest of Fr. Lee/ Charge: Obstruction of business, violence act2011/ Arrested on Oct. 4 when he crossed over a fence, along with 8 Catholic Fathers a woman journalist/ Released on Oct. 6
(118) Fr. Song Yeon-Hong:
2011/ Arrested on Oct. 4 when crossed over a fence, along with 8 Catholic Fathers and a woman journalist/ Released on Oct. 6
(119) Fr. Kim Chang-Shin:
2011/ Arrested on Oct. 4 when crossed over a fence, along with 8 Catholic Fathers and a woman journalist/ Released on Oct. 6
(120) Fr. Yoo Jung-Hyun:
2011/ Arrested on Oct. 4 when crossed over a fence, along with 8 Catholic Fathers and a woman journalist/ Released on Oct. 6
(121) Fr. Kim Tae-Hwan:
2011/ Arrested on Oct. 4 when crossed over a fence, along with 8 Catholic Fathers and a woman journalist/ Released on Oct. 6
(122) Fr. Doo Sung-Kyun:
2011/ Arrested on Oct. 4 when crossed over a fence, along with 8 Catholic Fathers and a woman journalist/ Released on Oct. 6
(123) Fr. Lim Nam-Yong:
2011/ Arrested on Oct. 4 when crossed over a fence, along with 8 Catholic Fathers and a woman journalist/ Released on Oct. 6
(124) Fr. Kim Kyung-Min:
2011/ Arrested on Oct. 4 when crossed over a fence, along with 8 Catholic Fathers and a woman journalist/ Released on Oct. 6
(125)Fr. Jung Sung-Jong:
2011/ Arrested on Oct. 4 when crossed over a fence, along with 8 Catholic Fathers and a woman journalist/ Released on Oct. 6
(126) Jung Jae-Eun (* Journalist):
2011/ Arrested on Oct. 4 when crossed over a fence, along with 8 Catholic Fathers / Released on
Oct. 6
(127) Fr. Moon Kyu-Hyun:
2011/ Arrested on Oct. 6 when protested against navy test blast of the rocky coast/ released by Oct. 7
(128) Han Kyung-Rye:
2011/ Arrested on Oct. 6 when protested against navy test blast of the rocky coast/ released by Oct. 7
(129) Kim Mi-Kyung:
2011/ Arrested on Oct. 6 when protested against navy test blast of the rocky coast/ released by Oct. 7
(130) Hwang Hyun-Jin:
2011/ Arrested on Oct. 6 when protested against navy test blast of the rocky coast/ released by Oct. 7
(131) Lee Jong-Hwa:
2011/ Arrested on Oct. 6 when protested against navy test blast of the rocky coast/ released by Oct. 7
Date of incident: from 2007 onwards
Place of incident: In Gangjeong Village, Jeju Island
I am writing to voice my deepest concern regarding the ongoing arrest and detention against villagers and rights defenders who have held peaceful assembles and demonstrations near the construction site of naval base in Gangjeong village, Jeju Island from 2007 onwards.
According to the information received, Gangjeong village in Jeju Island was designated for a naval base in 2007. Before launching the plan to build a facility, it is needed as legal step that the relevant authority must have the consent of the resident in that area and decide at a meeting of the villagers. However, according to an interview with Mr. Kang Dong-Kyun, the head of Gangjeong village, a meeting for approval of the naval base was illegally held and only 87 out of 1,900 villagers participated in the meeting and everything was passed without due process except the essential area regarding the naval base of place. The construction has started and has been going on while no investigation has been made in spite of the illegality of the meeting.
It is reported that the local police arbitrarily arrested and detained villagers and rights defenders and have taken legal actions against them for their peaceful demonstration as the protester's demands are related to opposing the construction of naval base there. Due to this legal action, the name listed above have been charged with special obstruction of the performance of official duties by the police as well as obstruction of business by the construction company which are constructing the naval base.
I would like to raise some points out of the many which have arisen over the current situation in Gangjeong village, Jeju Island.
When the serious allegation that the decision making process was illegally held in 2007 was raised, and in fact, over 94 percent of residents in Jeju Island opposed the construction of naval base there, not a single investigation has been conducted. Based on this critical flaw, the construction for naval base was pushed forward as a national policy by the local and central government. If taking an example of the Gangjeong, the government seems to have given a message that the end always justifies the means and it is a unimaginable setback not only the democratic values but also the rule of law.
Secondly, I am shocked to learn that any assembly and demonstration even for praying by religious group with regards to the issue of naval base is prohibited. If there is, the local police repeatedly arbitrarily arrest and detain those protesters and released. Soon after, the legal action follows. At the end of this repeated practice by the law enforcement agencies, it gives clear message to the public that any person will face same trouble as those villagers have already faced. The Gangjeong village becomes now a place where no assembly and demonstration is accepted and freedom of expression and opinion is now in danger by the legal action. It is unacceptable that taking this legal action impede the discourse in accordance with selective law which does not facilitate the protection of the right to peaceful assembly and demonstration.
I would like to remind the government of South Korea to the fact that the role of government is to encourage everyone to speak about the problems and find a way to solve the disputed matters not discouraging through legal action. Unfortunately, what the government has demonstrated so far is that the people are forced to comply with the government policy although it ignores the democratic process and rule of law in the country.
Under these circumstances, I strongly urge you to withdraw all charges imposed on the villagers and rights activists for their peaceful assembly and demonstration and stop further arrest and detention in accordance with the international human rights norms and standards and legal actions against them. I also urge you to investigate the flaw which was found in the process of villagers' decision making process and its result should reflect on the current construction.
Gangjeong which was once peaceful fishing village in Jeju Island now becomes a dead society after the repeated arrests, detentions and legal actions. The question must be asked as to how such a peaceful village has now become a place where hatred and mistrust between the government and villagers dominates.
Yours sincerely,
1. Mr. Lee Myung-Bak
1 Sejong-no, Jongno-gu
Seoul, 110-820
Fax: +82 2 770 4751
E-mail: or or
2. Mr. Kwon Jea-Jin
Minister of Justice
88 Gwanmon-ro, Gwachon-si
Gyonggi Province 427-760
Tel: +82 2 503 7023
Fax: +82 2 2110 3079 / 503 7046
3. Mr. Han Sang-Dea
Prosecutor General
Supreme Prosecutor's Office
1730-1, Seocho3-dong
Seocho-gu, Seoul
Fax: +82 2 3480 2555
Tel: +82 2 3480 2000
4. Mr. Maeng Hyeong-Gyu
Ministry of Public Administration and Security
77-6 Sejongno Jongno-gu, Seoul
Tel: +82 2 2100 3399
E-mail: or
5. Mr. Kim Kwan-Jin
Ministry of National Defense
No. 1, Yongsan-dong 3-ga
Yongsan-gu, Seoul
Tel: +82 2 748 1111
Fax: +82 2 748 6895
6. Mr. Oo Geun-Min
The government of Jeju-do
312-1, Yeon-dong, Jeju-si, Jeju-do
Fax: +82 64 710 3009
Thank you.
Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (