PAKISTAN: A human rights defender suffers an illegal and unwarranted raid by the Rangers

Dear friends,
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a leader of a fisher folk rights-based movement and human rights activist was threatened with abduction and death by a Lieutenant Colonel of the Pakistan Rangers on 9 February 2012. At around midnight, 20-25 rangers cordoned off his house and entered it without any official orders. It is alleged that the owner of a factory bribed the ranger officers to take action against the human right activist who was working hand in hand with the factory workers to secure their labour rights. This act is a flagrant example of felony and lawbreaking by the law enforcement agency that should be condemned.
A troop of twenty-five rangers illegally and gratuitously raided the house of Mr. Muhammad Ali Shah, a profound human rights activist and the chairperson of a prominent civil society organization, the Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum.
On Thursday 9 February, 2012 around 7pm in the evening, Mr. Shah out of the spirit of camaraderie participated in a protest organised by the labourers of M/S MASCO (A Germen Garments Factory situated in Ibrahim Hyderi, Karachi) against the unjust and inhuman working conditions imposed by the management.
The peaceful protesters suffered a brutal crack including being fired upon from the upper floors of the building and also by direct firing by the MASCO Security team resulting in many casualties. Moreover a number of protesters were then abducted by the police. They were given no reason for their arrest. Mr. Shah condemned the criminal and inhuman acts of the factory management and unlawful support of the Police. He talked to the officials and had the labourers released.
This act of kindness towards the poor labourers infuriated the factory owner and he contacted one of his friends in the rangers named Lt. Col. Jawaid.
The Rangers already had a grudge against Mr. Shah due to his campaign against the contract system that led the Rangers to take control of various water bodies thereby preventing the fisher folk from carrying out their occupation. Lt. Col. Jawaid therefore wasted no time in taking up his friend’s unofficial complaint. The same evening he phoned Mr. Muhammad Ali Shah, abused him verbally and threatened him with kidnapping and death. He warned Mr, Shah to keep himself away from social work or get ready to bear the harsh consequences. Mr. Shah clarified him that he was not undertaking any unlawful acts and that he was only showing support to the people who are deprived, marginalized and victims of injustice.
Lt. Col. Jawaid became even angrier and sent 20-25 armed Rangers at around midnight to kidnap Mr. Shah and teach him a lesson. The soldiers cordoned off the area where Mr. Shah lives as if they were acting against some terrorist threat and raided his house without having any legal order or complaint in black and white. Fortunately, Mr, Shah was not at home at that time otherwise he might have been treated brutally before being abducted.
This is a blatant example felony, misdemeanor and favouritism shown towards a ‘friend’ of the Rangers. However this is not a new trend as the agencies have been implacable in their attitude towards Mr. Shah as he always stood at the forefront to defend the human rights violations by state and non-state actors.
In order to condemn this act and forestall the possible threats and assault, the Pakistan Fisher Folk Forum-PFF held a series of protests throughout the entire province of Sindh.
The Pakistan Fisher folk Forum has a very effective network of national and international friends who have always extended their full support from across the globe whenever needed. Please show your solidarity by forwarding the letter given below to the relevant authorities.
Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum (PFF) is a civil society organization. It began its struggle almost 14 years ago to advance the goal of socioeconomic and political justice for the fishermen of Pakistan. PFF known as a welfare organization has accomplished number of achievements in a short span of time which have promoted its status from a welfare organization to a ‘mass or right based organization’. Many even call it a right based ‘social movement’ of backward and marginalized fishers of Pakistan because it has strived through a true political and democratic process and has made numerous number of volunteers, including a considerable female members, across Pakistan.
Mr. Muhammad Ali Shah; the chairperson and founder of Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum is a social activist struggling for the socio-economic and political rights of the fisher folk in Pakistan. He is also the General Secretary of World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP); an international alliance of 36 mass based national organizations of fisher folk working in 32 countries of all continents of the world. WFFP aims to protect, defend and strengthen the communities that depend on the fishery for their livelihood and play the role of global political organ of the same communities.
Mr. Shah has devoted his entire life struggling on a wide array of issues which are directly or indirectly associated with more than 4 million fishers in Pakistan. Not only the fishing community, but he is also advocating and lobbying for the rights of same the marginalized excluded communities like peasants, labours etc. Apart from many issues Mr. Shah is very much concerned regarding increasing depletion of natural resources in the sea, protection of resources from the use of destructive gears, releasing and rehabilitation of detained fishermen in Pakistani and Indian jails and the abolition of contract system on the inland water bodies.
On the records, in Sindh, there are 1209 fishing waters, including ponds, depressions, reservoirs, canals and Indus River. Millions of fisher and semi-fishers draw their livelihood from these fishing grounds of the province.
After the independence of Pakistan, till 90s fisher communities of Sindh had been fishing freely in lakes, ponds, depressions and in Indus River to earn their livelihoods. But the scenario got changed when rich and greedy poachers in company with state’s representatives started getting contracts through auctions of water bodies. Then the fishers’ survival rested at the disposal of landlords, bureaucrats and state’s weak laws in the fishing sector.
Sindh Government introduced contract system on the water bodies through which waters were auctioned to influential contractors and allowed to carry out fishing through fishers. The bureaucrats maneuvered the term ‘lease’ and ‘contract’ mentioned in the section 3[1] of the Ordinance 1980. In the beginning this exploitative system was introduced on few fishing lakes, however, gradually more and more fishing lakes were brought under this system, replacing fisher friendly License System.
Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum in the strong leadership of MR. Muhammad Ali Shah, had also run a massive advocacy-campaign against contract system which was wantonly suppressed by the Sindh government through Rangers in Badin.
He was also arrested by the police and the rangers for raising the awareness in the fishing communities about their rights and the means to get these rights. It was his continuous efforts and determination that the contract system was eventually abolished in Sindh province and the poor indigenous fishermen got entitlement to fish independently on the water bodies.
Due to this, rangers has always wage war against Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum and specially Mr. Shah and spare no chance to take any action against him no matter if they have to cross their legal boundaries.
Please write the letter mentioned below, to the relevant authorities calling for prompt action against the harassment of a fisher folk activist and human rights defender. Please urge them to take action against unlawful act by the rangers officers
The AHRC writes a separate letter to the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders.
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To support this case, please click here: SEND APPEAL LETTER
Dear ___________,
PAKISTAN: A human rights defender suffers an illegal and unwarranted raid by the Rangers
Name of victim:
Mr. Muhammad Ali Shah,
Chairman Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum (PFF)
Gen. Secretary World Forum of Fisher People (WFFP)
Karachi, Pakistan.Resident of Ibrahim Hyderi, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
Names of alleged perpetrators:
Lt. Col. Jawaid and the Rangers Officers on duty on February 9, 2012
Date of incident: 9th February 2012..
Place of incident: The house of the victim, Ibrahim Hyderi, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
I am writing to voice my deep concern regarding the harassment and illegal, gratuitous raid at the house of Mr. Muhammad Ali Shah by the Rangers. Mr. Shah is a fisher folk activist and human rights defender and the chairperson of a very prominent civil society organization Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum. A troop of around twenty-five Rangers raided Mr. Shah’s house on the 9 February.
According to the information I received, On Thursday 9 February, 2012 around 7pm in the evening, Mr. Shah out of the spirit of camaraderie participated in a protest organised by the labourers of M/S MASCO (A Germen Garments Factory situated in Ibrahim Hyderi, Karachi) against the unjust and inhuman working conditions imposed by the management.
The peaceful protesters suffered a brutal crack including being fired upon from the upper floors of the building and also by direct firing by the MASCO Security team resulting in many casualties. Moreover a number of protesters were then abducted by the police. They were given no reason for their arrest. Mr. Shah condemned the criminal and inhuman acts of the factory management and unlawful support of the Police. He talked to the officials and had the labourers released.
This act of kindness towards the poor labourers infuriated the factory owner and he contacted one of his friends in the rangers named Lt. Col. Jawaid.
I am informed that the Rangers already had a grudge against Mr. Shah due to his campaign against the contract system that led the Rangers to take control of various water bodies thereby preventing the fisher folk from carrying out their occupation. Lt. Col. Jawaid therefore wasted no time in taking up his friend’s unofficial complaint. The same evening he phoned Mr. Muhammad Ali Shah, abused him verbally and threatened him with kidnapping and death. He warned Mr, Shah to keep himself away from social work or get ready to bear the harsh consequences. Mr. Shah clarified him that he was not undertaking any unlawful acts and that he was only showing support to the people who are deprived, marginalized and victims of injustice.
According to the information I have received Lt. Col. Jawaid became even angrier and sent 20-25 armed Rangers at around midnight to kidnap Mr. Shah and teach him a lesson. The soldiers cordoned off the area where Mr. Shah lives as if they were acting against some terrorist threat and raided his house without having any legal order or complaint in black and white. Fortunately, Mr, Shah was not at home at that time otherwise he might have been treated brutally before being abducted.
I would like to emphasise that this case should not be merely taken as a violation of rules and procedures but, even more seriously as a criminal act as well as a human rights violation. It is no doubt a sheer example of felony and misdemeanor. However this is not a new trend as the agencies have been implacable in their attitude towards Mr. Shah as he always stood at the forefront to defend the human rights violations by state and non-state actors.
In order to condemn this act and forestall the possible threats and assault, the Pakistan Fisher Folk Forum-PFF held a series of protests throughout the entire province of Sindh.
I therefore, urge you to initiate an inquiry into this matter of harassment of a human right defender and fisher folk activist. I urge you to take action and prosecute the relevant personnel of the rangers, in particular, their commander, Lt. Col. Jawaid and condemn this act of sheer unlawfulness and misdemeanor.
Yours sincerely,
1. Mr. Asif Ali Zardari
President’s Secretariat
Tel:+ 92-51-9204801-9214171
Fax: + 92-51-9207458
2. Mr. Yousuf Raza Gillani,
Prime Minister
Prime Minister House
Fax: +92 51 922 1596
Tel: +92 51 920 6111
3. Federal Minister for Human Rights
Ministry of Human Rights
Old US Aid building
Ata Turk Avenue
G-5, Islamabad
Fax: +92 51 9204108
4. Dr. Faqir Hussain
Supreme Court of Pakistan
Constitution Avenue, Islamabad
Fax: + 92 51 9213452
5. Mr. Rehman Malik
Minister for Interior
R Block Pak Secretariat
Tel: +92 51 9212026 +92 51 9212026
Fax: +92 51 9202624
E-mail: or
6. Dr. Ishrat-ul-Ebad Khan
Governor of Sindh province
Karachi, Sindh Province
Fax: +92 21 920 5043
Tel: +92 21 920 1201 +92 21 920 1201 +92 21 920 1201 +92 21 920 1201
7. Syed Qaim Ali Shah
Chief Minister
Karachi, Sindh Province
Fax: +92 21 920 2000
8. Mr. Justice Musheer Alam
The Chief Justice of Sindh High Court
High Court Building
Saddar, Karachi
Sindh Province
Fax: +92 21 9213220
9. Ms. Nadia Gabol
Minister for Human Rights
Government of Sindh,
Pakistan secretariat, Barrack 92,
Karachi, Sindh Province
Fax: +92 21 9207044
Tel: +92 21 9207043 +92 21 9207043 +92 21 9207043 +92 21 9207043
Thank you.
Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (