SRI LANKA: In-Service English Teacher Advisor assaulted by the principal of Badulla Devananda Central College

Dear friends,
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that an In-Service English Teacher Advisor, Mr. Ewaduge Sisira Chandra of Ury Estate, Office Road, Thalgahathenna in Badulla District was assaulted by the principal of the Sri Devananda Central College at Mirahawatta in Badulla district on 24 May, 2011. The unprovoked assault was carried out in the full view of a number of teachers. The victim made a complaint to the Welimada Police Station but no investigation has yet started and the perpetrator has not been either questioned or arrested.
According to the information the Asian Human Rights Commission received Mr. Ewaduge Sisira Chandra of Ury Estate, Office Road, Thalgahathenna in Badulla District is an In-Service English Teacher Adviser attached to the Welimada Zonal Educational Office.
As an Advisor he is suppose to visit the schools in his zone and along with the English teachers of the particular school prepare a strategic plan to develop the English teaching plan in the school and see that it is implemented. Furthermore, he was given special instructions to work in the schools in his zone extensively in his subject to upgrade the English educational standard by the Welimada Educational Director.
On 24 May 2011 Sisira visited B/Sri Devananda Central College of Sri Devananda Mawatha, Mirahawatta, Badulla for his official duty at 8.30 am. He first went to the office of the principal as is required by protocol however, the principle was not there. He then went to meet the deputy principal of the school. Sisira informed the deputy principal that he wanted to meet the principal in order to get his permission to conduct his work and to get copies of time tables for the English subject for grades 6, 10 and 11. Sisira was told that the principal was in the assembly hall. He then wrote a small note to the principal requesting his permission to have his official visit and initiate his official work. He sent that note to the principal through the deputy principal which was duly delivered. The deputy principal then told Sisira that he was to meet the principal at the stage of the assembly hall where there was a cultural event was being held. In attendance were participating students, some teachers and some foreign visitors.
Then Sisira went to the stage and with due respect introduced himself to the principal. However, when the principal saw Sisira without warning he suddenly started to shout at him. He used the words: “Which prostitute’s son told you to come here using obscene language (Thota Kawuda Vesige Putha Mehe Enna Kiwuwe?) Then, equally suddenly the principal assaulted Sisira with several blows. The principle chased Sisira from the school.
Sisira was surprised and shocked as the incident had been witnessed by many hundreds including foreign participants, teachers and students. Sisira went directly to the Welimada Police Station and complained about the ill treatment, explaining that he had gone to the school in his official capacity as a teacher advisor. The officers on duty were at first reluctant to accept the complaint against the principal and Sisira had to remain in the station for several hours. Finally the police officers accepted the complaint and handed over the acknowledgement of complaint receipt with No: 315/370/CIB/II.
Sisira states that the principal assaulted him in public and it was cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment without any reason which constitutes the serious crime of torture under the CAT Act No: 22 of 1994. Further the principal obstructed him in his official duties without any valid reason. Further Sisira states that he was humiliated in front of large number of local and international people that caused irreparable damage to his character. Sisira states that the principal, as an executive officer, violated his fundamental rights guaranteed under the Constitution of the country by torturing him.
The Asian Human Rights Commission has reported innumerable cases of torturing of school students by teachers and principals very few of which have seen any action by the educational authorities or the police.
The State of Sri Lanka signed and ratified the CAT on 3 January 1994. Following state obligations Sri Lanka adopted Act number 22 of 1994 the law adopted by the Sri Lankan parliament making torture a crime that can be punishable for minimum seven years and not less than ten years on being proven guilty. The Attorney General of Sri Lanka is suppose to file indictments in the case where credible evidence were found on torturing people by state officers.
Please send a letter to the authorities listed below expressing your concern about this case and requesting an immediate investigation into the allegations of torturing by the state officer, and the prosecution of those proven to be responsible under the criminal law of the country for misusing powers of a state. The officers involved must also be subjected to internal investigations for the breach of the department orders as issued by the educational department.
Please note that the AHRC has also written a separate letter to the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment on this regard.
To support this case, please click here: SEND APPEAL LETTER
Dear ________,
SRI LANKA: In-Service English Teacher Advisor assaulted by the principal of Badulla Devananda Central College
Name of the victim: Mr. Ewaduge Sisira Chandra of Ury Estate, Office Road, Thalgahathenna in Badulla District
Alleged perpetrators: Principal of the B/Sri Devananda Central College of Sri Devananda Mawatha, Mirahawatta, Badulla
Date of incident: 24 May 2011
Place of incident: B/Sri Devananda Central College of Sri Devananda Mawatha, Mirahawatta, Badulla
I am writing to express my serious concern over the case of Mr. Ewaduge Sisira Chandra of Ury Estate, Office Road, Thalgahathenna in Badulla District, an In-Service English Teacher Adviser attached to the Welimada Zonal Educational Office.
As an Advisor he is suppose to visit the schools in his zone and along with the English teachers of the particular school prepare a strategic plan to develop the English teaching plan in the school and see that it is implemented. Furthermore, he was given special instructions to work in the schools in his zone extensively in his subject to upgrade the English educational standard by the Welimada Educational Director.
On 24 May 2011 Sisira visited B/Sri Devananda Central College of Sri Devananda Mawatha, Mirahawatta, Badulla for his official duty at 8.30 am. He first went to the office of the principal as is required by protocol however, the principle was not there. He then went to meet the deputy principal of the school. Sisira informed the deputy principal that he wanted to meet the principal in order to get his permission to conduct his work and to get copies of time tables for the English subject for grades 6, 10 and 11. Sisira was told that the principal was in the assembly hall. He then wrote a small note to the principal requesting his permission to have his official visit and initiate his official work. He sent that note to the principal through the deputy principal which was duly delivered. The deputy principal then told Sisira that he was to meet the principal at the stage of the assembly hall where there was a cultural event was being held. In attendance were participating students, some teachers and some foreign visitors.
Then Sisira went to the stage and with due respect introduced himself to the principal. However, when the principal saw Sisira without warning he suddenly started to shout at him. He used the words: “Which prostitute’s son told you to come here using obscene language (Thota Kawuda Vesige Putha Mehe Enna Kiwuwe?) Then, equally suddenly the principal assaulted Sisira with several blows. The principle chased Sisira from the school.
Sisira was surprised and shocked as the incident had been witnessed by many hundreds including foreign participants, teachers and students. Sisira went directly to the Welimada Police Station and complained about the ill treatment, explaining that he had gone to the school in his official capacity as a teacher advisor. The officers on duty were at first reluctant to accept the complaint against the principal and Sisira had to remain in the station for several hours. Finally the police officers accepted the complaint and handed over the acknowledgement of complaint receipt with No: 315/370/CIB/II.
Sisira states that the principal assaulted him in public and it was cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment without any reason which constitutes the serious crime of torture under the CAT Act No: 22 of 1994. Further the principal obstructed him in his official duties without any valid reason. Further Sisira states that he was humiliated in front of large number of local and international people that caused irreparable damage to his character. Sisira states that the principal, as an executive officer, violated his fundamental rights guaranteed under the Constitution of the country by torturing him.
I request your urgent intervention to ensure that the authorities listed below instigate an immediate investigation into the allegations of torture by the state officer, and the prosecution of those proven to be responsible under the criminal law of the country. The officers involved must also be subjected to internal investigations for the breach of the department orders as issued by the education department.
Yours sincerely,
1. Mr. Mahinda Balasuriya
Inspector General of Police
New Secretariat
Colombo 1
Fax: +94 11 2 440440 / 327877
2. Mr. Mohan Peiris
Attorney General
Attorney General’s Department
Colombo 12
Fax: +94 11 2 436421
3. Secretary
National Police Commission
3rd Floor, Rotunda Towers
109 Galle Road
Colombo 03
Tel: +94 11 2 395310
Fax: +94 11 2 395867
E-mail: or
4. Secretary
Sri Lanka Human Rights Commission
No. 108
Barnes Place
Colombo 07
Tel: +9411 2694925, +9411 2685980, +9411 2685981
Fax: +9411 2694924 (General) +94112696470 (Chairman)
Thank you.
Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (