PAKISTAN: Muslim woman and Christian man in mortal danger for their marriage

Dear Friends,
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding forced conversions and threats to a couple. A Christian groom, who married a Muslim bride, first converted to Islam to avoid a backlash from Muslim religious fanatics. When it was exposed that the couple had re-converted to Christianity later, they came under immense pressure; their lives have become imperiled due to the wrath of inflamed fanatics.
The groom has been attacked and injured twice in different cities, including the capital Islamabad, where the couple had been hiding. The fanatics, through their networks, have followed the movement of the couple and are threatening them that if they do not lead their lives in accordance with the injunctions of Islam they and their two minor girls will be killed. The couple and their two children are in hiding, being forced to migrate to different cities. The family is in dire financial condition and are unable to make ends meet.
The Lahore police know about the threats, attacks, and even the identity of the perpetrators, but are not providing help to the couple, as, in their opinion, the couple have committed sin. Christian Pastors have also refused to solemnize the marriage in order to avoid the threats from the religious orthodox in Pakistan, particularly in relation to charges of blasphemy.
The following information has been received from Christian’s True Spirit in Pakistan.
Nazia, 29, a Muslim, married Imran James, 34, a Christian, of her own free will, on 10 May 2006. Nazia married Imran against the wishes of her parents. Nazia’s parents wanted to arrange her marriage with another man, but she was in love with Imran. She decided to elope with Imran on the day of her marriage.
Imran took her to church to solemnize the marriage. However, the pastors refused to perform the rites as Nazia was a Muslim and religious fanatics would be likely to create a problem.
Meanwhile, Imran came to know that Nazia’s parents had registered a first information report (FIR) in the Shahadra Police Station of Lahore against Imran, his father James Masih, and his mother Perveen Bibi for the kidnapping and rape of Nazia.
Fearing arrest the couple went to a civil court, where Nazia recorded her statement that she had not been kidnapped. A lawyer suggested that the couple should get married under Islamic law, as the procedure is relatively easier. Fearing arrest, the couple went ahead and solemnized the marriage in court. Imran had to convert to Islam before he could be married to Nazia, as under Islamic law a Muslim woman cannot marry a non-Muslim.
Two Muslim persons, Mr. Atique Chaudhry and Mr. Faiz Ul-Hassan, a former Councilor, were witness to the marriage. Both Muslims were very proud to convert a Christian to Islam; for this they were praised and were given respect in the Muslim majority community. These men then took the responsibility to monitor all activities of the couple and not let them free at any moment. The two forced them to move to Ichhra, Lahore, to live amongst the Muslims and practice Islam. They were also forced to observe prayers and fast during the holy month of Ramzan.
Imran and Nazia, however, did and do not wanted to live as Muslims. Therefore, they went to church and requested yet again for a Christian marriage ceremony. After repeated requests, the pastor at the local church finally agreed to register their marriage as Christians on 26 October 2006. The couple converted to Christianity secretly, fearing persecution from their neighbors.
The couple was blessed with two daughters Maria and Ammara. The community forced the coule to send the girls to a Madrassa (Islamic center) to get Islamic education. Soon thereafter it became known that the couple had converted to Christianity. Persecution by religious fanatics began in earnest subsequently.
Imran and Nazia started receiving death threats from Atique Chaudhry and Faiz Ul-Hassan, the witnesses to their Islamic marriage under duress. The couple was asked to mend their ways otherwise they would be killed. Meanwhile, Nazia gave birth to a dead child because of depression and fear. Imran was asked to bury his dead child in a Muslim cemetery and perform the last rites according to Islam. But, Imran refused, choosing instead to bury his child in a Christian graveyard. The Muslim religious extremists and especially the men witness to Imran and Nazia’s Muslim marriage started to openly to harass the couple and threatened to make the couple’s life a constant misery.
Fearing for their life and the continuous monitoring, the couple began shifting to different places, but always faced the same problem. Imran was even attacked and injured. The family has relocated to several places, including to Islamabad. On May 2007, they shifted to Bank Stop in Lahore and lived there in hiding for two years. In June 2009, Mohammad Atique Chaudhry tracked them down through the parents of Imran and forced them to return to Ichhra, Lahore, to live amongst the Muslims.
On 28 June 2012, the family escaped to Kala Shah Kaku, Lahore, which was far away from their old place; they stayed there for 17 days with a family friend; then they moved to another district, Muridkey, where they stayed in a rented house for 15 days. The couple was however tracked and followed by Atique. This forced them to flee to Islamabad, on 9 January 2013. It is in Islamabad that Imran was attacked; he was shot and injured. He was shot in the leg. His attackers then drove their motorbike over Imran’s injured leg, fracturing it. Because of the shooting local people gathered, forcing the assailants to flee, leaving Imran injured but alive.
On 10 September 2013, Imran and Nadia shifted to Nadia’s maternal uncle’s home in Hafizabad, Punjab, and lived there for almost five months. But, they were asked to leave, because the relatives did not want to offend Nadia’s parents. Then for six months, Imran and Nadia were able to lead a normal life. He stared to do small work in the area and earn good money for the family but the peace didn’t last long. Soon the couple found themselves being followed and harassed by the same people who had forced them to flee their native town. Therefore, Nadia requested help from her maternal aunt in Gujranwala and went there on 6 March 2014.
The family has moved between different cities seeking help from different organizations. Since March 2015, Imran and Nadia have live independently in a rented house in Lahore. Despite his injury, Imran is forced to work to support the family. He cannot afford medical care for his injured leg, which still hasn’t healed properly. In May 2015, he was again beaten severely by some unknown Muslims, who threatened to kill him if he didn’t revert back to Islam. His attackers told him that though he was spared in Islamabad he would be killed this time.
A Christian coworker offered Imran place in his house, but after 2 months he requested Imran to leave, as he did not want to put his family in danger.
Nadia and Imran and their daughters are presently living in hiding in a rented house of a family friend. On 5 October 2015, Imran received threats by phone; the caller gave him time to convert to Islam and if he failed to comply he would be killed. He duly informed the Chief City Police Officer (CCPO) of Lahore through an application about the threats and phone calls he received, but the police have taken no action.
Imran is afraid to go out and earn; the family situation is tough; he has a room to live at a friend’s house but food is scarce. Often, the family has sleep on empty stomachs and without their basic needs being met. Imran is unable to provide a secure and proper life to his family. His daughters cannot go to school due to fear.
On 10 October 2015, Imran and Nadia requested Christian True Spirit, a local NGO, for shelter, as they have been unable secure a safe place to live. Nazia is facing threat to her life by family members as well because they see her elopement as a matter of dishonor.
They family members are unable to live a normal life as guaranteed under the Constitution of Pakistan. They are being denied the right to practice their religion as guaranteed to each individual by the international human rights charter as well as the Constitution. The family is being made to suffer at the hands of individuals claiming to be guardians of religion. And, there is no sign of those who attacked Imran being investigated and prosecuted.
Please write letters to the following authorities, calling on them to provide the best possible security, as the couple and their children are in danger of being accused of blasphemy and killed. The government must assure the freedom of belief and faith according to Constitution Article 20 of the Constitution (freedom to profess religion), Article 4 (right of individual to be dealt with in accordance with law), Article 9 (security of individual persons), Article 15 (freedom of movement), Article 35 (protection of family) and Article 36 (protection of minorities). The police officials, including Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) and Station House Officer (SHO) of Shahadra Police station Lahore must be prosecuted. The victim, Imran Masih must be provided with medical treatment.
The AHRC is writing a separate letter to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Question of Freedom of Faith and Beliefs calling for his intervention into this matter.
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Dear ………………..,
PAKISTAN: Muslim woman and Christian man in mortal danger for their marriage
Name of victims:
1. Nazia, 29, wife of Imran James, a Muslim who has converted to Christianity, and resident of Samanabad, Lahore, Punjab
2. Imran James, 34, a Christian, and resident of Samanabad, Lahore, Punjab
3. Miss Maria, 7, daughter of Imran James, resident of Samanabad, Lahore, Punjab
4. Miss Ammara, 4, daughter of Imran James, resident of Samanabad, Lahore, Punjab
Names of alleged perpetrators:
1. Mr. Atique Chaudhry, resident of Ichra, Lahore, Punjab
2. Mr. Faiz Ul-Hassan, former Councilor, Ichra, Lahore, Punjab
3. Station-House Officer, Shahadra Police Station, Lahore Punjab
4. Deputy Superintendent of Police, Shahadra, Lahore, Punjab
Date of incident: From 2006 to date
Place of incident: Ichra, Lahore, Punjab
I am writing to voice my deep concern regarding the forced conversions and threats to a couple. A Christian groom, who married a Muslim bride, first converted to Islam to avoid a backlash from Muslim religious fanatics. When it was exposed that the couple had re-converted to Christianity later, they came under immense pressure; their lives have become imperiled due to the wrath of inflamed fanatics.
The groom has been attacked and injured twice in different cities, including the capital Islamabad, where the couple had been hiding. The fanatics, through their networks, have followed the movement of the couple and are threatening them that if they do not lead their lives in accordance with the injunctions of Islam they and their two minor girls will be killed. The couple and their two children are in hiding, being forced to migrate to different cities. The family is in dire financial condition and are unable to make ends meet.
It is shocking that The Lahore police know about the threats, attacks, and even the identity of the perpetrators, but are not providing help to the couple, as, in their opinion, the couple have committed sin. Christian Pastors have also refused to solemnize the marriage in order to avoid the threats from the religious orthodox in Pakistan, particularly in relation to charges of blasphemy.
According to the information I received that Nazia, 29, a Muslim, married Imran James, 34, a Christian, of her own free will, on 10 May 2006. Nazia married Imran against the wishes of her parents. Nazia’s parents wanted to arrange her marriage with another man, but she was in love with Imran. She decided to elope with Imran on the day of her marriage.
I also shocked to know that Imran took her to church to solemnize the marriage. However, the pastors refused to perform the rites as Nazia was a Muslim and religious fanatics would be likely to create a problem.
Meanwhile, Imran came to know that Nazia’s parents had registered a first information report (FIR) in the Shahadra Police Station of Lahore against Imran, his father James Masih, and his mother Perveen Bibi for the kidnapping and rape of Nazia.
Fearing arrest the couple went to a civil court, where Nazia recorded her statement that she had not been kidnapped. A lawyer suggested that the couple should get married under Islamic law, as the procedure is relatively easier. Fearing arrest, the couple went ahead and solemnized the marriage in court. Imran had to convert to Islam before he could be married to Nazia, as under Islamic law a Muslim woman cannot marry a non-Muslim.
I am appalled that two Muslim persons, Mr. Atique Chaudhry and Mr. Faiz Ul-Hassan, a former Councilor, were witness to the marriage. Both Muslims were very proud to convert a Christian to Islam; for this they were praised and were given respect in the Muslim majority community. These men then took the responsibility to monitor all activities of the couple and not let them free at any moment. The two forced them to move to Ichhra, Lahore, to live amongst the Muslims and practice Islam. They were also forced to observe prayers and fast during the holy month of Ramzan.
Imran and Nazia, however, did and do not wanted to live as Muslims. Therefore, they went to church and requested yet again for a Christian marriage ceremony. After repeated requests, the pastor at the local church finally agreed to register their marriage as Christians on 26 October 2006. The couple converted to Christianity secretly, fearing persecution from their neighbors.
The couple was blessed with two daughters Maria and Ammara. The community forced the coule to send the girls to a Madrassa (Islamic center) to get Islamic education. Soon thereafter it became known that the couple had converted to Christianity. Persecution by religious fanatics began in earnest subsequently.
I here poit out that Imran and Nazia started receiving death threats from Atique Chaudhry and Faiz Ul-Hassan, the witnesses to their Islamic marriage under duress. The couple was asked to mend their ways otherwise they would be killed. Meanwhile, Nazia gave birth to a dead child because of depression and fear. Imran was asked to bury his dead child in a Muslim cemetery and perform the last rites according to Islam. But, Imran refused, choosing instead to bury his child in a Christian graveyard. The Muslim religious extremists and especially the men witness to Imran and Nazia’s Muslim marriage started to openly to harass the couple and threatened to make the couple’s life a constant misery.
Fearing for their life and the continuous monitoring, the couple began shifting to different places, but always faced the same problem. Imran was even attacked and injured. The family has relocated to several places, including to Islamabad. On May 2007, they shifted to Bank Stop in Lahore and lived there in hiding for two years. In June 2009, Mohammad Atique Chaudhry tracked them down through the parents of Imran and forced them to return to Ichhra, Lahore, to live amongst the Muslims.
On 28 June 2012, the family escaped to Kala Shah Kaku, Lahore, which was far away from their old place; they stayed there for 17 days with a family friend; then they moved to another district, Muridkey, where they stayed in a rented house for 15 days. The couple was however tracked and followed by Atique. This forced them to flee to Islamabad, on 9 January 2013. It is in Islamabad that Imran was attacked; he was shot and injured. He was shot in the leg. His attackers then drove their motorbike over Imran’s injured leg, fracturing it. Because of the shooting local people gathered, forcing the assailants to flee, leaving Imran injured but alive.
On 10 September 2013, Imran and Nadia shifted to Nadia’s maternal uncle’s home in Hafizabad, Punjab, and lived there for almost five months. But, they were asked to leave, because the relatives did not want to offend Nadia’s parents. Then for six months, Imran and Nadia were able to lead a normal life. He stared to do small work in the area and earn good money for the family but the peace didn’t last long. Soon the couple found themselves being followed and harassed by the same people who had forced them to flee their native town. Therefore, Nadia requested help from her maternal aunt in Gujranwala and went there on 6 March 2014.
The family has moved between different cities seeking help from different organizations. Since March 2015, Imran and Nadia have live independently in a rented house in Lahore. Despite his injury, Imran is forced to work to support the family. He cannot afford medical care for his injured leg, which still hasn’t healed properly. In May 2015, he was again beaten severely by some unknown Muslims, who threatened to kill him if he didn’t revert back to Islam. His attackers told him that though he was spared in Islamabad he would be killed this time.
A Christian coworker offered Imran place in his house, but after 2 months he requested Imran to leave, as he did not want to put his family in danger.
Nadia and Imran and their daughters are presently living in hiding in a rented house of a family friend. On 5 October 2015, Imran received threats by phone; the caller gave him time to convert to Islam and if he failed to comply he would be killed. He duly informed the Chief City Police Officer (CCPO) of Lahore through an application about the threats and phone calls he received, but the police have taken no action.
Imran is afraid to go out and earn; the family situation is tough; he has a room to live at a friend’s house but food is scarce. Often, the family has sleep on empty stomachs and without their basic needs being met. Imran is unable to provide a secure and proper life to his family. His daughters cannot go to school due to fear.
On 10 October 2015, Imran and Nadia requested Christian True Spirit, a local NGO, for shelter, as they have been unable secure a safe place to live. Nazia is facing threat to her life by family members as well because they see her elopement as a matter of dishonor.
They family members are unable to live a normal life as guaranteed under the Constitution of Pakistan. They are being denied the right to practice their religion as guaranteed to each individual by the international human rights charter as well as the Constitution. The family is being made to suffer at the hands of individuals claiming to be guardians of religion. And, there is no sign of those who attacked Imran being investigated and prosecuted.
I hereby call upon you to provide the best possible security, as the couple and their children are in danger of being accused of blasphemy and killed. I also urge that the government must assure the freedom of belief and faith according to Constitution Article 20 of the Constitution (freedom to profess religion), Article 4 (right of individual to be dealt with in accordance with law), Article 9 (security of individual persons), Article 15 (freedom of movement), Article 35 (protection of family) and Article 36 (protection of minorities). The police officials, including Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) and Station House Officer (SHO) of Shahadra Police station Lahore must be prosecuted. The victim, Imran Masih must be provided with medical treatment.
I am also writing a separate letter to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Question of Freedom of Faith and Beliefs calling for his intervention into this matter.
Yours Sincerely,
1.Mr. Mian Mohammad Nawaz Sharif
Prime Minister
Prime Minister House
Fax: +92 51 922 1596
Tel: +92 51 920 6111
E-mail: or
2. Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan
Federal Minister for Interior
R Block, Pak Secretariat
Islamabad (Pakistan)
Tele : 0092-51-9212026
Fax: 0092-51-9202624
Email Address:
3. Federal Minister of Law and Human Rights
Ministry of Law, Justice and Human Rights
Old US Aid building
Ata Turk Avenue
G-5, Islamabad
Fax: +92 51 9204108
4. Mr. Rafiq Rajwana
Governor of Punjab
Governor House
Mall Road
Lahore, Punjab
Fax: +92 42 99203044
5. Mr. Chief Justice of Punjab Province
Lahore High Court
Shahra-e-Quaid-e-Azam, Lahore
Tel: +92 42 99212951-66
Fax: +92 42 99212279
6. Mr. Shahbaz Sharif
Chief Minister
Government of Punjab
Province’ Chief Minister
Secretariat’ 5-Club Road
GOR-I, Lahore, Punjab
Fax: +92 42 99205065
7. Mr. Justice Tahir Shahbaz
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Pakistan
Constitution Avenue, Islamabad
Fax: +92 51 9213452
8. Mr. Rana Sana Ullah Khan
Minister of Law
Government of Punjab
Punjab Secretariat
Ravi Road
Lahore, Punjab
Fax: +92 42 99212004
Thank you.
Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (