BANGLADESH: Businessman remains missing for ten years while police deny credible investigation – family struggles to survive despite attacks from thugs

Dear friends,
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a businessman named Mr. Md. Karamat Ali of Satkhira district town has been missing for ten years. Md. Hossain Ali, the prime suspect in the disappearance of the victim, has run a business right in front of the police station for the past ten years. Local thugs have targeted the family’s business centre aiming to grab possession of their property, which has been looted in broad daylight. Police inaction regarding this case amounts to a denial of an investigation in the matter. Relevant governmental authorities, including the Courts, appear to be useless in addressing the endless problems of the family of the missing person.
Mr. Md. Karamat Ali, aged around 30 years, ran a business of supplying seeds for various crops. He had a shop named Al-Ameen Seed House (Store of Seeds) at the Barobazar Jam-E- Mosque Market at Sultanpur in Satkhira district town. He used to travel to nearby and faraway places to collect quality seeds as well as overdue money from buyers across the country.
According to our information, Karamat on 21 May 2002, left his shop accompanied by one of his staff named Mr. Md. Hossain Ali. This man, now and then, used to keep the keys of Karamat’s shop in the owner’s absence to facilitate the collection of seeds and any money still owed. Mrs. Rawshan Ara Khatun, Katamat’s wife, and 7-year old daughter Tania Ferdous, became worried about Karamat because his business trip appeared to be abnormally prolonged.
For several months the family searched for Karamat’s whereabouts checking probable places of business-partners, relatives and hospitals. While the family continued searching, Rawshan Ara lodged a General Dairy (No. 1038) with the Satkhira Sadar police station on 21 July 2002 seeking police intervention in locating and rescuing the missing man along with one of his staff.
In the meantime, Karamat’s staff, Md. Hossain Ali, returned to the Satkhira town. When the victim’s wife met Hossain, she asked about his trip with her husband and where he was at the present time. Hossain informed her that both he and Karamat went to Dhaka together on business and Karamat was still finishing certain important deals with his business partners. He asked Hossain to return to Satkhira to take care of the business locally. For the time being Rawshan Ara trusted Hossain’s version of the trip and hoped that her husband would return home soon. In fact, Karamat did not return in the following months.
Rawshan Ara, together with her relatives, questioned Hossain further regarding the business trip with Karamat, and insisted on more convincing answers. Hossain’s information appeared to be inconsistent following repeated relevant questions from Karamat’s family. They also observed that Hossain’s behavior was suspicious. Suddenly, Hossain went into hiding. Rawshan Ara was successful in locating Hossain and appointed him to run the Al-Ameen Seed House. This was done so that the family could avoid financial hardship besides getting the necessary financial resources to keep up the search for her husband.
Hossain continued his job at Karamat’s Al-Ameen Seed House. After some time he stopped giving money to Rawshan Ara and her family with nothing but lame excuses. She tried to understand the reason for Hossain’s new attitude. She came to know that Hossain secretly managed to get a new trade license as the owner of the Al-Ameen Seed House. This was a blatant attempt at grabbing the family business. Rawshan Ara then removed Hossain from the shop, appointing another person to take care of the business. She also suspected that Hossain might be involved in her husband’s prolonged absence, or that in his greed, he might even have killed her husband.
On 1 November 2009, Rawshan Ara lodged a complaint with the Chief Judicial Magistrate’s Court of Satkhira district against Md. Hossain Ali. The complaint was recorded as C R No. 473/09 under Sections 364, 406, 408 and 109 of the Penal Code-1860. An allegation of abduction followed by suspected murder and disappearance of the person of Karamat was featured in the complaint. The Court, on 3 November 2009, ordered (Memo No. 245, dated 3 November 2009) the Satkhira Sadar police to record the complaint and investigate the alleged incident. The Satkhira Sadar police did as they were directed and recorded the complaint as First Information Report (FIR) no. 18 on 9 November and finally registered it as G R (Government Registrar) No. 581/09.
Mr. Abdus Sabur, Sub-Inspector (SI) of Satkhira Sadar police station was assigned as the Investigating Officer (IO). He did almost nothing on the investigation and was subsequently transferred to Paikgachha police station in the Khulna district. Mr. Asadul Islam, a Probationary Sub-Inspector, became the new IO. He allegedly received bribes from the so-called perpetrator and remained silent throughout the period of his service in the Satkhira Sadar police station. Mr. Fakir Azizur Rahman, SI of the Satkhira Sadar police station, was then given the responsibility of investigating the case with no subsequent progress and he too was transferred out to the Kolaroa police station of Satkhira district. Later on, Mr. Abu Jafar, a SI of Satkhira Sadar police, was assigned as the IO of the case.
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) tried to ascertain the progress of the investigation from the former IO’s and the current IO as well. The first IO,SI Mr. Abdus Sabur, died of cardiac arrest a few months ago. SI Asadul Islam and SI Fakir Azizur Rahman recounted that they could not recall matters of the case as some years had already passed by. The current IO, SI Mr. Abu Jafar,blamed his predecessors for not doing anything at the early stages of the case. The AHRC learned that Hossain Ali, the accused in the Karamat missing case, continues to run his own business in a shop just 500 meters away from the Satkhira Sadar police station while the police investigators continue to thrive with their excuses of short memory recall or negligent colleagues.
Ms. Rawshan Ara Khatun stated that for the past ten years the police have done nothing to rescue or find out the truth about her missing husband. Her daughter Ms. Tania Ferdous has grown up, is 17 years of age, and has been deprived of her father’s love and affection. The family has been facing socio-economic crises due to the father’s disappearance. Ms. Tania told the AHRC, “I have been missing my father for the last ten years. My mother informed the police ten years ago, seeking their intervention, but we have seen nothing at all. I don’t know why we have police and courts in this country?”
The family of Md. Karamat Ali has been facing another challenge from the Barobazar Jam-E- Mosque Committee, which maintains the authority of selling or renting the possessions of the shops at its Market. According to the documents preserved by Karamat’s family, Karamat started his business 22 years ago, in 1990. He purchased two shops, paying BDT 81,000.00 (USD 2,314.00, as per the going exchange rate), which was a huge amount of money at that time in the economic context of Bangladesh. According to an agreement between Karamat and Barobazar Jam-E- Mosque Committee, Karamat shall have the possession of the two shops as long as the Barobazar Jam-E- Mosque Market exists.
On 29 April 2010, the Barobazar Jam-E- Mosque Committee declared that it cancelled the possession of the two shops occupied by Karamat’s family, without any prior notice or any just reason. This unlawful decision appeared to be another blow out of the blue for Karamat’s wife and child, who direly depend on the income of the shop. When all efforts of negotiation with the Barobazar Jam-E- Mosque Committee were not successful, Rawshan Ara then filed two complaints against the leaders of the Committee and its allies – some of whom are interested in occupying the shops if Rawshan Ara’s possession is cancelled.
The first complaint (Petition Case No. 1188/11) was registered against the same group of people on 29 December 2011 under Section 145 of the Code of Criminal Procedure-1898. The following persons were accused in the complaint: 1. Hafizur Rahman, son of late Mr. Abdus Samad, village- Polashpole, 2. Ramzaj Ali, 3. Anar Ali, 4. Muzibur Rahman, 5. Mizanur Rahman, sons of Mr. Abdul Mazed, village- Katia. The Court ordered Satkhira Sadar police to investigate the case on the day of registering the complaint. Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) of police Mr. S M Asad was assigned by the OC as OI. On 26 January 2012, the police officer submitted his report, which mentioned that one of Karamat’s shops was locked and under the control of the Mosque Committee. The other shop was taken over and run by Mr. Mozammel Hoque, son of Mr. Azharu Haque, Village- Mautala of Kaliganj upazilla, who was the staff of Rawshan Ara. The police stated that the present operation of the two shops was legal. On 11 April 2012, the case was closed by the Court following the police report.
The order of closing the case by the Magistrate’s Court was challenged by Rawshan Ara with the Sessions Court. She filed a Criminal Revision Case (No. 88/12) on 10 May 2012 with the Sessions Court of Satkhira district. The Court, through a prolonged procedure, has fixed 2 October 2012 as the next date for hearing the case.
The second complaint was registered on 11 January 2012, under Section 107 of the Code of Criminal Procedure-1898, with the Chief Judicial Magistrate’s Court of Satkhira district (Petition Case No. 45/12). Following Rawshan Ara’s case, the alleged accused appeared before the Court and gave testimony in writing, 15 March 2012, that they (1. Hafizur Rahman, son of late Mr. Abdus Samad, village- Polashpole, 2. Ramzaj Ali, 3. Anar Ali, 4. Muzibur Rahman, 5. Mizanur Rahman, sons of Mr. Abdul Mazed, village- Katia, 6. Salam Sarder, son of Sarwar a.k.a. Saru Sarder, village- Sultanpur, 7. Mizanur Rahman Elahi a.k.a. Gur Mizan, 8. Md. Hossain Ali (Sadia Seed House), son of late Raju Goldar, village- Ghona, 9. Masum (Satkhira Light House), Village- Sultanpur, 10. Shafikul a.k.a. Gher Khokon, village- Dahakula are accused in the case) should never enter the shop in question in future. On the same date the Court ordered the parties to maintain the status-quo over the possession of the shops, which was followed by the conflicting parties for only a few days.
After giving the testimony before the Court,the alleged accused, including the leaders of the Barobazar Jam-E- Mosque Committee and hopeful-occupants of the shops, started hunting for alternative ways to grab the two shops. On 12 April 2012 the leaders of the Mosque Committee and the hopeful-occupants attacked the shop. They beat Rawshan Ara’s staff, Mr. Mozammel Haque, who was seriously injured and hospitalized for treatment. They also snatched Mozammel’s cell phone and money in the shop. The perpetrators looted goods. They forcibly took signatures of Rawshan Ara and Mozammel Haque on blank judicial stamps.
Following the attack, Rawshan Ara immediately informed the police seeking prompt action. Regrettably, the police did not come to her assistance. Then, on 17 April, she lodged another case (No. 210) with the Chief Judicial Magistrate’s Court of Satkhira district. She brought allegation against 1) Abdul Gafur, son of late Desar Ali, 2) Hafizur Rahman, son of late Mr. Abdus Samad, village- Polashpole, 3) Salam Sarder, son of Sarwar a.k.a. Saru Sarder, village- Sultanpur, 4) Mizan, son of late Wazed, village- Dahakula, 5) Ramzan Ali, 6) Muzibur Rahman, 7) Mizanur Rahman, 8) Anar, sons of Mr. Abdul Mazed, village- Katia, 9) Masum (Satkhira Light House), Village- Sultanpur, 10) Md. Hossain Ali (Sadia Seed House), son of late Raju Goldar, village- Ghona, 11) Shafikul a.k.a. Gher Khokon, village- Dahakula, 12) Subid Hasan Bilu, son of Shafikul Islam a.k.a. Gher Khokon, village- Dahakula and12 unidentified persons. The complaint was registered under Sections 143, 447, 448, 323, 380, 386, 506(2), 114 of Penal Code 1860.
The Court ordered the Officer of Ansar and Village Defence Party, Mr. Md. Shahidul Alam, of Satkhira district to investigate the case. The officer maintained silence since the Court ordered him to conduct the investigation on 22 April under Memo No. 171 which required this. On one occasion, the officer called the parties and witnesses into his office as part of the investigation and on another occasion he visited the scene of the crime in person. The eye-witnesses testified before the officer giving detailed information about the attack and looting of the Al-Ameen Seed House by the alleged perpetrators. The officer admitted to the Karamat family and the local journalists that he obtained adequate evidence in favor of the allegations of Rawshan Ara. Regrettably, the officer has not yet submitted his report on the basis of the evidence, anticipating his transfer out from Satkhira, where he prefers to remain. As a result, the life and existence of Rawshan Ara’s family has been extremely vulnerable and unimaginably helpless.
On the same day, 22 April, Rawshan Ara and her family arranged a press conference at the Satkhira Press Club. They told the journalists about their endless struggle for survival since the breadwinner of the family had been missing for ten years. They explained how an extreme form of inaction by the local police and relevant governmental authorities has multiplied their plight and insecurity. The family appealed to the state authorities to ensure justice for them.
Meanwhile, on 26 June, the Bangladesh Awami Bastohara League, led by its president and secretary of the Satkhira district unit, submitted a memorandum to the Superintendent of Police. They demanded justice for the Karamat family,a proper investigation of the case of the missing Mr. Karamat and security for the family.
Please urge the authorities of Bangladesh to investigate the cases of Ms. Rawshan Ara Khatun by a judicial probe commission, excluding members of the police, and comprising at least one person from a recognized human rights organization of the region, for the sake of credibility of the investigation. The authorities of the state must ensure effective administrative and judicial measures, in compliance with Article 2 of the ICCPR of the UN, to give justice to the family regarding the series of complaints that they family had to register throughout the last ten years. Adequate security of the lives and assets of the affected family should be ensured with immediate effect. The perpetrators of the disappearance of Mr. Karamat Ali, the robbing off his shops, and the denying of investigation into the complaints lodged by Ms. Rawshan Ara, should be brought to the light of day without any fear of impunity.
The AHRC wrote a separate letter to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers and the Working Group of Enforced and Involuntary Disappearance calling for their urgent intervention into this matter.
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Dear ___________,
BANGLADESH: Businessman remains missing for ten years while police deny credible investigation – family struggles to survive despite attacks from thugs
Name of victim: Mr. Md. Karamat Ali, aged around 30 years, son of late Mr. Meser Ali, a resident of Polashpole village under the jurisdiction of Sadar upazilla of Satkhira district
Names of alleged perpetrators:
1. Mr. Md. Hossain Ali, son of late Mr. Razu Goldar, a resident of Ghona village under the jurisdiction of Sadar upazilla of Satkhira district, a former employee of the missing person at his business company and currently owner of Sadia Seed House at Satkhira district town
2. Mr. Abdus Sabur, Sub Inspector of Police
3. Mr. Asadul Islam, Sub Inspector of Police
4. Mr. Fakir Azizur Rahman, Sub Inspector of Police
These three police officers were attached to the Sadar Police Station of Satkhira district at the period when the victim found missing and were responsible for investigating and registering the complaint of the family of the missing person
5. Mr. Md. Abu Jafar, Sub Inspector of Police cum Investigation Officer of the missing case, attached to the Sadar Police Station of Satkhira district
6. Mr. Md. Abdul Gafur, Secretary of Barobazar Maszid Committee of Satkhira district town
7. Mr. Hafizur Rahman, son of late Mr. Abdus Samad, village- Polashpole
8. Mr. Salam Sarder, son of Sarwar a.k.a. Saru Sarder, village- Sultanpur
9. Mr. Mizan, son of late Wazed, village- Dahakula
10. Mr. Ramzan Ali
11. Mr. Muzibur Rahman
12. Mr. Mizanur Rahman
13. Mr. Anar
From no. 10 to 13 all are sons of Mr. Abdul Mazed, residents of village- Katia
14. Mr. Masum (Satkhira Light House), Village- Sultanpur
15. Mr. Subid Hasan Bilu, son of Shafikul Islam a.k.a. Gher Khokon, village- Dahakula
16. Mr. Shafikul a.k.a. Gher Khokon, village- Dahakula
17. Around 12 unidentified persons
All are living in their respective places under the jurisdiction of Sadar police station of Satkhira district
Date of incident: From 11 May 2002 to September 2012
Place of incident: Al-Amin Seed House, at Sultanpur Barobazar in Satkhira district town
I am writing to voice my deep concern regarding the prolonged disappearance of Mr. Md. Karamat Ali, the owner of Al-Ameen Seed House at the Barobazar Jam-E-Mosque Market at Sultanpur in Sathikar district town. As a matter of fact, the police and all the law-enforcing agents of Bangladesh have utterly failed to ensure a credible investigation in the last ten years since the businessman had gone missing. Since the disappearance of the lone breadwinner of the family, his wife and child have been facing endless challenges to survive in the midst of attacks on them and attempted grabbing of the family's business. The police appear to be inept in upholding the law for the sake of providing justice for the victims.
According to our information, Mr. Md. Karamat Ali, about 30 years of age, had a business of supplying seeds of various crops. He had a shop named Al-Ameen Seed House (Store of Seeds) at the Barobazar Jam-E- Mosque Market at Sultanpur in Satkhira district town. He used to travel to nearby and faraway places to collect quality seeds and overdue money from buyers across the country.
On 21 May 2002, Karamat left his shop accompanied by one of his staff named Mr. Md. Hossain Ali. Now and then he used to keep the keys of Karamat's shop in the owner's absence in order to collect seeds and any due money. Katamat's wife Mrs. Rawshan Ara Khatun and her 7 year old daughter Tania Ferdous, became worried about Karamat because his business trip appeared to be abnormally prolonged.
The family searched for Karamat's whereabouts checking with probable places of business-partners, relatives and hospitals for several months. While the family continued searching Karamat's whereabouts Rawshan Ara lodged a General Dairy (No. 1038) with the Satkhira Sadar police station on 21 July 2002 seeking police intervention to locate and rescue the missing man along with one of his staff.
In the meantime, Karamat's staff Md. Hossain Ali returned to Satkhira town. When Rawshan Ara met Hossain,she asked about his trip with her husband and the latter's current whereabouts. Hossain informed her that both he and Karamat went to Dhaka together on business while Karamat was still finishing certain important deals with his business partners. He requested that Hossain return to Satkhira to take care of the business locally. Rawshan Ara trusted Hossain's version for the time being and hoped that her husband would return home soon. But, in fact, Karamat did not return in the following months.
Rawshan Ara and her relatives further asked Hossain about his previous version regarding the business trip with Karamat and insisted on more convincing answers. Hossain's information sounded inconsistent following repeated relevant questions from Karamat's family, who also observed Hossain's behavior to be suspicious. Suddenly, Hossain went into hiding. Rawshan Ara located Hossain and re-appointed him to run the Al-Ameen Seed House so that the family could avoid financial hardship and get necessary financial resources to keep up the search for Karamat.
Hossain continued his job at Karamat's Al-Ameen Seed House. After a while he stopped giving money to Rawshan Ara and her family, giving lame excuses. Rawshan Ara tried to understand the reason for Hossain's new attitude. She came to know that Hossain secretly managed to get a new trade license as the owner of the Al-Ameen Seed House, which was a blatant attempt at grabbing the business of the family. Rawshan Ara then removed Hossain from the shop and appointed another person in his place. She suspected that Hossain might be involved in her husband's disappearance. She further suspected that Hossain, in his greed, might have killed her husband in order to grab the business.
On 1 November 2009, Rawshan Ara lodged a complaint with the Chief Judicial Magistrate's Court of Satkhira district against Md. Hossain Ali. The complaint was recorded as C R No. 473/09 under Sections 364, 406, 408 and 109 of the Penal Code-1860. The allegation of abduction followed by suspected murder and disappearance of the person of Karamat was noted in the complaint. The Court, on 3 November 2009, ordered (Memo No. 245, dated 3 November 2009) the Satkhira Sadar police to record the complaint with the police and investigate the alleged incident. The Satkhira Sadar police recorded the same complaint as First Information Report (FIR) no. 18 on 9 November; the same case was finally registered as G R (Government Registrar) No. 581/09.
Sub-Inspector (SI) of Police of Satkhira Sadar police station Mr. Abdus Sabur was assigned as the Investigation Officer (IO) of the case. He did almost nothing as part of his investigation of the case and was subsequently transferred out. Mr. Asadul Islam, a Probationary Sub-Inspector, became the new IO of the case. He allegedly received bribes from the alleged perpetrator and maintained silence throughout the period when he served in the Satkhira Sadar police station. Without making any progress in the investigation of the case, Asadul went to his new posting at Paikgachha police station in Khulna district. Mr. Fakir Azizur Rahman, Sub-Inspector of Satkhira Sadar police station, was given the responsibility of investigating the case, which did not see any progress under Fakir who was transferred to Kolaroa police station of Satkhira district. Later on, Mr. Abu Jafar, a Sub-Inspector of Satkhira Sadar police,was assigned as IO of the case.
I am aware that the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) attempted to ascertain the progress of the investigation from the former IO’s and the current IO as well. It was learned that the first IO SI Mr. Abdus Sabur died of cardiac arrest a few months ago. SI Asadul Islam and SI Fakir Azizur Rahman recounted that they could not recall matters of the case as some years intervened. The current IO SI Mr. Abu Jafar blamed his predecessors for not doing anything in the early stages of the case. The AHRC found that Hossain Ali, the key accused in the Karamat missing case, currently runs his own business in a shop just 500 meters away from the Satkhira Sadar police station while the police investigators thrive on their excuses of either a shortage of memory or inept colleagues.
Ms. Rawshan Ara Khatun stated that the police have done nothing in the last ten years to rescue or find out the truth regarding her missing husband. Her daughter Ms. Tania Ferdous , now grown up, is 17 years of age, having been deprived of her father's love and affection. The family has been facing serious socio-economic crises due to the disappearance. Ms. Tania told the AHRC, "I have been missing my father for the last ten years. My mother informed the police ten years ago, seeking their intervention, but up to now we have seen nothing at all. I don't know why we have police and courts in this country?"
I am informed that the family of Md. Karamat Ali has been facing another challenge from the Barobazar Jam-E- Mosque Committee, which maintains the authority of selling or renting the possessions of the shops at its Market. According to the documents preserved by Karamat's family, Karamat started his business 22 years ago, in 1990. He purchased the property of two shops paying BDT 81,000.00 (USD 2,314.00, as per the going exchange rate), which was a huge amount of money at that time, given the economic context of Bangladesh. According to the agreement between Karamat and Barobazar, Jam-E- Mosque Committee, Karamat shall have the possession of the two shops as long as the Barobazar Jam-E- Mosque Market exists.
On 29 April 2010, the Barobazar Jam-E- Mosque Committee declared that it cancelled the possession of the two shops occupied by Karamat's family, without any prior notice or any just reason. This unlawful decision appeared to be another blow out of the blue for Karamat's wife and child, who direly depend on the income of the shop. When all efforts at negotiation with the Barobazar Jam-E- Mosque Committee were unsuccessful, Rawshan Ara then filed two complaints against the leaders of the Committee and its allies - some of whom are interested in occupying the shops if Rawshan Ara's possession is cancelled.
The first complaint (Petition Case No. 1188/11) was registered against the same group of people on 29 December 2011 under Section 145 of the Code of Criminal Procedure-1898. The following persons were made accused in the complaint: 1. Hafizur Rahman, son of late Mr. Abdus Samad, village- Polashpole, 2. Ramzaj Ali, 3. Anar Ali, 4. Muzibur Rahman, 5. Mizanur Rahman, sons of Mr. Abdul Mazed, village- Katia. The Court ordered Satkhira Sadar police to investigate the case on the day of registering the complaint. Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) of police Mr. S M Asad was assigned by the OC to investigate the case. On 26 January 2012, the police officer submitted his investigation report, which mentioned that one of Karamat's shops was locked under the control of the Mosque Committee, and the other shop was run by Mr. Mozammel Hoque, son of Mr. Azharu Haque, Village- Mautala of Kaliganj upazilla, who was formerly a staff of Rawshan Ara. The police observed that the two shops were operating legally. On 11 April 2012, the case was closed by the Court following the police investigation report.
The order of closing the case by the Magistrate's Court was challenged by Rawshan Ara with the Sessions Court. She filed a Criminal Revision Case (No. 88/12) on 10 May 2012 with the Sessions Court of Satkhira district. The Court, through a prolonged procedure, has fixed 2 October 2012 as the next date of hearing for the case.
The second complaint was registered on 11 January 2012, under Section 107 of the Code of Criminal Procedure-1898, with the Chief Judicial Magistrate's Court of Satkhira district (Petition Case No. 45/12). Following Rawshan Ara's case, the alleged accused appeared before the Court and gave testimony in writing, 15 March 2012, that they (1. Hafizur Rahman, son of late Mr. Abdus Samad, village- Polashpole, 2. Ramzaj Ali, 3. Anar Ali, 4. Muzibur Rahman, 5. Mizanur Rahman, sons of Mr. Abdul Mazed, village- Katia, 6. Salam Sarder, son of Sarwar a.k.a. Saru Sarder, village- Sultanpur, 7. Mizanur Rahman Elahi a.k.a. Gur Mizan, 8. Md. Hossain Ali (Sadia Seed House), son of late Raju Goldar, village- Ghona, 9. Masum (Satkhira Light House), Village- Sultanpur, 10. Shafikul a.k.a. Gher Khokon, village- Dahakula were the accused of the case) would never enter into the shop in future. On the same date the Court ordered the parties to maintain the status-quo over the possession of the shops, which was followed only for a few days by the conflicting parties.
After giving their testimony before the Court, the alleged accused, including the leaders of the Barobazar Jam-E- Mosque Committee and hopeful-occupants of the shops, started hunting alternative ways to grab the two shops. On 12 April 2012 the leaders of the Mosque Committee and the hopeful-occupants attacked the shop. They beat Rawshan Ara's staff, Mr. Mozammel Haque, who was seriously injured an hospitalized for treatment. They also snatched Mozammel's cell phone and money in the shop. The perpetrators looted goods. They forcibly took signatures from Rawshan Ara and Mozammel Haque on blank judicial stamps.
Following the attack Rawshan Ara immediately informed the police seeking prompt action. Regrettably, the police did not come to her help. She then, on 17 April, lodged another case (No. 210) with the Chief Judicial Magistrate's Court of Satkhira district. She brought allegation against 1) Abdul Gafur, son of late Desar Ali, 2) Hafizur Rahman, son of late Mr. Abdus Samad, village- Polashpole, 3) Salam Sarder, son of Sarwar a.k.a. Saru Sarder, village- Sultanpur, 4) Mizan, son of late Wazed, village- Dahakula, 5) Ramzan Ali, 6) Muzibur Rahman, 7) Mizanur Rahman, 8) Anar, sons of Mr. Abdul Mazed, village- Katia, 9) Masum (Satkhira Light House), Village- Sultanpur, 10) Md. Hossain Ali (Sadia Seed House), son of late Raju Goldar, village- Ghona, 11) Shafikul a.k.a. Gher Khokon, village- Dahakula, 12) Subid Hasan Bilu, son of Shafikul Islam a.k.a. Gher Khokon, village- Dahakula and 12 unidentified persons. The complaint was registered under Sections 143, 447, 448, 323, 380, 386, 506(2), 114 of Penal Code 1860.
The Court ordered the Officer of Ansar and Village Defence Party Mr. Md. Shahidul Alam of Satkhira district to investigate the case. The officer maintained silence since the Court ordered him to conduct the investigation on 22 April under Memo No. 171which required this. On one occasion, the officer called the parties and witnesses in his office as part of the investigation and on another occasion he visited the scene of the crime in person. The eye-witnesses testified before the officer giving detailed information about the attack and looting of the Al-Ameen Seed House by the alleged perpetrators. The officer admitted to the Karamat family and the local journalists that he obtained adequate evidence in favor of the allegations of Rawshan Ara. Regrettably, the IO has not yet submitted his report on the basis of the evidence anticipating his transfer out from Satkhira, where he would like to stay. As a result, the life and existence of Rawshan Ara's family has been extremely vulnerable and unimaginably helpless.
On the same day, 22 April, Rawshan Ara and her family arranged a press conference at the Satkhira Press Club. They told the journalists about their endless struggle for survival since the breadwinner of the family had been missing for ten years. They explained how an extreme form of inaction by the local police and relevant governmental authorities had multiplied their plight and insecurity. The family appealed to the state authorities to ensure justice for them.
Meanwhile, on 26 June, the Bangladesh Awami Bastohara League, led by its president and secretary of the Satkhira district unit, submitted a memorandum to the Superintendent of Police. They demanded justice for the Karamat family, a proper investigation of the case of the missing Mr. Karamat and security for the family.
I urge the authorities of Bangladesh to investigate the cases of Ms. Rawshan Ara Khatun by a judicial probe commission, excluding the members of the police, and comprising at least one person from a recognized human rights organization of the region, for the sake of credibility of the investigation. The authorities of the state must ensure effective administrative and judicial measures, in compliance with Article 2 of the ICCPR of the UN, to ensure justice for the family regarding the series of complaints that the family had to register throughout the past ten years. Adequate security for the lives and assets of the affected family should be ensured with immediate effect. The perpetrators of the disappearance of Mr. Karamat Ali, the robbing off his shops, and the denying of investigation into the complaints lodged by Ms. Rawshan Ara, should be brought to the light of day without any fear of impunity.
Yours sincerely,
1. Mrs. Sheikh Hasina
Prime Minister
Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
Office of the Prime Minister
Tejgaon, Dhaka
Fax: +880 2 811 3244 / 3243 / 1015 / 1490
Tel: +880 2 882 816 079 / 988 8677
E-mail: or
2. Mr. Md. Muzammel Hossain
Chief Justice
Supreme Court of Bangladesh
Supreme Court Building
Ramna, Dhaka-1000
Fax: +880 2 956 5058 /+880 2 7161344
Tel: +880 2 956 2792
E-mail: or
3. Barrister Shafique Ahmed
Ministry of Law, Justice & Parliamentary Affairs
Bangladesh Secretariat
Tel: +880 2 7160627 (O)
Fax: +880 2 7168557 (O)
4. Mr. Muhiuddin Khan Alamgir MP
Ministry of Home Affairs
Bangladesh Secretariat
Tel: +880 2 7169069 (O)
Fax: +880 2 7160405, 880 2 7164788 (O)
5. Mr. Mahbubey Alam
Attorney General of Bangladesh
Office of the Attorney General
Supreme Court Annex Building
Ramna, Dhaka-1000
Fax: +880 2 956 1568
Tel: +880 2 956 2868
6. Prof. Mizanur Rahman
National Human Rights Commission
10th Floor, Gulfeshan Plaza
8, Journalist Selina Parvin Road
Mogbazar, Dhaka
Tel: +88 02 8331492
Fax: +88 02 8333219
7. Mr. Hassan Mahmud Khandker
Inspector General of Police (IGP)
Bangladesh Police
Police Headquarters'
Fulbaria, Dhaka-1000
Fax: +880 2 956 3362 / 956 3363
Tel: +880 2 956 2054 / +880 2 717 6677
8. Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG)
Khulna Range
Office of the DIG of Khulna Range
Tel: +880 41 761823
Fax: +880 41 761300
Thank you.
Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (