SOUTH KOREA: Police allow thugs hired by a company to assault protestors

Dear friends,
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from MINBYUN-Lawyers for a Democratic Society that thugs hired by a company and members of its staff assaulted workers and demolished their temporary tents while they were asking for reemployment. The workers have been holding a protest near their company for over three years. However, even though the police were present they did not intervene in the violence and let it continue unabated.
The workers of Kiryung Electronic Co. LTD who were dismissed in 2005 held a protest in a public place located near the company. Ms. Kim So-yeon, 38 years old, leading the protest held a hunger strike for 94 days asking that the employees be reemployed. As a result of her long hunger strike her weight dropped down to 36 kilogrammes with most of her internal organs have suffered damage. She was taken to hospital on September 12.
Once the news of this situation was made known to the public, several civil activists and university students made relay hunger strikes for a day. They wanted to bring pressure to bear on the company so that Ms. Kim So-yeon and other temporary workers who were dismissed would be given work on a regular basis. Individuals and other colleagues have also joined this protest with the workers. Some journalists have been broadcasting 24 hours a day throughout the media.
Meanwhile, members of Parliament offered to support mutual communication but negotiations failed since the company has refused to reemploy the workers.
According to information received, at 3 am on October 15, three heavy-duty-trucks went inside the premises of the company and loaded a container. They came out surrounded by about 50 persons, the so-called ‘saving company group’ consisting of company non-union members. When union members and others, totaling 10 persons asked where the trucks were heading, they were scolded and subjected to filthy language.
At around 5am, the non-unionists went up to the roof- top security office where Kim So-yeon stayed, and tore down her tent. They assaulted union members, blocked four journalists from taking part, intimidated them and attempted to drive them off the roof. They took away a cable which transmitted material to a notebook computer. While he was objecting to these actions, Mr. Shin Hyun-won was assaulted.
At around 6:50am, a group of 70-80 persons including the thugs hired by the company exited all in a straight line. They were led by Mr. Kim Young-chang and Mr. Park Dong-joon, wearing white gloves. It was at this point that they began to indiscriminately assault the union members and their supporting civilians. In this melee, Kim So-yeon and Ms. Yu Hung-hee were beaten, hoisted and thrown into the air. Kim so-yeon fell, unconscious, and was brought by ambulance to the hospital. He suffered a broken rib.
At this point two other tents were demolished and a container used for the protest was moved 50 meters away. When Mr. Yoon Jong-hee objected, he was pushed down and severely beaten. During the assault, they forcibly held Mr. Lee Ki-joo’s arms behind his back. As a result of this restraint, a ligament in his arm was damaged. He reported this to the police several times but they have not taken any action on this violence. The thugs continued to block journalists from taking photos, damaged their camera’s tri-pod, and confiscating a microphone worth 300,000 won (around USD 228) together with a hidden microphone which they threw away.
At 9am, as union members and civilians were holding a planning session, the thugs came and asked them to move away saying that they wanted to hold an assembly themselves. They then assaulted the civilians with fire extinguishers. Ms. Park Soo-jeong was hit in the back and her glasses broken.
At 3pm, several people came to join the scheduled press conference to be held in front of the company. At 3:20pm, a car exiting from the company raced toward the area of the press conference. As people objected to the intimidation going on, the thugs again assaulted and intimidated people. They attacked a 60 year old man. Mr. Yoon Hyun stepped in front of him to protect him, but was shoved so that he fell down. After the company car left, some thugs continued beating up the old man. Mr. Yoon Hyun again complained, again was pushed and again fell to the ground. The result of all this violence was that Hyun’s leg and wrist were broken and he suffered a cerebral concussion.
It was irrelevant to inform the police because from 3-4am some 10 police officers had already been dispatched around the company. However, they took no action. Before Kim so-yeon was forcibly thrown into the air, she asked the police for their help to intervene in the violence. They did not intervene, and she was threatened that she would be arrested as a criminal taken in the act of committing a crime.
Ever since the government of South Korea came under the influence of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the number of temporary workers has dramatically increased. A part-time worker receives only 50-60 percent of a regular worker’s salary and is easily dismissed by an employer. Punishment is lenient in these cases, and the company, even when found to be in violation of the law, prefers to pay a fine for illegal dispatch of employees.
Noting this kind of discrimination against temporary workers, the government amended the law collectively called “Protection of Irregular Workers Acts”. The law consists of three separate laws such as the Act on Protection of Temporary Workers and Part-time Workers, the Act on Protection of Dispatched Workers and the Act on Labour Relations Commission. The Acts have been in force since July 1, 2008.
The number of irregular workers in the country is now about 8.7 million. The dismissal of contract workers has increased and camouflaged contracts have expanded for this reason.
In 2005, the Ministry of Labour decided the Kiryung Electronics Co. LTD had breached the law by using illegal contracts and by dismissing workers illegally. Due to the lack of effective legal solutions for those who are dismissed, the company has paid a fine of only 5 million Korean won (around USD 5,000) for all of the dismissed irregular workers. They inform the workers of their dismissal via cellular phone.
Those who were dismissed over three years ago held a protest near the company and Kim So-yeon and Yu Hung-hee recently held a hunger strike for about three months (See phototaken 65th day of hunger strike on August 14, 2008). The company recently sold its premises and buildings and transported all its production facilities to China.
Please write letters to the authorities listed below urging them to investigate the failure of the police to intervene in the violence.
Please be informed that the AHRC has also written a separate letter to the UN Special Rapportuer on the Question of Torture and Human Rights Defenders calling for intervention in this case.
To support this case, please click here: SEND APPEAL LETTER
Dear _________,
SOUTH KOREA: Please investigate the police who allow thugs hired by a company to assault protestors
Name of victims:
1. Ms. Kim So-yeon, 38 years old, worker dismissed in 2005 from a Kiryung Electronics Co. LTD
2. Ms. Yu Heung-hee, worker dismissed in 2005 from a Kiryung Electronics Co. LTD
3. Ms. Yoon Jong-hee, worker dismissed in 2005 from a Kiryung Electronics Co. LTD
4. Mr. Lee Ki-joo, supporter
5. Mr. Shin Hyun-won, witness for all violence, supporter
6. Mr. Kim Seung-hyun, internet journalist
7. Ms. Lee Myung-seon, internet journalist
8. Mr. Lee Yun-seong, internet journalist
9. Mr. Jo Dae-hee, internet journalist
10. Mr. Yoon Hyun, supporter
11. Ms. Park Soo-jeong
Name of officers involved: at about 10 police officers attached to Seoul Geumcheon Police Station
Place of incident: near Kiryung Electronics Co. LTD, 219-6, Gasan-dong, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul
Date of incident: 15 October 2008
I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the police negligence and inaction on the assault against workers, their supporters and journalists by thugs hired by a company and its staff both on October 15.
According to the information that I have received, while three workers who dismissed by the company in 2005 have hold a protest near gate of the company for over three years and one of them had hunger strike for about three months till September this year and their supporters, thugs hired by the company and its staff impeded the protest, assaulted them, while being appealed and blocked journalists from taking photos and damaged the transmission equipments early morning on October 15.
I am informed that during the violence, Kim So-yeon was lifted and thrown to the ground which caused her fell unconsciousness and brought to a hospital by an ambulance, Yu Hung-hee was also lifted and thrown on the ground which caused her rib damaged, Yoon Jong-hee was fell down and assaulted all over her body, Lee Ki-ju was also assaulted and his arms ligament was damaged and Shin Hyun-won was assaulted.
I have also learned that due to the thugs assault and damage to the journalists, Mr. Kim Seung-hyun, Ms. Lee Myung-seon, Ms. Lee Yun-seong and Mr. Jo Dae-hee were unable to take photos and transmit films that they had taken to the internet. Mr. Yoon Hyun who tried to protect an old man of 60 years from beating by the thugs was also assaulted and fell down which damaged his leg and wrist. He also suffered a cerebral concussion.
At about 10 police officers attached to Seoul Geumcheon Police Station had been positioned near the site of protest for preparing for emergency but nonetheless, they had never intervened while the thugs and staffs of the company had been assaulting the protesters.
I therefore, urge you to investigate the assault by the thugs hired by the company and its staffs against the protestors based on the article 141-2 Chapter 9 under Rules Governing the Clerical Work of Cases by Prosecutors. I also urge you to investigate the failure of immediate intervention of the police. If it took place with consent or acquiescence of the police, it could fall in the definition of torture under the UN Convention against Torture (CAT) to which the government of South Korea is a state party. If those thugs hired by the company are identified as the workers of security industry, I further urge you to investigate whether the police fulfill their mandate according to the Security Industry Act.
Finally, I urge the government of the South Korea and all political parties to intervene in addressing problems brought from the Protection of Irregular Workers Acts even after the government amended them.
I take this opportunity to remind the government of South Korea of the need of defining torture in the Penal Code in accordance with the CAT, which the government has so far failed to implement administrative, legislative and judicial measures.
Yours sincerely,
1. Mr. Lim Chae-jin
Prosecutor General
Supreme Prosecutor’s Office
1730-1, Seocho3-dong
Seocho-gu, Seoul
Fax: +82 2 3480 2555
Tel: +82 2 3480 2000
2. Mr. Han Jin-hee
Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency
Naeja-dong, Jongno-gu
Seoul, 110-798
Fax: + 82 2 712 0112
Tel: +82 2 720 4400
3. Mr. Eo Cheong-soo
Commissioner General
Korean National Police Agnecy
209 Migeun-dong
Seodaemun-gu, Seoul
Fax: +82 2 365 5797
Tel: +82 2 363 0112
4. Mr. Won Sei-hoon
Ministry of Public Administration and Security
Central Government Complex
55 Sejong-no (77-6 Sejong-no 1ga)
Seoul, 110-760
Fax: +82 2 2100 4001
Tel: +82 2 2100 3000
5. Mr. Lee Myeng-Bak
1 Sejong-no, Jongno-gu
Seoul 110-820
Fax: +82 2 770 4751
Tel: +82 2 770 0018
E-mail: or or
6. Mr. Ahn Kyong-Whan
National Human Rights Commission
16 Euljiro 1-ga
Seoul 100-842
Fax: +82 2 2125 9812 / 2125 9666
Tel: +82 2 2125 9700
Thank you.
Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (