BURMA: Prisoners released and others still detained
Dear friends,
As has been widely reported worldwide, in January the government of Burma released from prison over 600 detainees, around half of who were political prisoners. Many of these people the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) had issued appeals for in the last few years. Although we are very happy to see the release of these detainees, many others remain in custody. In this update we provide some details of released and still detained persons.
On 13 January 2012, the government of Burma announced an amnesty for 641 prisoners, among who were at least 287 political prisoners, according to a list compiled by the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma), based in Thailand, available for download here.
The AHRC has since been contacting with persons on whose behalf it has issued appeals to confirm releases. Among those released in the January amnesty and also in December from among persons for whom the AHRC has issued appeals previously are:
UP-121-2007: Dr Wint Thu and others
UP-124-2007: Min Ko Naing and others
UAC-048-2008: Ma Thanda
UAC-052-2008: Ko Thiha
UAC-083-2008: Ma Honey Oo & Aung Min Naing
UAC-126-2008: Zarganar
UAC-131-2008: U Ohn Than
UAC-146-2008: Ko Htin Kyaw
UAC-177-2008: Tin Htoo Aung and others
UAC-200-2008: Win Maw
UAC-204-2008: Nay Hpone Latt
UAC-246-2008: Daw Win Mya Mya and others
UAC-248-2008: U Gambira and others
UAC-025-2009: Ne Lin Aung and others
UAC-074-2009: U Tin Min Htut & U Nyi Pu
UAC-110-2009: U Sandadhika
UAC-125-2009: Nyi Nyi Aung and others
UAC-004-2010: Kyaw Zaw Lwin
UAC-011-2010: Dr Wint Thu and others
UAC-023-2010: Ngwe Soe Linn
UAC-038-2010: Maung Nyo & Ma Thanda Htun
UAC-062-2010: Ma Hla Hla Win & Maung Myint Naing
UAC-091-2010: U Gawthita
UAC-108-2010: Than Myint Aung
UAC-013-2011: Sithu Zeya & father
UAC-077-2011: Kaung Myat Hlaing
UAC-083-2011: Nay Myo Zin
We are very happy to hear of the release of these persons and thank you for your support for their cases. We are also happy to note that the government of Burma has acknowledged that those released were “prisoners of conscience”, which marks a big change in language from the past, when the government denied the existence of any such prisoners.
However, other persons on whose behalf the AHRC has campaigned remain in prison. They include:
UAU-018-2009: U Myint Aye & others
UAC-112-2010: Phyo Wai Aung
UAC-005-2011: Kyaw Zelin and others
UAC-028-2011: Aye Min Naing
UAC-145-2011: Htun Oo and others
UAC-227-2011: Than Zaw
All of the people in these six appeals have been accused of involvement in bombings for which the information available suggests that they are innocent. Myint Aye was the founder of Human Rights Defenders and Promoters, a local human rights group, and is a human rights defender who was arrested for speaking out over the conditions in the delta following Cyclone Nargis in 2008. He and his fellow accused the police tortured to confess.
Phyo Wai Aung was accused over the 2010 bombing of a traditional New Year festival. Although he has alibis and other evidence to prove his innocence, up to now the case is continuing against him in a closed court in the central prison. The AHRC has set up a special web page on his case:
Currently, human rights defenders in Burma are collecting information and issuing letters and appeals for the release of other prisoners of conscience who are still in detention. One list compiled by rights defenders in Rangoon is available online here: http://www.humanrights.asia/news/urgent-appeals/pdf/AHRC-UAU-004-2012.pdf
The AHRC is also receiving details of persons whom human rights defenders are appealing for their release. In the coming period we will issue appeals on some of these cases.
Thank you.
Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)