Dear friends,
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding death threat to the family of F. M. A. Razzak, a human rights defender, and his well-wishers from the relatives of an officer the Bangladesh Army regarding an illegitimate claim of ownership of a land, which had already been settled by the concerned authorities. The army officer, who has been identified as Major Mustafizur Rahman Bokul is currently attached to the Bogra Cantonment of Bangladesh, has created tremendous influence on the local police and the Rapid Action Battalion, a paramilitary force reputed for extrajudicial killings, to eliminate Razzak and his family. The relatives of the army officer have been demanding money from Razzak’s wife and the withdrawal of the complaints made regarding the military officer’s unlawful involvement in public disputes and affairs. Razzak’s family has been in hiding for security of their lives for many days now.
Please intervene into this case immediately to ensure protection of Razzak’s family and to prevent the ongoing harassment by the law-enforcing agents. The AHRC previously issued several Urgent Appeals on his case and published several articles in its publications (For further details, please see: UA-035-2007; UP-034-2007; AHRC-UAU-065-2008; AHRC-UAU-067-2008; AHRC-UAU-069-2008; and Article2, Vol. 8, No. 1 and Ethics in Action Vol.2 No.6).

Mr. F. M. A. Razzak, Editor of the Gonomichhil (a fortnightly newspaper) and President of Human Rights Development Centre (HRDC) based in Paikgachha upazilla (sub-district) under Khulna district, has helped a large number of victims of custodial torture to get medical treatment and fight their cases. These cases mostly involve the law-enforcing agents who fabricated charges against the victims after torturing them while in arbitrary detention. He has been doing this work for the last 20 years. The continuous and uncompromising stand against torture and injustice has made Razzak a target of the local police, their source, and beneficiaries of the arbitrary abuse of power by the influential segment of the locality.
A family having a son employed in the Bangladesh Army had previously misguided the officials of the law-enforcement agencies, security forces and paramilitary forces to harass and torture Razzak and his family on several occasions by providing untrue information and accusationd that have later been proven false by many investigators from the governmental intelligence agencies and the Ministry of Home Affairs. The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) documented many of those cases in the past (For further details, please see our Urgent Appeals: UA-035-2007; UP-034-2007; AHRC-UAU-065-2008; AHRC-UAU-067-2008; AHRC-UAU-069-2008).
The latest development of the situation exposes the very real danger that Razzak and his family are facing the following threatening situation:
One Mr. S M Amzad Hossain had made a three-years-valid mortgage deed on 5 August 1975 with Mr. Sultan Fakir over a land for which he never claimed any ownership or attempted to take possession of the land during the tenure mentioned in the deed. Sultan, who had the land in his possession as his ancestor’s property, sold the 21 decimal lands to his nephew F. M. A. Razzak in 2004. Sultan and his 75-years-old widow Mrs. Fulzan Bibi used to live in a house built in a nearby public land. In 2007, Sultan died while the said land was under the possession of Mr. Razzak.
After Sultan’s death S M Amzad Hossain initiated a land dispute case over the same land with Razzak. Finally, the case was settled by the Department of Land Settlement and Survey of the country in favour of Razzak on 20 June 2010.
On 8 February 2011, Mr. S M Amzad Hossain had declared in a deed given to the Godaipur Purbopara Baitus Salam Mosque Management Committee that he (Amzad) owns the said land (which Amzad already lost to Razzak in a civil case) and donated it to the mosque urging them to recover the land from the possession of Razzak.
The management committee of the mosque, which is headed by Mr. Abul Kashem Sarder as president, and Mr. Bodiuzzaman, as secretary and vice president Mr. Rezaul Karim, is mostly occupied by one family. The members and leaders of the mosque committee immediately started mobilizing the local people by public announcements urging that everyone has moral, religious and spiritual obligations to recover the property of the mosque. However, nobody had ever checked whether the claim made by Amzad about his so called ownership of the land was valid in terms of the question of legality or not. The leaders of the mosque management committee involved a group of people, some of whom had previously been convicted in criminal charges for possessing illegal arms and drugs and stealing, to set fire to a stock of firewood that was kept adjacent to the house of Fulzan Bibi, who is uneducated in person, and later managed to get a thumb print of Fulzan on a draft complaint, making her the complainant, to file a criminal charge for attempt to murder and arson attack on her life and property. Razzak’s whole family including his elderly parents, brothers and their spouses, and his wife had been made accused in the complaint, which was registered with the Paikgachha police station, as First Information Report no. 41 (GR No. 93/2011), on 22 February 2011. Sub Inspector (SI) Mr. Idris Ali was made the Investigation Officer of the case, which was recorded by the Officer-in-Charge (OC) Enamul Haque.
According to the complaint, Fulzan claims that she had BDT 18,000.00 underneath her bed and a set of ear-rings worth BDT 19,000.00 despite the fact that she, maintains her livelihood with an elderly allowance provided by the government, does not have any dependable wealth or physical capacity to earn money. At the beginning of the complaint Fulzan claims that she saw and recognized Razzak and his father and brothers when they all went to her home to attack and set fire in the night. On the contrary, she also claims that she had a delay of filing the complaint as she had to spend time to learn the details addresses of the alleged accused despite the fact that she has relations with all these persons.
The president of the management committee of mosque Mr. Abul Kashem Sarder’s nephew (brother’s son) Mr. Mustafizur Rahman Bokul is employed in the Bangladesh Army as a Major whose family had long enmity with Razzak’s family. The committee then publicly claimed in the village that they have involved Major Mustafizur, who is currently posted in a cantonment in Bogra – around 300 kilometers far from Paikgachha – and previously seconded to the Rapid Action Battalion as a captain, to influence the police and Rapid Action Battalion (RAB), a paramilitary force composed of officers from the armed forces, police and border guards and dominated by the military officers, and local administration to start all out action aiming to eliminate Razzak’s family from the place. They have threatened that they will ensure that Razzak will be killed in “crossfire”, which is State-sponsored method of extrajudicial killing with blatant impunity to the security forces and the police, as soon as the Rapid Action Battalion succeeds in arresting Razzak. The well-wishers of the family in the village are seriously intimidated and threatened by the relatives of Major Mustafizur Rahman that if anyone speaks out in favour of Razzak’s family they will suffer irrecoverable damage.
Subsequently, the Paikgachha police and members of the RAB have started chasing Razzak and the other members of his family, who are in hiding for the security of their lives. When the members of the RAB went to Godaipur village in order to investigate into the matter they had a feast at Major Mustafizur’s house.
From 18 February, groups of people led by Mr. Kazal Sarder attacked Razzak’s family on several occasion. On 23 February, Mr. Kazal Sarder, who is a brother of Major Mustafizur Rahman, along with a number of people equipped with bamboo sticks, rod, axe and sharp weapons attacked Razzak’s family. The attackers beat the residents of the house and threw bricks and stones into the house. As a result of the attack Razzak’s wife Mrs. Rahima Razzak has received an injury to her leg; doctors suggested her that she should remove the nail immediately. Razzak’s brother Sazzad Hossain was beaten by the attackers with fists and kicks while his wife Mrs. Shefali Khatun was beaten by sticks and kicks. The attackers trampled her as she lay her on the ground. Shefali, who received severe injuries, is still admitted to the Paikgachh Upazilla Health Complex for medical treatment. Razzak’s house has also been partially damaged due to the attack.
On 28 February, a group of people led by Mr. Kazal Sarder has looted hundreds of branches of timber that Razzak’s family had in the yard of the house while Razzak, along with his wife and children, was hiding for their security. After damaging the property Kazal called Razzak’s wife Mrs. Rahima Razzak from his cell phone +8801823266466 and demanded money from Rahima by saying that “We may consider not to do any further attacks if you pay the expenses incurred for this (attack)!”
On 3 March at around midnight, Mr. Nur Islam Sana, an ally of Kazal Sarder and his family, called Mrs. Rahima Razzak from a cell phone +8801190961860 and demanded money.
On 4 March in the morning at least 7 cocks and hens and 5 ducks were found dead in Razzak’s house while the rest of poultry of the household appeared to have suffering from serious physical problemd. The neighbours have alleged that some people from Kazal Sardar’s family have poisoned the poultry.
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) on 28 February 2011 wrote special letters to the concerned authorities of Bangladesh urging them to initiate immediate action in order to protect the lives and property of Mr. F. M. A. Razzak informing them the current situation.
On 4 March, in the morning, Major Mustafizur Rahman Bokul’s father Mr. Abdur Rour Sarder contacted Razzak’s second brother Mr. F. M. A. Mazid, who is a mason by profession and a resident of the neighbourhood. Mr. Abdur Rouf Sarder told Mazid that “Call you father and brother (Razzak) here and ask them to withdraw the complaints have been made against my son (Major Mustafizur) by today! Failure to do (withdrawing the complaint) so will cause destruction of your (family’s) homes and all establishments! We will expel you (whole family) from the village!”
Razzak’s family, including his elderly parents who are over 70 years of age and wife and children, has been hiding for around three weeks to save their lives while the well-wishers of the family are either hiding or keeping silence to save their life and property as well. The family has not yet got a scope of registering a formal complaint due to the security problem in the area although they have informed the police officers of the Paikgachha police station and the Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) of the Dakope Circle of Khulna district over cell phones on several occassions. Mr. Razzak has described his situation in audiovisual interview with the AHRC, which can be viewed at: video clip-1 and video clip-2here.
When contacted the Officer-in-Charge (OC) of the Paikgachha police station Mr. Enamul Haque claimed that the police are “under tremendous pressure from the top” and “unable” to protect Razzak’s family and property. The police did not take any effective action so far. There has been no credible investigation into the matter as per the complaints made the members of Razzak’s family.
Mr. Abdul Matin Sarder, an uncle of Major Mustafizur Rahaman Bokul, has recently announced his candidature for the post of Chairman of the Godaipur Union Council of the Paikgachha upazilla for upcoming local government election. Around five weeks ago Major Mustafizur Rahman Bokul went to his village home on leave. During that period Major Mustafizur participated in a public campaign in favour of his uncle’s candidature and gave a speech in a public meeting. In his speech Major Mustafizur sough votes and blessing for his uncle and suggested the locals to contact him personally on his cell phone.
What is involved in this case is a scandalous and life-threatening situation of the complete abuse of power by an army officer, his relatives and the law-enforcing agencies in a lawless atmosphere interfering with the liberties of persons for his individual ends. Such actions raise questions that if an army officer, who should shoulder the responsibility to protect the sovereignty of the country, becomes involved in a land dispute issue for his family’s interest, then should the nation depend on soldiers like him for the country’s protection at all?
Please intervene immediately into the matter and urge the authorities of Bangladesh to initiate a credible investigation before any further harm or damage caused to the families in danger at the moment. The investigation must include the unlawful intervention of Major Mustafizur Rahman of the Bangladesh Army to influence the local police and paramilitary force and must brought to the book. The members of the Rapid Action Battalion must be held responsible for their unlawful actions and having feasts from one of the parties they were obliged to investigate as a State-agent. The lives and properties of Razzak, his relatives and well-wishers must be protected from any further attack by any group or person.
Please note that the AHRC has already written separate letters to the UN Special Rapporteur on Situation of Human Rights Defenders calling for her immediate intervention into this matter.
To support this case, please click here: SEND APPEAL LETTER
Dear ___________,
BANGLADESH: Army officer’s family threatens to kill a human rights defender and eliminate his family by involving paramilitary forces
Names of victims:
1. Mr. F M Abdur Razzak, aged 44, Editor of the Gonomichhil (a fortnightly newspaper) and President of Human Rights Development Centre (HRDC) of Paikgachha, son of Mr. Nur Ali Fakir
2. Mr. Nur Ali Fakir, aged 78, a farmer by profession
3. Mr. Sazzad Hossain, aged 38, son of Mr. Nur Ali Fakir, a farmer by profession
4. Mr. Bodiuzzaman, aged 24, son of Mr. Nur Ali Fakir, a businessman by profession
5. Mrs. Rahima Razzak, aged 37, wife of Mr. F M A Razzak, a housewife
6. Mrs. Shefali Khatun, aged , wife of Sazzad Hossain
All are living in Godaipur village under the Paikgachha police station in the Khulna district, Bangladesh
Alleged perpetrators:
1. Mr. Mustafizur Rahman Bokul, a Major of Bangladesh Army, attached to the Bogra Cantonment at the moment, son of Mr. Abdur Rouf Sarder, hailed from Godaipur village under the Paikgachha police station in the Khulna district
2. Mr. Abdur Rouf Sarder, a teacher of a local madrasa (Muslim religious school), son of late Mr. Gafur Ali Sarder
3. Mr. Abul Kashem Sarder, president of Godaipur Purbopara Baitus Salam Mosque Management Committee, son of late Mr. Nesar Ali Sarder
4. Mr. Kazal Sarder, son of Mr. Abdur Rouf Sarder
All are living in Godaipur village under the Paikgachha police station in the Khulna district
5. Mr. Enamul Haque, Inspector of Police and Officer-in-Charge (OC), attached to the Paikgachha police station of Khulna district
6. Mr. Idris Ali, Sub Inspector of Police, attached to the Paikgachha police station of Khulna district
7. Members of the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB)-6 based in Khulna district
Date of latest incident of attack: 28 February and 4 March 2011
Place of incident: Godaipur village under the jurisdiction of Paikgachha police station, Khulna district
I bring to your notice a case of continued injustice and harassment by the police and paramilitary forces with the direct influence of an officer of the Bangladesh Army against a human rights defender, who is also an editor of a local newspaper, as well as against four others of his family, through fabricating false charges.
I have learned from the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) that Mr. F M A Razzak has helped a large number of victims of custodial torture to get medical treatment and fight their cases that mostly the law-enforcing agents fabricated against the victims after torturing them while in arbitrary detention, seeking justice from the local courts in last 20 years. The continuous and uncompromising stand against torture and injustice has made Razzak a target of the local police, their source, and beneficiaries of the arbitrary abuse of power by the influential segment of the locality.
A family having a son employed in the Bangladesh Army had previously misguided the officials of the law-enforcement agencies, security forces and paramilitary forces to harass and torture Razzak and his family in several occasions by providing untrue information and accusation that have later been proven false by many investigators of the intelligence agencies and the Ministry of Home Affairs. The latest development of the situation exposes that Razzak and his family are facing the following threatening situation:
One Mr. S M Amzad Hossain had made a three-years-valid mortgage deed in 5 August 1975 with Sultan Fakir over the same land for which he never claimed any ownership or attempted to take possession of the land. Sultan, had the land in his possession, sold the 21 decimal land to his nephew F M A Razzak in 2004. Sultan and his 75-years-old widow Mrs. Fulzan Bibi used to live in a house built in a nearby public land. In 2007, Sultan died while the said land was under the possession of Mr. Razzak.
After Sultan’s death S M Amzad Hossain initiated a land dispute case over the same land with Razzak. Finally, the case was settled by the Department of Land Settlement and Survey of the country in favour of Razzak on 20 June 2010.
On 8 February 2011, Mr. S M Amzad Hossain had declared in a deed given to the Godaipur Purbopara Baitus Salam Mosque Management Committee that he (Amzad) owns the said land (which Amzad already lost to Razzak in a civil case) and donates it to the mosque urging them to recover the land from the possession of Razzak.
The management committee of the mosque, which is headed by Mr. Abul Kashem Sarder as president, and Mr. Bodiuzzaman, as secretary and vice president Mr. Rezaul Karim, is mostly occupied by one family. The members and leaders of the mosque committee immediately started mobilizing the local people by public announcements urging that everyone has moral, religious and spiritual obligations to recover the property of the mosque. However, nobody had ever checked whether the claim made by Amzad about his so called ownership of the land was valid in terms of the question of legality or not. The leaders of the mosque management committee involved a group of people, some of whom had previously been convicted in criminal charges for possessing illegal arms and drugs and stealing, to set fire in a stock of firewood that was kept adjacent to the house of Fulzan Bibi, who is uneducated in person, and later managed to get a thumb print of Fulzan on a draft complaint, making her the complainant, to file a criminal charge for attempt to murder and arson attack on her life and property. Razzak’s whole family including his elderly parents, brothers and their spouses, and his wife had been made accused in the complaint, which was registered with the Paikgachha police station, as First Information Report no. 41 (GR No. 93/2011), on 22 February 2011. Sub Inspector (SI) Mr. Idris Ali was made the Investigation Officer of the case, which was recorded by the Officer-in-Charge (OC) Enamul Haque.
According to the complaint, Fulzan claims that she had BDT 18,000.00 underneath her bed and a set of ear-ring worth BDT 19,000.00 despite the fact that she, maintains her livelihood with an elderly allowance provided by the government, does not have any dependable wealth or physical capacity to earn money. At the beginning of the complaint Fulzan claims that she saw and recognized Razzak and his father and brothers when they all went to her home to attack and set fire in the night. On the contrary, she also claims that she had a delay of filing the complaint as she had to spend time to learn the details addresses of the alleged accused despite the fact that she has relations with all these persons. It indicates that the complaint is a fabricated one.
The president of the management committee of mosque Mr. Abul Kashem Sarder’s nephew (brother’s son) Mr. Mustafizur Rahman Bokul is employed in the Bangladesh Army as a Major whose family had long enmity with Razzak’s family. The committee then publicly claimed in the village that they have involved Major Mustafizur, who is currently posted in a cantonment in Bogra and previously served in the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) as a captain, to influence the police and the RAB, a paramilitary force composed of officers from the armed forces, police and border guards and dominated by the military officers, and local administration to start all out action aiming to eliminate Razzak’s family from the place. They have threatened that they will ensure that Razzak will be killed in “crossfire”, which is a State-sponsored method of extrajudicial killing with blatant impunity to the security forces and the police, as soon as the Rapid Action Battalion succeeds in arresting Razzak. The well-wishers of the family in the village are seriously intimidated and threatened by the relatives of Major Mustafizur Rahman that if anyone speaks out in favour of Razzak’s family they will suffer irrecoverable damage.
Subsequently, the Paikgachha police and members of the RAB have started chasing Razzak and the other members of his family, who are in hiding for the security of their lives. When the members of the RAB went to Godaipur village in order to investigate into the matter they had feast at Major Mustafizur’s house.
From 18 February, groups of people led by Mr. Kazal Sarder attacked Razzak’s family in several occasion. On 23 February, Mr. Kazal Sarder, who is a brother of Major Mustafizur Rahman, along with a number of people equipped with bamboo sticks, rod, axe and sharp weapons attacked on Razzak’s family. The attackers beat the residents of the house and threw bricks and stones in the house. As a result of the attack Razzak’s wife Mrs. Rahima Razzak has received injury to her leg; doctors suggested her that she should remove the nail immediately. Razzak’s brother Sazzad Hossain was beaten by the attackers with fists and kicks while his wife Mrs. Shefali Khatun was beaten by sticks and kicks. The attackers trampled her body as she lay on the ground. Shefali, who received severe injuries, has still been admitted to the Paikgachh Upazilla Health Complex for medical treatment. Razzak’s house has also been partially damaged due to the attack.
On 28 February, a group of people led by Mr. Kazal Sarder has looted hundreds of branches of timber that Razzak’s family had in the yard of the house while Razzak, along with his wife and children, was hiding for their security. After damaging the property Kazal called Razzak’s wife Mrs. Rahima Razzak from his cell phone +8801823266466 and demanded money from Rahima by saying that “We may consider not to do any further attack if you pay the expenses incurred for this (attack)!” On 3 March at around midnight, Mr. Nur Islam Sana, an ally of Kazal Sarder and his family, called Mrs. Rahima Razzak from a cell phone +8801190961860 and demanded money.
On 4 March in the morning at least 7 cocks and hens and 5 ducks have been found dead in Razzak’s house while the rest of poultry of the household appeared to have been suffering from serious physical problem. The neighbours have alleged that some people from Kazal Sardar’s family have poisoned the poultry to death.
I have learned from the AHRC that on 28 February 2011 it wrote special letters to the concerned authorities of Bangladesh urging them to initiate immediate action in order to protect the lives and property of Mr. F. M. A. Razzak informing them the current situation.
On 4 March, in the morning, Major Mustafizur Rahman Bokul’s father Mr. Abdur Rour Sarder contacted Razzak’s second brother Mr. F. M. A. Mazid, who is mason by profession and a resident of the neighbourhood. Mr. Abdur Rouf Sarder told Mazid that “Call you father and brother (Razzak) here and ask them to withdraw the complaints have been made against my son (Major Mustafizur) by today! Failure to do (withdrawing the complaint) will cause destruction of your (family’s) homes and all establishments! We will expel you (whole family) from the village!”
Razzak’s family, including his elderly parents who are over 70 years of age and his wife and children, has been hiding for around three weeks to save their lives while the well-wishers of the family are either hiding or keeping silence to save their life and property as well.
When contacted the Officer-in-Charge (OC) of the Paikgachha police station Mr. Enamul Haque claimed that the police are “under tremendous pressure from the top” and “unable” to protect Razzak’s family and property. The police did not take any effective action so far. There have no credible investigation into the matter as per the complaints made the members of Razzak’s family.
What is involved is a scandalous and life-threatening situation of complete abuse of power by an army officer, his relatives and the law-enforcing agencies in a lawless atmosphere interfering with the liberties of persons for his individual ends. Such actions raise questions that if an army officer, who should shoulder the responsibility to protect the sovereignty of the country, becomes involved in land dispute issue for his family’s interest, then should the nation depend on soldiers like him for the country’s protection at all?
I strongly request that:
a. The identified army officer, Major Mr. Mustafizur Rahman Bokul, be immediately be prevented from any further abuse of power relating to F. M. A. Razzak and others who were made accused in the fabricated case;
b. All investigations into the accused falsely charged in the attempt to murder case be handed over to an impartial investigation officer preferably to a judicial officer;
c. Investigate the conduct of the Major Mustafizur Rahman and his relatives and the blatant abuse of power involved in this case;
d. Investigate the scheme behind the false allegation of attempt to murder and take action against the perpetrators;
e. The officers of the Rapid Action Battalion be prevented from any further abuse of power relating to the fabricated case against Razzak and his family and the authorities must be held responsible for any harm to Razzak as it has been threatened to kill him in the pretext of “crossfire”;
f. Provide adequate protection to Razzak and the members of his family without any further delay.
Additionally, the speech made by Major Mustafizur Rahman during his leave around five weeks ago in a public meeting for the election campaign for one of his uncles to contest the local government body should also be investigated for the sake of the protection of the image and professionalism of the military service.
I hope that you will take urgent steps into this matter.
Yours sincerely,
1. Mrs. Sheikh Hasina
Prime Minister
Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Office of the Prime Minister
Tejgaon, Dhaka
Fax: +880 2 811 3244 / 3243 / 1015 / 1490
Tel: +880 2 882 816 079 / 988 8677
E-mail: or or
2. Mr. A. B. M. Khairul Haque
Chief Justice
Supreme Court of Bangladesh
Supreme Court Building
Ramna, Dhaka-1000
Fax: +880 2 956 5058 /+880 2 7161344
Tel: +880 2 956 2792
E-mail: or
3. Barrister Shafique Ahmed
Ministry of Law, Justice & Parliamentary Affairs
Bangladesh Secretariat
Tel: +880 2 7160627 (O)
Fax: +880 2 7168557 (O)
4. Ms. Sahara Khatun MP
Ministry of Home Affairs
Bangladesh Secretariat
Tel: +880 2 7169069 (O)
Fax: +880 2 7160405, 880 2 7164788 (O)
5. Mr. Mahbubey Alam
Attorney General of Bangladesh
Office of the Attorney General
Supreme Court Annex Building
Ramna, Dhaka-1000
Fax: +880 2 956 1568
Tel: +880 2 956 2868
6. Prof. Mizanur Rahman
National Human Rights Commission
10th Floor, Gulfeshan Plaza
8, Journalist Selina Parvin Road
Mogbazar, Dhaka
Tel: +88 02 8331492
Fax: +88 02 8333219
7. Mr. Md. Abdul Mubeen
General and Chief of Army Staff
Bangladesh Army
Army Headquarters
Dhaka Cantonment
Tel: +880 2 9870011
Fax: +880 2 8754455
8. Mr. Hassan Mahmud Khandker
Inspector General of Police (IGP)
Bangladesh Police
Police Headquarters’
Fulbaria, Dhaka-1000
Fax: +880 2 956 3362 / 956 3363
Tel: +880 2 956 2054 / +880 2 717 6451 / +880 2 717 6677
9. Mr. Md. Mokhlesur Rahman
Director General
Rapid Action Battalion
RAB Headquarter
Uttara, Dhaka
Tel: + 880 2 8919078/ 880 2 8961101
Mobile: +8801199886600 / 8801713014050/ 8801713374469
Fax: + 880 2 896 2884
10. Mr. Sheikh Hemayet Hossain
Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG)
Khulna Range
Office of the DIG of Khulna Range
Tel: +880 41 761823 (O)
Cell: +8801713 374091
Fax: +880 41 761300 (O)
Thank you.
Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (