UPDATE (Burma): Two journalists among prisoners released from jail
Dear friends,
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is pleased to inform you that two journalists who had been imprisoned in 2008 for helping cyclone victims to contact international agencies have been released from prison.
As per our appeal in April (AHRC-UAC-033-2009), 24-year-old Ma Eint Khaing Oo and 29-year-old Ko Kyaw Kyaw Thant, two journalists who were assisting with cyclone relief efforts in May 2008, were imprisoned for allegedly upsetting public tranquility by bringing a group of cyclone victims to meet with staff at the International Committee of the Red Cross and UN Development Programme. Kyaw Kyaw Thant was also sentenced for an alleged immigration offence.
On 18 September 2009, the two journalists were among over 7100 persons released under an amnesty order from Burma’s prisons on “compassionate” grounds.
Speaking to media shortly after her release from the central prison, Eint Khaing Oo said that she intends to go back to her old job as a reporter. Kyaw Kyaw Thant said that he will take some time to restore good health before deciding what to do.
Thank you to everyone who acted upon and took an interest in their case.
For other ongoing appeals on Burma, please visit the UA search page and type “Burma” or “Myanmar” into the search box: http://www.ahrchk.net/ua/search.php
Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) (ua@ahrc.asia)