BURMA: Prisoners released with President’s amnesty

Dear friends,
Yesterday, it was reported by the official state-run media that 22 political prisoners have been released under the President’s amnesty. The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding on the case of bombing in Pegu town (UAU-023-2012), of which eight of the accused victims were released. Additionally, Than Zaw (UAC-227-2011), who was accused of a bombing in 1989, was released today. He was arrested with a number of other men at that time. Although we are very glad to know of this many others remain in custody. In this update we present some details of released and still detained people.
On 3 July 2012, a total of 80 prisoners from across the country were granted the amnesty by the President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. The amnesty is to the Myanmar Nationals and deportation is to foreign prisoners.
This is full announcement declaring in the state run media as follows.
“NAY PYI TAW, 3 July—The President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar in accordance with Section 204 (a) of the State constitution granted a general amnesty for 46 prisoners—37 men and 9 women—with a view to ensuring the stability of the State and making eternal peace, national reconciliation, enabling all to participate in political process; on humanitarian grounds; and turning them into citizens who could participate in nation-building endeavours in whatever way they can after realizing the magnanimity of the State; and deported 34 foreigner prisoners with a view to maintaining mutual friendship and friendly ties between the two countries and on social grounds starting from the Fullmoon Day of First Waso 1374 ME (3 July 2012) under Section 401 (1) of Code of Criminal Procedure.—MNA”
Among those released are members of the Generation Wave, some are the political prisoners who were falsely accused of the bombing cases. Furthermore we have been informed that Ko Aye Aung from Kalay prison,Than Zaw from Thayet prison , Pyi Phyo Aung(a.k.a Pyi Phyo Hlaing)from Pyi prison, and Aung Aung Oo from Kathar prison were also released on that day.
Ko Aye Aung was sentenced to 59 years imprisonment with the charge of criminal code 5(J),17/1 and 17/20. Than Zaw was sentenced to life imprisonment.
With this granted general amnesty, we have learnt that nine political prisoners are free from Insein prison and from those 3 of them are women and the rest are male.
Moreover, we have confirmed that Dr. Kyaw Kyaw, who was in custody for 19 years, was released from Myingyan prison with this amnesty. We are told that the Kayen political activist Kaw Yae Yo from Myingyan prison is included in the amnesty but still need confirmation of his released.
So far, the AHRC has received a confirmed list of political prisoners by contacting with persons from local as mentioned below. Among those released, 11 of them are people who have appealed by the AHRC.
Kaw Yae Yo from Myingyan prison
Ko Aye Aung from Kalay prison
Than Zaw from Thayet prison
Dr. Kyaw Kyaw from Myingyan prison
Pyi Phyo Aung (a.k.a Pyi Phyo Hlaing) from Pyi prison(UAC-025-2009)
Aung Aung Oo from Kathar prison(UAC-107-2009)
Aung Kyaw Moe from Myitkyina prison
Daw Win from Kaw Taung prison
Ma War from Hte Wae prison
Ma Oo from The Wae prison
Ko Win Lwin from Hte Wae prosin
Aung Moe Zaw (a.k.a Moe Ti) from Insein prison
Myint Kyaing from Insein prison
Aye Aye Nwei (a.k.a. Elizabeth) from Insein prison
Saw Francis from Insein prison
Saw Naing Win (a.k.a. Alexander) from Insein prison
Zarni Oo (a.k.a. Zar Zar) from Insein prison
Saw William, from Insein prison
Zaw Min Aung from Insein prison
Anthony (a.k.a Htun Mya) from Insein prison
Ko Aye Thein(a.k.a Yan Neing) from Insein prison
Htun Myat Thu from Insein prison
Currently, human rights defenders in Burma have collecting information and issuing letters and appeals for the release of other prisoners of conscience who are still in detention. The AHRC has received the information and on the confirmation of the release of those political prisoners who received amnesty in this year, 2012 include in the updates of UAU-004-2012.
The AHRC has been following a number of other cases where people have been treated wrongfully detained in prison without evidence and are accused of involvement in bombings in Burma. However, the AHRC has campaigned against their detained in prison on their behalf.
UAU-018-2009: U Myint Aye & others
UAC-005-2011: Kyaw Zelin and others
UAC-145-2011: Htun Oo and other 3
All of the people who have been accused of being involved with the bombings have evidence available which suggests that they are innocent. The AHRC is appealing continuously for their release. In the coming period, we will issue appeals on some of these cases.
Additionally, after President Thein Sein took office in last year in 2011, it is estimated that more than 641 political prisoners have been freed under the President’s amnesty. It has been stated that up to 200 to 600 political activists remain in detention along with the accused of the bombing cases.
Thank you.
Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)
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