UZBEKISTAN: Death in detention of a writer

UA-03-2001: Death in detention of a writer
UZBEKISTAN – Arbitrary detention and suspicious death
According World Organization Against Torture (OMCT), on February 28, 2001, the well-known 56-year-old writer Mr. Emin Usman died in detention in the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) of Uzbekistan. Mr. Usman was arrested by militia officials near his house in Navoi Kolkhoz in the region of Tashkent on February 11, 2001. After his arrest, Usman was detained in the basement of MVD. It was not until the fifth day after his arrest that his lawyer, Ahmadjon Cautov was able to meet with him.
The MVD prosecutor, Abdumutal Zakrullaev, informed Mr. Usman’s lawyer that Usman was accused under Article 244-1 (Distribution of Materials Constituting a Danger to Public Security) of the Criminal Code of the Uzbek Republic. However, he stated that \”he will also be charged under other articles, including Article 159 (Infringement of the Constitutional System).\”
On February 28, relatives of the writer were informed that he had committed suicide, and law enforcement officials brought Usman’s body to his home on March 1 at about 4:30 a.m. Meanwhile, about 50 to 60 militiamen surrounded Usman’s house and refused the family permission to wash the body and hold a vigil. According to one of the relatives, \”There was a deep bloody wound on the back of his head.\” According to another source, the whole body \”was covered with bruises.\”
On the orders of militia officials, a hasty burial was conducted at about 6 a.m. under strict security. One of the witnesses stated, \”In fact, Usman was buried by militia officials. During the ceremony, a thick circle of militia officials surrounded the cemetery. His friends and relatives were not allowed anywhere near the grave.\”
According to the medical certificate delivered after the burial ceremony, the cause of Usman’s death was stated as a \”brain tumour.\”
Mr. Emin Usman is the author of more than 20 books in the Russian, Uzbek and Uygur language. He is widely known in Uzbekistan for his novels and stories.
Mr. Usman was allegedly on a \”black list\” of the Uzbek Special Services for many years because of his religious beliefs and his public activity among ethnic Uygurs.
He was arrested for the first time during mass arrests in Tashkent on February 22, 1999, and charged with acts of terrorism. In February 2000, he was convicted and sentenced to three years’ imprisonment under Article 177 (Illegal Currency Operations) of the Criminal Code of the Uzbek Republic. He was granted amnesty and released.
Please write to the president, minister of justice and head commissioner for human rights of the Republic of Uzbekistan requesting that an immediate and full investigation into Mr. Emin Usman’s suspicious death be conducted and, if the identify of those responsible is ascertained, that they will be punished by law. A sample letter is provided below.
To support this case, please click here: SEND APPEAL LETTER
Your Excellency,
I have been shocked to learn that a well-known Uzbekistan writer, Mr. Emin Usman, died in detention and was quickly buried without any investigation into his suspicious death.
Based on the accounts of his relatives and other witnesses, I cannot but have doubts about his death. To get rid of this doubt, I ask you to make an immediate and full investigation into Mr. Usman’s suspicious death. After the investigation, if there is anything illegal discovered, like torture, those people responsible should be punished under the law, and adequate compensation to his family should be guaranteed.
I look forward to hearing about your prompt action to investigate his death and to guarantee respect for human rights in accordance with international human rights standards.
Yours sincerely,
His Excellency Islam Abduganievich KARIMOV
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
Respublika Uzbekistan, 700000 g. Tashkent,
pr. Uzbekistansky, Rezidentsia prezidenta,
Prezidentu Respubliki Uzbekistan, KARIMOVU I.A.
FAX: +998 71 139-5315
SALUTATION: Your Excellency
Mr. Siradzhuddin MIRSAFAYEV
Minister of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
Respublika Uzbekistan,700047 g. Tashkent. ul. Sayilgokh,
5 Ministerstvo yustitsii
Respubliki Uzbekistan Ministru MIRSAFAYEVU S.
FAX: +998 71 133-5176
Oliy Majlis Commissioner for Human Rights,
Respublika Uzbekistan, 700008 g. Tashkent, pl. Mustakillik,
2 Oliy Majlis Respubliki Uzbekistan, Upolnomochennoy po pravam, cheloveka pri Oliy Majlis, RASHIDOVOY S.
FAX: +998 71 139-8555
Please also write to the embassy or consulates of Uzbekistan in your country.