SRI LANKA: 33 year-old Tortured to Death by Police


Urgent Appeal Case: UA-07-2001
ISSUES: Torture,

UA-07-2001: 33 year-old Tortured to Death by Police

SRI LANKA – extrajudicial killing and torture by police

UCHITHA THUSSARA KUMAEA, 33 years old, married and the father of two children, was tortured to death by Police at Ja-ela Police station, Sri Lanka on 24th March, 2001. Mr. Kumaea was arrested by the officers from Ja-ela police station on the morning of 24th March, using a warrant for a minor offence. Mr. Kumaea was sent to the remand prison in Negambo on the evening of the same day.

On the 26th, when his family made inquires about him, they learned that he had died and that remand authorities had informed Ja-ela police about the death, with an instruction to inform the family. To this date, no such communication has yet been made by the police.

The Magistrate of the area visited the remand prison to see the body and made an order for the body to be sent for examination by the judicial medical officer of the Ragama Hospital. This examination has been completed and the sealed report has been sent to court. The family, on making inquiries, have found that the medical officers’ report states that the death was due to internal injuries. The family is of the view that the injuries were caused at the police station before the prisoner was handed over to remand custody. Prison authorities have a responsibility to examine the person before receiving him.

An urgent and thorough inquiry is required at this stage if justice is to be done in this case. The offences involved are Murder under the Penal Code and Torture under the ‘Convention Against Torture’ Act no.22 of 1994.


Please write urgently to the Inspector General of Police and the President of Sri Lanka, and send copies to the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka and the UN Special Rapporteurs on Torture and on Extrajudicial Killings. The sample letter is provided below, along with the necessary contact details.

To support this case, please click here: SEND APPEAL LETTER


Dear Inspector General 
RE: UCHITHA THUSSARA KUMAEA, 33, tortured to death by Police at Ja-ela Police station, Sri Lanka on 24th March, 2001. 
We draw your attention to the above-mentioned case, the reported details of which are given below. We urge that a through inquiry be undertaken and that the culprits be brought to justice. The relevant offences are of Murder under the Penal Code and of Torture under the ‘Convention Against Torture’ Act no.22 of 1994. 
The details are as follows: 
– Mr. Kumaea was arrested by the officers from Ja-ela police station on the morning of 24th March, using a warrant for a minor offence. 
– Mr. Kumaea was sent to the remand prison in Negambo on the evening of the same day. 
– On 26th March his family made inquires about him, and learned that he had died and that remand authorities had informed Ja-ela police about the death, with an instruction to inform the family. To this date, no such communication has yet been made by the police. 
– The Magistrate of the area visited the remand prison to see the body and made an order for the body to be sent for examination by the judicial medical officer of the Ragama Hospital. This examination has been completed and the sealed report has been sent to court. 
– The family, on making inquiries, have found that the medical officers’ report states that the death was due to internal injuries. [Prison authorities have a responsibility to examine the person before receiving him.] 
– The family are of the justifiable opinion that Mr. Kumaea was tortured to death by the police at Ja-ela police station. 
Please use every means available to you to ensure that this matter is addressed expeditiously and with the full force of the legislation available to you, and that it will not be repeated. 
Yours sincerely 
CC – President of Sri Lanka 
– Chair, Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka
– UN Special Rapporteur on Torture 
– UN Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial Killings 
SEND LETTERS (preferably by fax) TO 
Mr. B.L.V. Kodituwakku 
Inspector General of Police 
New Secretariat 
Colombo 1, 
FAX: +941 446 174 
SALUTATION: Dear Inspector General 
Her Excellency President Chandrika B. Kumaratunga 
Presidential Residence 
Colombo 3 
FAX: +941 333 703 
SALUTATION: Your Excellency 

Mr. Fais Musthapa 
Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka 
No. 50, Dr. N W Perera Mawatha 
Borella, Colombo 8 
FAX: +941 694 924 
SALUTATION: Dear Mr. Musthapa 

Sir Nigel Rodley 
Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on the question of torture 
8-14 Avenue de la Paix 
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland 
Fax: +41 22 917-9016 
Ms. Asma Jahangir 
Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions 
c/o OHCHR-UNOG, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland 
Fax: +41 22 917 9016 

Document Type : Urgent Appeal Case
Document ID : UA-07-2001
Countries : Sri Lanka,
Issues : Torture,