INDONESIA: Violent attack and deliberate police inaction in East Java

Dear friends,
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from local human rights organisation KONTRAS about the alleged violent disturbance at a conference organized by the National Liberation Unity Party (PAPERNAS), by a group called the Indonesian Anti-Communist Front/Front Anti Koumnis (FAKI) at Batu in East Java on 4 March 2007. The incident took place while several armed police officers were present at the site and reportedly took no action to halt the violence sparked by the FAKI. The AHRC is highly concerned about the unabated aggressive nature of the anti-communist group and the absence of an effective and willing state mechanism to counter these violent situations.
The first regional conference of the National Liberation Unity Party (PAPERNAS) was held in the Selecta Hotel, Batu, East Java on 4 March 2007. At around 12:00 pm, 282 participants from 20 cities throughout East Java began arriving at the hotel while several armed officers of the Bantu Resort Police quietly observed the situation.
Soon after the conference commenced at around 2:00 pm, about 50 members of the FAKI arrived at the hotel by motorcycle. As soon as they arrived, they started to yell loudly in the hopes of disturbing the conference. The FAKI allegedly tried to disrupt the meeting as an attempt to protest the policies of PAPERNAS since they believe that the organisations platform is based on a communist ethos. However, PAPERNA allegedly denies having any communist affiliation.
FAKI then burned a PAPERNAS flag and violently threatened the conference participants. The violence escalated and raising fear amongst the participants. As a result, the conference was cancelled until the situation stabilised.
It has been reported that the police officers who were present at the hotel did not take any actions in stopping the violence; rather, they stood by idly while the situation deteriorated. Later that day, when the conference finally recommenced, the police made a barricade around the conference room to keep the anti-communist group out from the area so they could not cause another disturbance.
However, the FAKI members continued to shout in hopes of once again disrupting the conference. At around 5:00 pm, the group began breaking windows of the conference room and entered the premise. The conference submerged in turmoil once again. It was not until 6:30 pm when the situation became composed; however, the FAKI remained in front of the hotel until the conference was concluded at 10:00 pm on that day.
The AHRC is deeply concerned about the continued violence of anti-communist groups who act out against civilians in Indonesia. The absence of any state intervention in quelling such violent as clearly shown in this case is highly disgraceful. The polices unwillingness to stop the violence gives an impression that they were giving tacit approval for the anti-communist group to disturbing the conference. The police must and should have acted more diligently to protect citizens at the conference from the armed mob. It is shocking that this violence occurred even after the party who organised the conference had obtained all necessary permission from the concerned authorities including the Bantu Resort Police.
The AHRC condemns these violent attacks against civilians and the failure of the police to stop the violence. Such actions violate the victims right to freedom of expression and assembly as recognized by articles 19 and 21 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights to which Indonesia is a state party. The government of Indonesia therefore must be held responsible for failing to provide its citizens with the security they need to enjoy these rights and freedoms.
Regrettably, this case involving the denied of a group’s right to freedom of expression is not an isolated incident. The FAKI have been reportedly acting out against PAPERNAS in the past. A few of the most recent cases reported on by the AHRC include UA-012-2007; UA-185-2006.
There has been a strong anti-communist movement in Indonesia since 1965. Along with the anti-communist ethos supported by state authorities, many militant groups have developed antagonistic attitudes over the decades in the name of the anti-communist movement. It has been reported that many involved with the progressive democratic movement, including human rights defenders have been targeted by such militant organisations through violent means. See UA-012-2007; UA-185-2006; UA-15-2003; UA-11-2002; UP-18-2002; UP-21-2002 and UP-24-2002, for further information about the militant groups attack against human rights defenders.
Please write letters to the authorities listed below, asking for their immediate intervention in launching an independent investigation into the alleged inaction of the police. Please also demand that they take action in bringing militant violence to a peaceful conclusion.
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INDONESIA: Violent attack and deliberate police inaction in East Java
Name of the victims: participants of the conference organized by the National Liberation Unity Party (PAPERNAS)
Name of the alleged perpetrators: 1) About 100 peoples from the Indonesian Anti Communist Front/ Front Anti Komunis (FAKI); 2) Bantu Resort Police
Place of the incident: the Selecta Hotel, Batu city, East Java, Indonesia
Date of the incident: 4 March 2007
I am writing to voice my grave concern over the alleged inaction of police officers and state authorities during a violent disturbance at a conference in East Java, by the militant group called the Indonesian Anti Communist Front (FAKI) on 4 March 2007.
According to the information I received, the incident took place while several armed police officers were present at the site and reportedly took no action to halt the violence sparked by the FAKI. I am highly concerned about the unabated aggressive nature of the anti-communist group and the absence of an effective and willing state mechanism to counter these violent situations.
I understand that this was the first regional conference of the National Liberation Unity Party (PAPERNAS) was held in the Selecta Hotel, Batu, East Java on 4 March 2007. At around 12:00 pm, 282 participants from 20 cities throughout East Java began arriving at the hotel while several armed officers of the Bantu Resort Police quietly observed the situation.
I know that soon after the conference commenced at around 2:00 pm, about 50 members of the FAKI arrived at the hotel by motorcycle. As soon as they arrived, they started to yell loudly in the hopes of disturbing the conference. The FAKI allegedly tried to disrupt the meeting as an attempt to protest the policies of PAPERNAS since they believe that the organisations platform is based on a communist ethos. However, PAPERNA allegedly denies having any communist affiliation.
FAKI then burned a PAPERNAS flag and violently threatened the conference participants. The violence escalated and raising fear amongst the participants. As a result, the conference was cancelled until the situation stabilised.
I am shocked to hear that the police officers who were present at the hotel allegedly did not take any actions in stopping the violence; rather, they stood by idly while the situation deteriorated. Later that day, when the conference finally recommenced, the police made a barricade around the conference room to keep the anti-communist group out from the area so they could not cause another disturbance.
However, the FAKI members continued to shout in hopes of once again disrupting the conference. At around 5:00 pm, the group began breaking windows of the conference room and entered the premise. The conference submerged in turmoil once again and did not stop until 6:30 pm.
I believe that these violent attacks against civilians and the failure of the police to stop the violence are unacceptable. Such actions violate the victims right to freedom of expression and assembly as recognized by articles 19 and 21 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights to which Indonesia is a state party. The government of Indonesia therefore must be held responsible for failing to provide its citizens with the security they need to enjoy these rights and freedoms.
I urge the government of Indonesia to take serious steps to eliminate all kinds of violence associated with the anti-communist movement that is responsible for targeting innocent civilians. I ask for your immediate intervention in launching an independent investigation into this incident and that you take action in bringing militant violence to a peaceful conclusion.
Yours sincerely,
1.Mr. Abdul Rahman Saleh
Attorney General
Kejaksaan Agung RI
Jl. Sultan Hasanuddin No. 1
Jakarta Selatan
Tel: + 62 21 7221337, 7397602
Fax: + 62 21 7250213
2. Gen. Sutanto
Chief of National Police
Jl. Trunojoyo No. 3
Jakarta Selatan
Tel: +62 21 721 8012
Fax: +62 21 720 7277
3. Mr. Susilo Bambang Yudoyono
Republic of Indonesia
Presidential Palace
Jl. Medan Merdeka Utara
Jakarta Pusat 10010
Tel: + 62 21 3845627 ext 1003
Fax: + 62 21 231 41 38, 345 2685, 345 7782
4. Mr. Agung Laksono
Chief of the Indonesian House of Representative
Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 6
Tel: + 62 21 5715509; 5715344; 5715621
Fax: + 62 21 5714469, 5734389
5. Mr. Hamid Awaluddin
Minister of Justice and Human Rights
Uahi Utoyo Usman S.H.
Menteri Kehkiman
JI. H.R. Rosuna Said Kav. 6-7
Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
Fax: +62 21 525 3095
6. Mr. Abdul Hakim Garuda Nusantara
Jl. Latuharhary No. 4B Menteng
Jakarta Pusat 10310
Tel: +62 21 3925230
Fax: +62 21 3151042/3925227
7. Mr. Ambeyi Ligabo
Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression
Attn: J Deriviero
1211 Geneva 10
Tel: +41 22 917 9177
Thank you.
Urgent Appeal Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (