INDONESIA: Brigadier officer assaults hospitalised teenage boy

Dear friends
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from KONTRAS Sumatera Utara about the severe torture of Mr. Aditya Panji Akbar, an 18 year-old boy while undergoing treatment at the Mental Health Ward of the Bhayangkara (Police) Hospital, by Brigadier Officer Simarmata of the Medan City Police on the 11 January 2007 in the Northern Sumatran city of Medan.
On the 6th December 2006, the victim who is a shoe-shiner stole a motorcycle from a local showroom. He was promptly arrested by Medan City Police Officers who upon questioning him, found him to be of questionable mental health. They then ordered an official mental health examination of Mr. Akbar; the examining doctor also found him to be of questionable mental health and recommended that he be admitted to a Mental Health Institution for treatment. An impoverished family, Mr. Akbar’s parents could not afford the costs of private healthcare, therefore he was admitted to the Bhayangkara (Police) Hospital on the 28 December 2006.
According to the information we received, Mr. Akbar was detained in a cell in the Bhayangkara Hospital. On 11 January 2007 at around 6:10pm, he was severely tortured by Brigadier Officer Simarmata and the other occupant of his cell. The victim was repeatedly beaten and kicked, then stripped naked and forced to crawl across the floor, and was also forced to masturbate. In his statement, the victim also alleged that Brigadier Officer struck him several times on his head with his gun.
Mr. Akbar sustained severe injuries to his upper body, feet, ankles, hands, head and left eye. Hospital staff and the other detainees were witness to this brutal attack.
On 15 January 2007, the victim’s Father, Mr. Nurdian Ridho, with the assistance of KONTRAS Sumatera Utara filed a formal complaint on behalf of his son to the Northern Sumatra Police Headquarters. His case complaint was filed as STPL.07/01/I/2007/Propam.
It has been suspected that the doctor who examined the victim who has been inflicted injury changed his medical statement under strong pressure by police and accused the victim of being a drug user. However the victim’s family has earnestly denied this charge.
Please write to the relevant authorities listed below, expressing your grave concern and ethical disgust at the inexcusable conduct of the said Brigadier Officer Simarmata in his brutal torture and humiliation of the victim, Mr. Aditya Panji Akbar.
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Dear __________,
INDONESIA: Brigadier officer assaults hospitalised teenage boy
Name of victim: Mr. Aditya Panji Akbar, 18 year-old
Name of alleged perpetrators: Brigadier Officer Simarmata of the Medan City Police
Date of incident: 11 January 2007 at around 6:10pm
Place of incident: Mental Health Ward of the Bhayangkara (Police) Hospital, Medan City, Northern Sumatra
I am writing to voice my deep concern regarding the brutal torture of Mr. Aditya Panji Akbar, an 18 year-old teenage boy while undergoing treatment at the Mental Health Ward of the Bhayangkara (Police) Hospital, by Brigadier Officer Simarmata of the Medan City Police on 11 January 2007 in the Northern Sumatran city of Medan.
On 6 December 2006, the victim who is a shoe-shiner stole a motorcycle from a local showroom. He was promptly arrested by Medan City Police Officers who upon questioning him, found him to be of questionable mental health. An official mental health examination of Mr. Akbar was ordered, and the examining doctor also found him to be of questionable mental health and recommended that he be admitted to a Mental Health Institution for treatment. An impoverished family, Mr. Akbar’s parents could not afford the costs of private healthcare, and so was admitted to the Bhayangkara (Police) Hospital on 28 December 2006.
According to the information, the victim was detained in a cell in the Bhayangkara Hospital. On 11 January 2007 at around 6:10pm, he was severely tortured by Brigadier Officer Simarmata and the other occupant of his cell. The victim was repeatedly beaten and kicked, then stripped naked and forced to crawl across the floor, and was also forced to masturbate. In his statement, the victim also alleged that Brigadier Officer struck him several times on his head with his gun. Mr. Akbar sustained severe injuries to his upper body, feet, ankles, hands, head and left eye. Hospital staff and the other detainees were witness to this brutal attack.
On 15 January 2007, the victim’s Father, Mr. Nurdian Ridho, with the assistance of KONTRAS Sumatera Utara filed a formal complaint on behalf of his son to the Northern Sumatra Police Headquarters. The complaint of his case was filed as STPL.07/01/I/2007/Propam.
It has been suspected that the doctor who examined the victim who has been inflicted injury changed his medical statement under strong pressure by police and accused the victim of being a drug user. However the victim’s family has earnestly denied this charge.
As can be expected, no further action has been taken by the Police authorities in this case. I am deeply disturbed to learn about this incident, and am completely disgusted that State-appointed law enforcement officers resort to such brutal and monstrous behaviour. I find Brigadier Officer Simarmatas conduct totally incomprehensible and inexcusable, as I do the subsequent inactivity of the Police and other relevant state authorities in taking affirmative action against it.
It has been revealed that torture has become somewhat of an institutional practice amongst the Police in Indonesia, and that it continues both unabated and unpunished, which in my opinion, is equivalent to directly encouraging it. Therefore, I strongly urge you to take all necessary steps in ensuring that the Government of Indonesia honour its obligations as a member of the UN Human Rights Council, in ensuring that an official investigation be conducted without further delay, and that prosecution against Brigadier Officer Simarmata be taken immediately. Furthermore, it is imperative that the Government provide adequate financial compensation to the victim, and his family, among other forms of assistance.
I look forward to your prompt and effective response in this matter.
Yours sincerely,
1. Mr. Susilo Bambang Yudoyono
Republic of Indonesia
Presidential Palace
Jl. Medan Merdeka Utara
Jakarta Pusat 10010
Tel: + 62 21 3845627 ext 1003
Fax: + 62 21 231 41 38, 345 2685, 345 7782
2. Mr. Abdul Rahman Saleh
Attorney General
Kejaksaan Agung RI
Jl. Sultan Hasanuddin No. 1
Jakarta Selatan
Tel: + 62 21 7221337, 7397602
Fax: + 62 21 7250213
3. Gen. Sutanto
Chief of National Police
Jl. Trunojoyo No. 3
Jakarta Selatan
Tel: +62 21 721 8012
Fax: +62 21 720 7277
4. Mr. Agung Laksono
Chief of the Indonesian House of Representative
Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 6
Tel: + 62 21 5715509; 5715344; 5715621
Fax: + 62 21 5714469, 5734389
5. Mr. Hamid Awaluddin
Minister of Justice and Human Rights
Uahi Utoyo Usman S.H.
Menteri Kehkiman
JI. H.R. Rosuna Said Kav. 6-7
Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
Fax: +62 21 525 3095
6. Mr. Abdul Hakim Garuda Nusantara
Jl. Latuharhary No. 4B Menteng
Jakarta Pusat 10310
Tel: +62 21 3925230
Fax: +62 21 3151042/3925227
Thank you.
Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (