INDIA: Man is allegedly tortured to death by police after refusing to pay bribe in West Bengal

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Dear friends,
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from MASUM, a local partner organisation in West Bengal, India that 32 year-old Krishnapada Das was allegedly tortured to death while in custody after he refused to pay a bribe to police on 9 February 2007. When Mr. Krishnapada was arrested by the Pathor Pratima Police, he was also never brought before the Magistrate court. It is alleged that the police officers had demanded a bribe from the victims father to withdraw the charges. However, when his father refused to pay, Mr. Krishnapada was killed. Meanwhile, roughly 30 protesters where beaten by police when they demanded an investigation and no post-mortem has been provided to the family after two months.
Mr. Krishnapada Das was a resident of Purba Dwarikapur Village, South 24 Parganas district, West Bengal, India when he was arrested by the Pathor Pratima Police on 9 February 2007. The officers arrested the victim under section 498A, 306, and 34 of the Indian Penal Code for subjecting his wife to cruelty and abetting the commission of a suicide.
It is alleged that at around 7:30 pm on February 9, the victim’ father Mr. Vanu Das, received several telephone calls from the Phathor Pratima Police demanding Rs. 6000 (USD 137) to withdraw the charges against the victim, a demand that was to be turned down. Deplorably, later that evening at around midnight, the victim was found hanging inside the lock-up from the bar of the window.
The next morning at 7:00 am, local leader Mr. Kanailal Das, the officer-in-charge and three to four police officers of Pathor Pratima police informed Mr. Vanu of his sons death and asked him to go to the police station. After the victims father and uncle went to the police station, the police brought the body to the Pathorpratima Block Health Center at 3:00 pm. Before the transfer, both Mr. D. K. Mitra (Sub divisional Police Officer) and Mr. Sanjay Bhattacharya (Sub Divisional Officer) inspected the body outside the police station in the presence of local people. According to witnesses identified as Mr. Suniti Bhuia, Ms. Sila Raut of Ramganga village and the person on duty at the ferry service at Pathor Pratima, Krishnapadas body and face had sustained many injuries. However, the police did not report any of the injuries at the time of their investigation.
According to Mr. D. K. Mitra, Sub-divisional Police Office “at the presence of Sub divisional Officer named Sanjay Bhattacharya and Block development Officer, the victims dead body was vediographed during investigation”. It is also alleged by the police that no injuries were found in the victims dead body in the video photographs. According to Kaliprasad Mukhopadhyay, Block Medical Officer (Health), no injury was found except the marks from the noose on the victims throat.
On top of this, on the morning of February 10, many local people had gathered in front of the Pathor Pratima police station to protest the custodial death and torture of Mr Krishnapada. Pathor Pratima police then began beating them mercilessly with sticks. Due to the brutal beatings, around 30 people were seriously injured and some were arrested, while the injured were admitted to local hospital.
Meanwhile, the Pathor Pratima police also sent the body miles away to Kolkata for the post-mortem, rather than to the local facility at Diamond Harbor.
Members of the victims family have lodged written complaints with the Additional Superintendent of Police (Rural), South 24 Parganas district; however, no action has yet been taken to find out the alleged true cause of death or to bring the perpetrators to justice.
On 8 March 2007, Mr. Vanu Das, father of the victim also lodged a complaint with the Chairman of the West Bengal Human Rights Commission with the support of Robin Bag, Member of Lakshi Janardanpur Gram Panchayet. Again, no action has been initiated to date.
In the course of development of a society, each country develops various kinds of institutions to run their societal affairs smoothly and to ensure the development of the community through peaceful means. The development of a democratic form of government and its institutions at different levels are the outcome of these initiatives. Indian society is no exception to this phenomenon.
However, the Indian ruling class has miserably failed to show the minimum amount of courage and conviction to overcome the social divisions within society that are still based on a feudal structure and which is the root cause of all backwardness in Indian society. One must understand that the extremely obscure bureaucracy and corrupt policing is the natural outcome of feudal social divisions. Also, Indian social institutions lack transparency which breeds corruption and offers no redress to victims or their families (Please see: UA-65-2003; UA-329-2006; UA-340-2006; UA-349-2006).
Such inhuman treatment like custodial torture, often resulting in death can not be tolerable in any civilized society. From time to time, the unpleasant incidents and inhuman treatments to which we come across are just small reflections of those horrible things which are taking place below the surface.
Taking into account the increasing numbers of custodial deaths in India, the Code of Criminal Procedure (amendment) Act, 2005 was passed. According to subsection (1-A) of section 176 of the Criminal Procedure Code;
“Where – any person dies or disappears, while such person is in the custody of the police or in any other custody authorised by the magistrate or the court, under this Code in addition to the inquiry or investigation held by the police, an inquiry shall be held by the Judicial Magistrate or the Metropolitan Magistrate, as the case may be, within whose local jurisdiction the offence has been committed.”
But it is of no use in West Bengal because of corrupt policing and the obscure bureaucracy. Police are enjoying absolute impunity in the State. Even the family members of the victim have not been provided with the post-mortem report after two months since the incident. This demonstrates that the West Bengal Government does not have any respect for article 21 of Indian Constitution which gives guarantees of the “Right to Life” of every individual. To know more about the tenacious and authoritarian acts of the West Bengal Government, please see a recently issued statement by the AHRC: AS-059-2007.
Please send a letter to the relevant authorities mentioned below urging for an immediate and thorough investigation into this case in particular and also into the aspects of general policing in India so that disciplinary actions are taken against the police officers if they are found responsible for breach of duty.
To support this case, please click here: SEND APPEAL LETTER
Dear _____________,
INDIA: Man is allegedly tortured to death by police after refusing to pay bribe in West Bengal
Name of the victim: Krishnapada Das aged about 32 years old, son of Mr. Vanu Das, residing at village Purbo Dwarikapur village, Pathor Pratima police station, South 24 Parganas district, West Bengal, India.
Alleged perpetrators:
1. Debkumar Roy, Officer-In-Charge, Pathor Pratima police station, South 24 Parganas district, West Bengal, India.
2. Pinaki Mitra, Second Officer of the Pathor Pratima Police Station,
3. Mr. Buddha, Second Officer of the Pathor Pratima Police Station,
4. Mr. Sanjaybabu, Police Officer of the Pathor Pratima Police Station.
Place of the incident: Pathor Pratima Police Station
Date of incident: 10 February 2007
I am writing to you to express my deep concern about the custodial death of Mr. Krishnapada at the Pathor Pratima Police station on 9 February 2007. I have heard that the death happened after the father allegedly refused to pay a bribe to local police. I also am shocked to hear that over 30 protesters where beaten by police, while the family has still not received any post-mortem report two months on.
I have learned that Mr. Krishnapada Das was a resident of Purba Dwarikapur Village, South 24 Parganas district, West Bengal, India when he was arrested by the Pathor Pratima Police on 9 February 2007. The officers arrested the victim under section 498A, 306, and 34 of the Indian Penal Code for subjecting his wife to cruelty and abetting the commission of a suicide.
I understand that at around 7:30 pm on February 9, the victim father Mr. Vanu Das, allegedly received several telephone calls from the Phathor Pratima Police demanding Rs. 6000 (USD 137) to withdraw the charges against the victim, a demand that was to be turned down. Deplorably, later that evening at around midnight, the victim was found hanging inside the lock-up from the bar of the window.
The next morning at 7:00 am, local leader Mr. Kanailal Das, the officer-in-charge and 3 to 4 police officers of Pathor Pratima police informed Mr. Vanu of his son’s death and asked him to go to the police station. After the victims father and uncle went to the police station, the police brought the body to the Pathorpratima Block Health Center at 3:00 pm. Before the transfer, both Mr. D. K. Mitra (Sub divisional Police Officer) and Mr. Sanjay Bhattacharya (Sub Divisional Officer) inspected the body outside the police station in the presence of local people. According to witnesses identified as Mr. Suniti Bhuia, Ms. Sila Raut of Ramganga village and the person on duty at the ferry service at Pathor Pratima, Krishnapada’s body and face had sustained many injuries. However, the police did not report any of the injuries at the time of their investigation.
I have heard that Mr. D. K. Mitra, Sub-divisional Police Office “at the presence of Sub divisional Officer named Sanjay Bhattacharya and Block development Officer, the victims dead body was vediographed during investigation”. It is also alleged by the police that no injuries were found in the victims dead body in the video photographs. According to Kaliprasad Mukhopadhyay, Block Medical Officer (Health), no injury was found except the marks from the noose on the victims throat.
I also know that on top of this, on the morning of February 10, many local people had gathered in front of the Pathor Pratima police station to protest the custodial death and torture of Mr Krishnapada. Pathor Pratima police then began beating them mercilessly with sticks. Due to the brutal beatings, around 30 people were seriously injured and some were arrested, while the injured were admitted to local hospital.
Meanwhile, the Pathor Pratima police also sent the body miles away to Kolkata for the post-mortem, rather than to the local facility at Diamond Harbor.
Members of the victim’s family have lodged written complaints with the Additional Superintendent of Police (Rural), South 24 Parganas district; however, no action has yet been taken to find out the alleged true cause of death or to bring the perpetrators to justice.
On 8 March 2007, Mr. Vanu Das, father of the victim also lodged a complaint with the Chairman of the West Bengal Human Rights Commission with the support of Robin Bag, Member of Lakshi Janardanpur Gram Panchayet. Again, no action has been initiated to date.
Under these circumstances, I urge you to immediately suspend the police officers involved who are responsible and take urgent action against them in accordance with the law. I also urge you to ensure that a judicial inquiry is immediately launched in this case to find out the cause of death of the victim while in police custody and to bring the perpetrators to justice.
I also urge you to pressure the government of India to ratify the United Nations International convention against Torture and Other Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment and to come up with domestic legislation to implement the convention in India. I also strongly request you to compensate the victim family for any cost that this incident has brought them.
Sincerely yours,
1. Mr. Manmohan Singh
The Prime Minister of India
Prime Minister’s Office
Room number 152, South Block
New Delhi
Fax: +91 11 23016857
2. Mr. Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee
Chief Minister
Government of West Bengal
Writers Buildings, Kolkata – 700001
West Bengal
Tel: +91 33 2214 5555 (O) / 2280 0631 (R)
Fax: +91 33 2214 5480 / 2214 1341
3. Director General of Police
Government of West Bengal
Writers Buildings
West Bengal
Fax: +91 33 2214 4498 / 2214 5486
4. Chairperson
National Human Rights Commission of India
Faridkot House, Copernicus Marg
New Delhi -110001
Fax: +91 11 2334 0016
5. Chairperson
West Bengal Human Rights Commission
Bhabani Bhavan, Alipore
Kolkata – 700027
Tel: +91 33 4797259 / 5558866
Fax: +91 33 4799633
6. Chief Secretary
Government of West Bengal
Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata – 700001
West Bengal
Fax: +91 33 22144328
7. Home Secretary
Government of West Bengal
Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata – 700001
West Bengal
Fax: +91 33 22143001
8. Justice Balakrishnan
Chief Justice of India
Through the Office of the Registrar General
Supreme Court of India
1 Tilak Marg, New Delhi
Fax: +91 11 23383792
9. Justice B. Bhattacharya
Acting Chief Justice of Kolkata High Court
Kolkata High Court
Kolkata, West Bengal
10. Prof. Manfred Nowak
Special Rapporteur on the Question of Torture
Attn: Mr. Safir Syed
1211 Geneva 10
Tel: +41 22 917 9230
Thank you
Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (