INDIA: Three persons allegedly shot dead by the Rapid Action Force in Manipur

Dear friends,
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from its local partner the Human Rights Alert, a human rights organisation working in Imphal, Manipur regarding the alleged murder of three persons by the Rapid Action Force (RAF) of Manipur State Police on 6 April 2007. It is alleged that the three men were shot by the RAF since they failed to stop at a police check point. One man named Sapan was shot while the three were riding a scooter and the other two men named Taorem and Thangkhenmung were shot at close range after they were forced to lie down on the road. The local police have now come up with a story that the three persons were shot at while they were trying to hurl grenades at the police which is disputed by the eye witnesses to the incident.
On 6 April 2007, Mr. Sapan Brojen Singh alias Pakasana, Mr. Taorem Boba and Mr. H. Thangkhenmung Hangzo alais Thamung were riding a scooter bearing registration number MN 1 Q/3132. Thangkhenmung was driving and Taorem was seated behind in between Thangkhenmung and Sapam.
When the three men reached Kwakeithel market, they found the Rapid Action Force (RAF) personnel checking vehicles and drivers. Inspector Mr. Krishnatombi asked Thangkhenmung to stop. However, Thangkhenmung did not stop the scooter and tried speeding from the place. The police chased the scooter and at the first chance they shot at the scooter hitting Taorem which killed him. Taorem’s body fell off from the scooter and Thangkhenmung lost his balance and the scooter fell down. The police party reached the spot immediately and rounded up Thangkhenmung and Sapam. They searched Thangkhenmung and Sapam by asking them to undress on the spot. They also searched Taorem’s body and found nothing.
Then Thangkhenmung and Sapam were asked to lie face down on the road. Then the police allegedly shot both Thangkhenmung and Sapam. Seeing the incident and hearing the shots a group of women activists who were near the scene tried to rush to the scene. There they saw both Thangkhenmung and Sapam struggling for their lives. However the police prevented them from helping Thangkhenmung and Sapam and fired blank shots at the women and also other men who had gathered at the scene to prevent them from approaching Thangkhenmung and Sapam.
A group of journalists were also coming towards the scene in another vehicle. In fact the journalists were on their way to some other place. Seeing the commotion they tried to come near the scene, but they were also kept at a distance by the police firing blank shots at the journalists. Thangkhenmung and Sapam died on the spot. It is alleged that Ms. Laisharam Sorojini Devi, the Secretary, Leimarol Leishem Yaipha Kanba Lup and several other local people are witnesses to the entire incident.
A joint action committee was formed to protest against the incident and called for a state-wide protest from 5am to 6pm on 7 April 2007 in Manipur. The JAC also wrote to the Manipur Chief Minister asking for an immediate inquiry into the incident. They also asked for payment of interim compensation for the victims’ family. In addition to the JAC the Imphal Block of Siamsinpawlpi, a student welfare organisation, also joined the protest and condemned the police action.
On 7 April 2007, a meeting of the civil society groups were organised by the Human Rights Alert and the Meira Paibi at Malon Tuliyaima Ibudhou Pakhangba community hall. The participants of the meeting in condemned the police action and called for immediate intervention and investigation into the incident. Meanwhile the police department has issued a statement that the victims were shot since they were trying to hurl grenades at the police.
Manipur is a highly militarized state in the north-eastern part of India. Since several decades the state has witnessed large scale atrocities committed by the military and para-military with impunity in the state. The reason for militarisation in Manipur is attributed to the fight led by several local groups seeking among others more rights to the Manipuri people and also claiming to break away from the Indian state alleging that Manipur was forcibly annexed to India against the will of the Manipuri people.
The increased militarisation was supported by draconian laws like the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, 1958 that provided complete impunity to law enforcement agencies, to the extent that even an ordinary soldier could shoot to kill any person on suspicion. This law however does not provide the same amount of impunity to the local police. However the continuing relationship between the military and para-military force stationed in Manipur and the local police has resulted in a situation that the members of the local police, though largely Manipuris, have started resorting to using arbitrary and excessive force when it come to law enforcement. This incident is a reflection of such an attitude.
Adding to the commotion, India lack specific laws to prosecute erring law enforcement officers. For example custodial torture is yet to be made a crime in India. There are no independent agencies in India to investigate crimes committed by law enforcement agencies. As regard to the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, 1958 even the Supreme Court of India has refused to provide any remedy by failing to prevent the endless enforcement of the Act in the state. The sister concern of the AHRC, the Asian Legal Resource Centre in its publication article2 has tried to analyse the situation in Manipur and the result of the implementation of the Act in that state. For further information please see
Please send a letter to the relevant authorities mentioned below urging for an immediate and thorough investigation into this case so that actions are taken against the alleged perpetrators. Please also request the authorities in India to repeal the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 and its implementation in Manipur. The AHRC is also writing to the Special Rapporteur on Extra-judicial, Summary, or Arbitrary Executions Mr. Philip Alston calling for an immediate intervention in this case.
To support this case, please click here: SEND APPEAL LETTER
Dear ________,
INDIA: Three persons allegedly shot dead by the Rapid Action Force in Manipur
Names of the victims:
1. Mr. Sapam Brojen Singh alias Pakasana, aged 24, son of Mr. Sapam Gandha, residing at Malom Tuliyama Awang Leikai, Imphal West District, Manipur, India
2. Mr. Taorem Boba, aged 27, son of Mr. Taorem Rajen, residing at Chanangei Uchekon, Imphal West District
3. Mr. H. Thangkhenmung Hangzo alias Thamung, aged 31, son of Mr. Vungkham Hangzo, residing at Paite Veng, Imphal West District
Alleged perpetrators:
Officers from the Rapid Action Force attached to the Imphal West Police Station, led by Police Inspector Mr. Krishnatombi
Date and place of the incident: 6 April 2007, at about 9.45am at Kwakeithel Heinou Khongnembi, Laishram Leikai Puthabi, Imphal West District, Manipur, India
I am writing to you to express my concern regarding the arbitrary killing of three persons named above by the Rapid Action Force of the Manipur State Police. I am informed that the RAF was led by Police Inspector Mr. Krishnatombi. I am informed that the three victims were traveling on a scooter which was aksed to stop by the RAF for a surprise check. It is alleged that the victims did not stop at the police check post and tried to speed away from the place. I am informed that the RAF chased them and shot at the vehicle killing the pillion rider Mr. Sapam.
As Sapam’s body fell down, the driver Mr. Thangkhenmung lost control of the vehicle and both Thangkhenmung and Taorem fell down. I am informed that the RAF rounded up Thangkhenmung and Taorem and asked them to lie down face down on the road and searched them forcing them to remove their cloths. I am also informed that the RAF also searched Sapam’s body but found nothing incriminating. It is alleged that then the RAF shot Thangkhenmung and Taorem at close range while they were forced to lie down on the road killing them on the spot.
I am informed that there are several eye witnesses to the incident, including local women activists and journalists who were present from helping Thangkhenmung and Taorem. I am also informed that there were several protest meet organised by local civil society groups in Manipur condemning the incident against which the local police have come up with a statement alleging that the victims were shot at while they were trying to hurl grenades at the RAF. This version however is disputed by the witnesses and also local human rights activists who have conducted their own inquiry into the incident.
I therefore urge you to immediately order an investigation into the matter and take appropriate action against the RAF officers involved in this case. I also urge you to consider investigating several other cases that has been brought to your notice by the Asian Human Rights Commission where the law enforcement agents and military and para-military agencies are alleged to have committed gross human rights violations in Manipur.
I also urge you to take appropriate measures to award interim compensation to the victims’ families and also ensure that the RAF officers responsible for the murder of three victims are charged and prosecuted for murder. I also urge you to take appropriate steps to ensure that the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, 1958 is withdrawn from Manipur.
I look for your urgent intervention into this matter.
Sincerely yours,
1. Mr. Manmohan Singh
The Prime Minister of India
Prime Minister’s Office
Room number 152, South Block
New Delhi
Fax: 91 11 23016857
2. Mr. Okram Ibobi Singh
Chief Minister of Manipur
Chief Minister’s Secretariat
Babupara, Imphal, Manipur
Fax: 91 385 2221817
3. Justice Mr. Balakrishnan
Chief Justice of India
Through the Office of the Registrar General
Supreme Court of India
1 Tilak Marg, New Delhi
Fax: 91 11 23383792
4. The Chairperson
National Human Rights Commission of India
Faridkot House, Copernicus Marg
New Delhi-110001
Fax: +91 11 2334 0016
5. Mr. L. P. Gonmei
Commissioner, Civil Secretariat
Imphal, Manipur
Fax: 91 385 2311793
Thank you.
Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (