INDONESIA: Alleged severe torture of six teenage youth by police over petty quarrel

Dear Friends,
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the Association of Initiative Developing and People Advocacy (PIAR) of the alleged brutal torture of a teenage youth, Mr. Odi Modokh, and his five friends at the Manggarai Resort Police Station in the South-Eastern district of Nusa Tengurra, Indonesia on 29 and 30 January 2007. At the time of writing the victims are still being detained at the police station and have been denied medical attention despite the severe injuries that they sustained by torture. We call for your urgent intervention into this matter. Please urge the Indonesian authorities to immediately provide medical treatment to the victims, inquire about the alleged torture of the victims and bring the alleged perpetrators to justice.
On 28 January 2007 at around 10pm, Mr. Odi Modokh and his five friends namely Mr. Arnoldus Janggur, Mr. Albertus Benda, Mr. Marseinus Janggur, Mr. Dohol Janggur, and Mr. Beni Herwanto were socializing outside a local convenience store on Yos Sudarso Road when an attractive woman passed by. The young teenage boys whistled and cat-called at the woman. A few minutes later, the said woman returned with a man and singled out one of the boys, Mr. Albertus Benda. The man started to quarrel with Mr. Benda. Overhearing this argument, Mr. Modokh intervened on his friend’s behalf and began to quarrel with the couple as well. He apparently then slapped the man. The couple then left.
At around 11pm that same night, Mr. Modokh, Mr. Benda and their friends were on their way home when six men on motorbikes barricaded their way. Grabbing Mr. Modokh, they then proceeded to the Mangarrai Resort Police Station in the South-Eastern district of Nusa Tengurra.
After being informed about the incident, Mr. Modokh’s family rushed to the Mangarrai Resort Police Station and begged the Deputy Chief of Police to ensure that young Odi would not be tortured. They stayed at the police station until 1:00am the following morning, waiting for word of their young son.
It is alleged that Mr. Modokh was severely tortured whilst in detention; he later identified one of his abductors and a police officer, Eko Chayora, as one of the two officers who tortured him.
On 29 January 2007, the five friends of the victim came to the said police station with their families to enquire about their friend. All five boys were detained overnight at the Police Station, where they too were brutally tortured by the said two officers on 30 January 2007.
It has been reported that Mr. Arnoldus Janggur sustained severe head injuries from his ordeal, and fell into semi-consciousness. He along with the other five friends remains in detention at the Mangarrai Resort Police Station and the police have not provided any medical attention for them. Meanwhile, no investigation has been launched into the alleged torture of the victims by any of the police and governmental authorities.
The AHRC is deeply concerned by the incident. It is true that the victims offended the couple but the police should have dealt with this matter through a lawful procedure. In any circumstances, the police or any other law enforcement officers must not torture arrestees. The actions of the police in this case is in clear violation of the right to security and right not to be tortured, which are guaranteed in Indonesian Constitution as well as the UN Convention against Torture (CAT) to which Indonesia is a state party.
Furthermore, the arrest of Mr. Modokh was not conducted in a legal manner. Although one of the persons who took him to the police station is in fact a police officer of the Mangarrai Resort Police Station, the manner of Mr. Modokhs arrest was more like an ‘abduction’. The AHRC suspects that the victims were subjected to brutal torture as an act of revenge due to some connection between the said police officer and the couple or other abductors.
Please write to the relevant authorities listed below expressing your grave concern regarding this case. Please urge them to take prompt action to provide medical assistance to the victims and to punish the alleged perpetrators by law.
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Dear __________,
INDONESIA: Alleged severe torture of six teenage youth by police over petty quarrel
Name of victims:
1) Mr. Odi Modokh, 2) Mr. Arnoldus Janggur, 3) Mr. Albertus Benda, 4) Mr. Marseinus Janggur, 5) Mr. Dohol Janggur, 6) Mr. Beni Herwanto
(All of them are detained at the Manggarai Resort Police Station as of 12 April 2007)
Alleged perpetrators:
1. Mr. Eko Chayora, officer attached to the Manggarai Resort Police Station, Nusa Tenggura district, South-Eastern Indonesia
2. One officer responsible for victim 1’s unlawful arrest and torture, attached to the Manggarai Resort Police Station (can be identified by Victim 1)
Date of incident: 29 and 30 January 2007
Place of incident: Manggarai Resort Police Station in Nusa Tenggura district
I am writing to voice my deep concern regarding the brutal torture of six teenage youths named above at the Manggarai Resort Police Station in the South-Eastern district of Nusa Tengurra on 29 and 30 January 2007.
According to the information I have received, at around 10pm on 28 January 2007, the six young men had a quarrel with a couple outside a local convenience store on Yos Sudarso Road, after they whistled and cat-called at the woman. During the quarrel, Mr. Odi Modokh slapped the man. On the way back home at around 11pm, Mr. Modokh was forcibly taken by six men on motorbikes, who brought him to the Mangarrai Resort Police Station.
I am informed that in early hours of January 29, Mr. Modokh was severely tortured by two police officers while in custody. He identified one police officer Mr. Eko Chayora and another police officer, who was one of the six persons forcibly took him to the police station, as his torturers.
On 29 January 2007, the other five youths were also taken into custody when they went to the police station to enquire about Mr. Modokh. While being detained there overnight, all five youths too were brutally tortured by the said two police officers. It has been reported that Mr. Arnoldus Janggur sustained severe head injuries from his ordeal, and fell in a state of semi-consciousness. He along with his friends is being still detained at the Mangarrai Resort Police Station and the police have not provided any medical attention to them. Not surprisingly, no action has been initiated to investigate this police torture and to take action against the alleged perpetrators.
I am appalled by such brutal behaviour of the Mangarrai Resort Police shown in this case. Even in the victims committed some wrongdoings, the police should have dealt with this matter through a lawful procedure. In any circumstances, police torture cannot be justified. This is also in violation of the right to security and right not to be tortured guaranteed in Indonesian Constitution as well as the UN Convention against Torture (CAT) to which Indonesia is a state party.
I am also concerned that the arrest of Mr. Modokh was not made in a lawful way, although one of the persons took him to the police station is in fact the police officer of the Mangarrai Resort Police Station. It seems to me that Mr. Modokh was almost ‘abducted’ not ‘arrested’. I suspect that the victims might be subjected to brutal torture as a revenge, due to some connection between the said police officer and the couple/or other abductors.
It is a well known fact that torture has become somewhat of an institutional practice amongst the police in Indonesia, and that it continues both unabated and unpunished, which in my opinion, is equivalent to directly encouraging it. Therefore, I strongly urge you to take all necessary steps in ensuring that an immediate and proper investigation be conducted into this case without further delay, and that prosecution against the two police officers concerned be taken immediately. Medical assistance should be immediately given to the victims and they should be allowed to be released on bail as their offence is petty. Furthermore, it is imperative that the Government provide adequate financial compensation to the victims, and their families, amongst other forms of assistance.
I look forward to your prompt and effective response in this matter.
1. Mr. Abdul Rahman Saleh
Attorney General
Kejaksaan Agung RI
Jl. Sultan Hasanuddin No. 1
Jakarta Selatan
Tel: + 62 21 7221337, 7397602
Fax: + 62 21 7250213
2. Gen. Sutanto
Chief of National Police
Jl. Trunojoyo No. 3
Jakarta Selatan
Tel: +62 21 721 8012
Fax: +62 21 720 7277
4. Mr. Abdul Hakim Garuda Nusantara
Jl. Latuharhary No. 4B Menteng
Jakarta Pusat 10310
Tel: +62 21 3925230
Fax: +62 21 3151042/3925227
5. Prof. Manfred Nowak
Special Rapporteur on the Question of Torture
Attn: Safir Syed
1211 Geneva 10
Tel: +41 22 917 9230
Thank you.
Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (