PAKISTAN: Attack on the Bible Society in Karachi

Dear friends,
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information of an attack against the Christian minority in Karachi, Pakistan. On 15 January 2004, a hand grenade was thrown through the window of the Bible Society, injuring one of the staff, Peter Pervaiz. About 20 minutes later, during which time people had gathered outside the Bible Society to see what had happened, there was a second blast, in which a car exploded, injuring 15 people.
AHRC is concerned by the continued attacks on minority groups in Pakistan, and urges the government of Pakistan to take strong effective action to deal with the situation. Your urgent action in this matter is necessary.
Urgent Appeals Desk
Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)
On 15 January 2004 two attackers threw a hand grenade at a Bible Society in the premises of the Holy Trinity Church (belonging to the Church of Pakistan) near the crowded Sadar area in Karachi, Pakistan. The attackers were on motorbikes and wore helmets. They threw the hand grenade from the main road. It exploded in one room of the Bible Society, injuring Peter Pervaiz, the marketing officer of the Bible Society. It also destroyed some Holy Bibles and other religious books. Pervaiz was taken to the hospital and the emergency police were informed. The police came and inspected the site of occurrence. Other people were also gathered around to see what had happened.
At this time, after about 20 minutes of the hand grenade being thrown, a car blew up, injuring 15 people, mainly police officers, and damaging the adjacent Bible Society wall. Even the glasses of the windowpanes of the Holy Trinity Church, which is quite far away from the blast point, were shattered. The car was parked in the public parking space outside the Bible Society, and so the blast damaged at least 15 cars and several motorbikes.
The car that was used in the blast was government owned and its registration number was 9288. Mr. Fazal Rasool was the owner of the car and it was taken at 10:00 a.m. from Gulistan-e-Jauhar, Karachi on the same day. The bomb was fixed in the car and then parked at the venue.
Mr. Tariq Jameel, deputy inspector general of police, said the bomb in the car exploded soon after a firecracker was thrown from a passing car. “We don’t know whether it was a time device or a remote control device,” he said.
With the help of the eyewitnesses, the Pakistan Police Liaison Committee issued sketches of two motorcyclists, which were shown on all television networks. Aftab Ahmed Shiekh, Interior Minister of Sindh government, told the journalists that it is too early to hold anyone responsible for the incident. However, many Christians believe that the same group is involved in this attack as who was involved in previous attacks.
According to the Justice and Peace Commission, a human rights body of the religious congregations of the Catholic Church in Pakistan, the incident was a direct attack on the Bible Society but the attackers could not park the bomb loaded car in a proper place due to the police and other vehicles parked immediately outside. It is for this reason that there were few casualties.
Bishop Ijaz Inayat stated that such incidents have tragically become a part of Pakistani society today. To select a Christian place is only for the terrorists’ publicity, the bishop said.
Please write a letter, fax or email to the following authorities expressing your concern at this situation.
1. Chief Executive of Pakistan
General Pervez Musharraf
Islamic of Republic of Pakistan, Prime Minister House, Islamabad, Pakistan
FAX: +92 051 920-1893/1835 or 4632
2. Minister for Law, Justice,
Human Rights, and Parliamentary Affairs
Dr. Khalid Ranjha
‘S’ Block Pak Secretariat, Islamabad
Fax: 92-51-9202628
3. Syed Kamal Shah, PSP
Inspector General of Police, Karachi
Phone: 92 21 9212626 27
Fax: 9221 921 2051
4. Secretariat of the Working Group on Minorities,
UN Sub Commission of the protection and promotion of human rights
Tel: 41 22 917 9204/9140,
Fax: 41 22 917 9010,
To support this case, please click here: SEND APPEAL LETTER
RE: Attack on the Bible Society in Karachi
I am gravely concerned by yet another act of terror against a minority group in Pakistan. According to information received, on 15 January 2004, a hand grenade was thrown through the window of the Bible Society, injuring the marketing officer Peter Pervaiz. About 20 minutes later, during which time people had gathered outside the Bible Society to see what had happened, there was a second blast, in which a car parked in the public parking area outside the Bible Society exploded, injuring 15 people.
According to the Justice and Peace Commission, a human rights body of the religious congregations of the Catholic Church in Pakistan, the incident was a direct attack on the Bible Society but the attackers could not park the bomb loaded car in a proper place due to the police and other vehicles parked immediately outside. It is for this reason that there were few casualties.
The increasing number of these attacks show that institutions and agencies responsible for maintaining law and order have failed. The government of Pakistan must evaluate the performance of these institutions and review its policies in fighting terrorism.
The culprits responsible for the attack must be arrested and brought to justice.
Yours truly
Urgent Appeals Desk
Asian Human Rights Commission