INDONESIA: Lack of effective remedies for 23-year-old torture victim

Dear friends,
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the Initiative for the Development of People’s Advocacy (PIAR) in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia regarding the illegal detention and torture of 23 year old Alfred Ulu. Alfred was illegally detained by the Kupang police in February 2005, and then sent to the Penfui prison without any trial, where he was tortured by five prison officers. As a consequence, he suffers from total blindness. When this matter was brought to the attention of the authorities, only one of the officers was charged for maltreatment.
Please write and demand that this case be reinvestigated, in order that the responsibility of the four other prison officers is established, as well as that of the Kupang police. Moreover, it is inadequate that state officials responsible for such brutality are only tried for maltreatment. The Indonesian government should be urged to comply with its obligations as a state party to the UN Convention against Torture (CAT) and bring its penal code in accordance with the Convention. Unless this is done, not only will there be no effective remedies for victims of such crimes, but there also will not be any way to eliminate the occurrence of such crimes.
Urgent Appeals Desk,
Asian Human Rights Commission
Name of the victim: Elfrianus (Alfred) Ulu, 23, student at the Maritime Academy of Kupang, capital of East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia.
Alleged Perpetrators: Yupiter M. Bolla; Ferdinand S. Kiuk; Benyamin Lede Kana; Nelson Hatu Riwu; Yusuf Stefanus Dalla, all prison officials of the Penfui Correctional Institution, Kupang
Place of the Incident: Penfui Correctional Institution, Kupang
Date of the Incident: 5-8 March 2005
Details of the Incident:
On 23 February 2005, at 10pm, Alfred Ulu was detained at the Kupang district police station for allegedly maltreating his girlfriend Yuni Cangri, however, he was only given an arrest letter on February 26 (No. SPHan/59/III/2005/Polresta Kupang). Alfred was detained at the police station until March 5, when he was brought to the Penfui prison. This was done in violation of arrest and detention procedures; the victim was not brought before any judge and was not formally sentenced to a prison term.
From March 5-8 Alfred was brutally tortured by the above named prison officers. He was beaten, kicked, hit with various objects including blocks of wood, chairs and a door handle. As a result, Alfred suffered from swellings on his face, feet and hands, a bleeding nose, numerous bruises and disturbances of his eye-sight. His requests for medical attention were ignored, until he was finally brought to the Bhayangkara hospital in Kupang on March 26 in a state of unconsciousness.
The medical examination revealed that Alfred’s optical nerve had been damaged. On April 2, the victim’s family reported the incident to the Kupang district police. After repeated pressure from PIAR and other concerned groups, the Director-General for Prisons and the East Nusa Tenggara office of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights agreed to bear the medical costs and on May 6 Alfred was brought to the Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital in Jakarta. The examinations there found that he was suffering from a brain infection that caused his loss of eye-sight, and that he could not be operated on, but would have to be treated only through medication. On May 31 he was brought back to Kupang, however, until today he suffers from blindness. It is not clear if further medical treatment will help, or who will bear the cost.
In July 2005 the Kupang district police officially declared Yupiter M. Bolla as a suspect in Alfred’s torture. On August 5, Chief of district police Mr Agus Nugroho stated that due to the lack of evidence and witnesses, no other persons could be charged as suspects. Furthermore, he claimed that Yupiter Bolla had confessed to having carried out the torture alone. On August 9 state attorney Mr Hindiyana, stated that the investigation of Yupiter Bolla was complete and that he would be charged for maltreatment under paragraph 351, article 2 of the Indonesian penal code (KUHP).
The AHRC is greatly concerned that the police and public prosecutors seem to be ignoring the responsibility of the four other prison officials in the torture of Alfred. Similarly, no disciplinary or legal action has been taken against the Kupang police for illegally arresting and detaining Alfred and sending him to the Penfui prison. The prison itself must also be investigated, as according to PIAR, arbitrary violence against its detainees by prison officials is common. There is information of two other cases of torture, both resulting in the death of the victims: Yakob Sina was tortured to death in September 2002, as was Popy Amheka in 2004. Popy was pregnant at the time.
Finally, the AHRC is also concerned that the Indonesian penal code as yet lacks a proper definition of torture in keeping with the provisions of the UN Convention against Torture. Unless these provisions are complied with, there will be no improvement in the human rights situation within the country; victims of such human rights violations will have no recourse to effective remedies and there will be no way to eliminate the occurrence of such violations.
Please ask the authorities below to ensure justice for the victim by prosecuting and punishing all the perpetrators. Suitable compensation and medical treatment must also be given to the victim.
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Dear___________,Re: INDONESIA: Lack of effective remedies for 23-year-old torture victim
Victim: Elfrianus (Alfred) Ulu, 23, student at the Maritime Academy of Kupang, capital of East Nusa Tenggara Province.
Alleged perpetrators: Yupiter M. Bolla; Ferdinand S. Kiuk; Benyamin Lede Kana; Nelson Hatu Riwu; Yusuf Stefanus Dalla, all prison officials of the Penfui prison, Kupang
Place of the Incident: Penfui Correctional Institution, Kupang
Date of the Incident: 5-8 March 2005
I am gravely concerned by the illegal detention and torture of 23-year-old Alfred Ulu and the subsequent legal proceedings.
According to the information I have received, Alfred was illegally arrested and detained by the Kupang police on 23 February 2005. The police sent him to the Penfui Correctional Institute on March 5, where he was brutally tortured by five prison officers (named above) until March 8.
During that time Alfred was beaten, kicked, hit with various objects including blocks of wood, chairs and a door handle. As a result, Alfred suffered from swellings on his face, feet and hands, a bleeding nose, numerous bruises and disturbances of his eye-sight. His repeated requests for medical attention were ignored, until he was finally brought to the Bhayangkara hospital in Kupang on March 26 in a state of unconsciousness. The medical examination there revealed damage to his optical nerve. Further examinations found that he was suffering from a brain infection, which was the cause of his blindness. Till today, Alfred's eye-sight has not returned.
After this incident was brought to the attention of the Indonesian authorities, the Kupang district police officially declared Yupiter M. Bolla as a suspect in July 2005. Chief of district police M. Agus Nugroho stated that due to the lack of evidence and witnesses no other persons could be charged as suspects. Furthermore, he claimed that Yupiter Bolla had confessed to having carried out the torture alone. On August 9 state attorney Mr Hindiyana, stated that the investigation of Yupiter Bolla was complete and that he would be charged for maltreatment under paragraph 351, article 2 of the Indonesian penal code (KUHP).
I am greatly concerned that the police and public prosecutors seem to be ignoring the responsibility of the four other prison officials in the torture of Alfred. Similarly, no disciplinary or legal action has been taken against the Kupang police for illegally arresting and detaining Alfred and sending him to the Penfui prison. The prison itself must also be investigated, as according to PIAR, arbitrary violence against its detainees by prison officials is common. Therefore, I urge you to use your authority to ensure that this case is reinvestigated and all these aspects looked into. Suitable compensation and medical assistance must also be given to the victim.
Furthermore, the Indonesian penal code as yet lacks a proper definition of torture in keeping with the provisions of the UN Convention against Torture. Unless these provisions are complied with, there will be no improvement in the human rights situation within the country.
Yours sincerely,
1. Gen. Sutanto
Chief of Police
Jl. Trunojoyo No. 3
Jakarta Selatan
Tel.: +62-21-721 8012
Fax: +62-21-720 727
2. Brig.-Gen. Eduard Aritonang
Head of the East Nusa Tenggara Provincial Police
Jl. Jendral Soeharto
Naikoten I
East Nusa Tenggara
Tel. +62-380 821643
Fax. +62-380 833132
3. Mr. Hamid Awaluddin
Minister of Justice and Human Rights
Uahi Utoyo Usman S.H.,
Menteri Kehkiman,
JI. H.R. Rosuna Said Kav. 6-7
Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
Fax: + 62 21 525 3095
4. Mr. Anthony Silitonga
Head of the East Nusa Tenggara Regional Office for Justice and Human Rights
Jl. WJ Lalamentik No. 98
Tel: +62-380 833101
Fax: +62-380 821126
5. Mr. Abdul Hakim Garuda Nusantara
KOMNAS HAM [National Human Rights Commission of Indonesia]
Jl. Latuharhary No. 4B Menteng
Jakarta Pusat 10310
Tel: +62 21 3925230
Fax: +62 21 3151042/3925227
6. Mr. Agustin Teras Narang,
Commission III on Justice and Human Rights
House of Representatives
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto
Jakarta 10270
Fax: +62-21-571 5532
7. Mr. Susilo Bambang Yudoyono
Republic of Indonesia
Presidential Palace
Jakarta Istana Negara
Tel: +62 21 384 5627 ext. 1003
Fax: +62 21 345 7782
8. Prof. Manfred Nowak
Special Rapporteur on the Question of Torture
Attn: Mr. Safir Syed
1211 Geneva 10
Tel: +41 22 917 9230
Fax: +41 22 917 9016 (general)
Thank you.
Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)