INDONESIA: Attacks on Human Rights Defenders Reaching Crisis Point

INDONESIA: attacks on human rights defenders reaching crisis point
Fourteen months after the attack on the Jakarta office of Kontras which we reported to you in UA-11-2002 (16 May 2002), the office and staff of Kontras have again been violently attacked by civilian militias. This follows our two recent appeals describing the abduction and murder of two human rights defenders in Aceh on 11 May, and a further attack on the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) by another civilian militia group on 20 May. Clearly, the military are scaling up their intimidation and violence against civil society in line with their military escalation in Aceh.
On this occasion the militia carrying out the attack – the Youth of Military Veterans (Pemuda Panca Marga, PPM) – is even closer to the military than in the previous attack. The PPM in fact share their Jakarta office with the Military District Command. The pretext for this attack was the position of Kontras against the current Integrated Military Operation in Aceh. In a refrain heard across Asia whenever a human rights defender speaks out, Kontras were accused of being ‘anti-nationalist’ for taking a position in opposition to flagrant rights abuses by the military and government.
The attack involved a group of 20-30 PPM members interrupting a Kontras press conference on the occasion of International Week of the Disappeared (on 26 May) to blacken the name of the human rights defenders. They locked and sealed the gate ‘in the name of the state’ when they left the premises and warned of further violence. The following day (27 May) 100-150 uniformed PPM militias came to the office, shouted vilifying slogans; forced two leaders of the Kontras praesidium, Ori Rahman and Usman Hamid, to sing the national anthem; then proceeded to beat, punch and kick Mr. Rahman and Mr. Hamid and Kontras staff and to destroy the office of Kontras using stones and chairs. Three staff of Kontras were taken to hospital to treat injuries including an eye-wound.
Incredibly, despite growing calls for a full police inquiry into the incident, the Chief of the Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) Gen. Endriartono Sutarto has justified and defended the attack, saying that “If Kontras
considers itself as part of the nation, it must do something for the sake of the nation,” according to the official Antara news agency. He also said “This is a negative excess, perhaps, by people who just got tired of Kontras, who always have negative perceptions about the government’s actions. While it may be true that attacking the organization is against the law … maybe they (Kontras) should look at themselves in the mirror.”
After standing by during the first incident on the 26th and failing to even attend the second incident despite the public warning given by the PPM, the police have arrested and charged two of the attackers. However Komnas HAM has denounced the attack as an attempt to stifle the legitimate anti-war movement, and has called for a full inquiry into the incident leading to prosecution of those responsible for this ‘serious crime’.
Below is a full description of the incident. We urge you to write to the Indonesian authorities to condemn this attack and call for the arrest of those involved in the attack and for the disbandment of violent civilian militia groups such as the PPM. A sample letter and contact details for your action are provided below. We also urge you to continue your action in response to our previous appeals by signing the online letter to the Komnas HAM commissioners regarding the 1965 investigation at and also by responding to the most recent abduction and murder of human rights defenders in Aceh at
Your Excellency
Civilian militia groups destroying the office and beating the leaders of Kontras for the second time in 14 months. Abduction and murder of human rights defenders in Aceh. Violent threats by a 1,000-strong gang designed to stop Komnas HAM’s investigation into the 1965 massacre. Clearly there is a crisis in your government’s ability to protect human rights defenders. This latest violent attack on the leaders, staff and office of Kontras (26 and 27 May) during their commemoration of the International Week of the Disappeared is the latest example of the overt actions of the military and the militia groups they sponsor to silence criticism of gross violations of human rights in Indonesia. Madame President, I urge you to act decisively to arrest this situation so that the Indonesia’s democracy does not slide back into New Order repression. It is vital that those carrying out these violent attacks on human rights defenders be brought to justice. Further, a program of disbandment of violent civilian militia groups must begin, and military sponsorship of such groups must be investigated and arrested. Members of the military organising violence and threats against human rights defenders in Aceh, Jakarta, Papua and elsewhere must be brought to civilian courts in order to give minimal protection for those struggling for human rights. The arrest and trial of those responsible for the latest attack on the Kontras office is the least the international community can expect in addressing the current crisis.
Yours sincerely
1. Mrs. Megawati Sukarnoputri
President, Republic of Indonesia
Presidential Palace, Jakarta,
Istana Negara,
Fax: +62 21 345 2685 or 526 8726
2. National chief of police
Commander-General D’ai Bachtiar
Kepala Polri – Markas Besar Kepolisian RI
Kapolri (Mabes POLRI)
Jl. Trunojoyo 13
Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta-Selatan 12110
Fax: +62 21 348537 or 7207277 or 7260306 or 72014021
3. Yusril Ihza Mahendra
Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia (Minister of Law and Human Rights)
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. 6-7
Jakarta-Selatan 12950
Fax: +62 21 314 1625, 513095 or 5253095
FULL REPORT: Again, the Office of KONTRAS Attacked
Monday, May 26, 2003
14:00 Press conference of Kontras and IKOHI to commemorate International
Week of the
14:30 Suddenly about 20-30 people from the Pemuda Panca Marga (PPM, The Youth of the Veterans) wearing paramilitary uniform come to the office for a demonstration. The content of the demonstration is protesting Munir (Kontras founder) and KONTRAS for their criticism of government policy in handling the Aceh problem by conducting the Integrated Military Operation. This position and criticism, according to the PPM shows that Munir and KONTRAS are anti-nationalist and hence disrupting the principle of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. In their speeches, they accuse Munir and KONTRAS of being foreign agents, selling human rights for money. Representing KONTRAS, Usman Hamid says, ‘we all love Indonesia, our country. But KONTRAS has a different way of showing and expressing our love of the country. And KONTRAS is most concerned with the safety of the civilians in Aceh, and accordingly oppose any form of military operation.’
15.30 The PPM leave the KONTRAS office, locking and sealing the gate in the name of the state.
Tuesday, May 27, 2003
13:30 About 100-150 people with PPM field uniform march to the office of KONTRAS/IKOHI. In front of the office they call Munir (founder of KONTRAS) to come out and meet them. (Munir was not presewnt because he was giving a lecture to the Army Staff College in Bandung, West Java). The angry militias come close to the door of the office. They keep yelling and shouting ‘Munir-KONTRAS the betrayer, anti-nationalist, foreign agent, destroyer of the unitary state, pro GAM (Free Aceh Movement)’. Ori Rahman, Usman Hamid (of the Praesidium of KONTRAS) and other Kontras staff, journalists and guests come out to meet them. The militias force Ori Rahman and Usman Hamid to show their nationalism and love for the country by singing the Indonesian national anthem. Ori and Usman refuse, because it is an attempt to insult them. The militias insist, this time by violently pushing Ori and Usman back. Then Ori tries to fulfil the demand by singing the anthem. But before he can finish the song the militias push and beat Ori Rahman, Usman Hamid and other Kontras staff. The situation falls into chaos. The militias keep beating and punching and forcibly break into the office and destroy part of it. With stones and chairs, they break the glass windows, door and all equipment in the front room. They break the chairs, bench, cupboard, tables, hanging pictures, filing cabinet, and all office equipment in the front room. Three people are wounded: Ori Rahman and Usman Hamid (Kontras Presidium members) are beaten and kicked, and Gianmoko (Public Opinion Division) suffers a wound to his left eye. The three are brought to hospital in the evening, but later released.
The militias left Kontras heading to the office of PBHI (Association of Law and Human Rights Advocates), who have a similar position to KONTRAS regarding the government policies. One staff of PBHI gets wounded but they succeed in forcing the PPM to go.
Additional information:
- PPM is an organization of the children of military veterans, whose office is at the same place as the office of the military, based on the military structure. The Kontras attack was by the PPM Central Jakarta Branch, whose address is at the same the Military District Command.
- During the attack, the police were present but did nothing. Later they said that the masses were too many to handle.
- KONTRAS is filing a legal case. The police promised to arrest the attackers, and have charged 2 persons, Furqon and William.
- Three people were wounded in the attack. All are from KONTRAS.
At 15.30 figures of human rights organizations in the coalition of human rights NGOs carried out a press conference condemning the attack. Indonesian Human Rights Watch (IMPARSIAL) says that it is an attack to law, human rights and democracy. It asks the police to enforce justice. PBHI says that it is an implementation of Integrated Military Operation carried out in Jakarta. Others, including IKOHI and KONTRAS says that it is concrete example of the rise of militarism and fascism, and the civil society is threatened in the present government, in which the military is becoming dominant over civilian authority.
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