THAILAND/BURMA: 800 persons fleeing destroyed villages refused entry to Thailand

Dear friends,
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed by the Myint Mo Media and other sources in Thailand that over 800 persons fleeing Burma army troops destroying villages have been refused entry into Thailand and are currently living in temporary shelters within a few miles of a Burma army camp. There are also unconfirmed reports that aid groups in Thailand have been unable to reach the group. There are grave fears for their safety, and urgent action is needed by the government of Thailand to allow them access.
According to the information received so far, the people are from villages across northern Karen State where the Burma army is reported to have since the second half of April been systematically destroying villages and food stocks, in an attempt to force the population into areas under government control. Many persons are hiding in the mountains, while others have come to the border with Thailand. The affected areas include Taunggoo, Nyaunglebin, Thaton and Papun districts. In recent months at least 150 houses and 40 rice barns in 23 villages are reported to have been destroyed.
The over 800 persons are located at a site called Ee Thu Htah, adjacent to Mae Ra Muh Refugee Camp, situated in southern Mae Hong Son Province, northwestern Thailand. They have been arriving at the site in small groups. The Thai army and other authorities situated in the area have reportedly allowed some 1000 other persons into the refugee camp, but refused to allow more than this. It is also reported that groups conducting cross-border relief efforts for internally displaced people have in recent days been unable to reach Ee Thu Htah.
The group of refugees, which reportedly consists largely of women, children and the elderly, is located less than five miles from the nearest Burma army encampment, and there are very grave fears for their safety. There are two encampments in the vicinity. The people’s situation is anyway very precarious as they lack food, medicines and housing, and it is the rainy season at present.
The AHRC is at present attempting to obtain further information on this situation, and will give further details as they come to hand.
The recent attacks on villages in northern Karen State by the Burma army have been linked to the relocation of the national capital from Rangoon to Pyinmana, which is just north of the affected area, and also the proposed construction of dams on the neighbouring Salween River. There have been many recent related news reports. See for instance the following:
2000 refugees from Myanmar flee to Thailand after renewed conflict (UNHCR)
Rising Waters (The Irrawaddy)
Villagers fear dams on last untamed river (Associated Press)
Inside Burma: Fear and repression (The Guardian)
Burma: U.N. must act to end attacks on Karen (Human Rights Watch)
Please write to the Caretaker Prime Minister of Thailand asking him to ensure that the affected persons be immediately allowed to enter Thailand, and that all persons fleeing from the wave of army attacks in northern Karen State who reach the border with Thailand also be given permission to enter the country in keeping with international humanitarian and human rights law.
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Dear Dr. Pol. Lt. Col. Thaksin
THAILAND/BURMA: 800 persons fleeing destruction of villages refused entry to Mae Ra Muh Refugee Camp in Mae Hong Son Province
I am writing to express my grave concern for the situation of some 800 persons whom I am informed have fled from the destruction of their villages in northern Karen State, Burma, but denied access to the Mae Ra Muh Refugee Camp in Mae Hong Son Province, Thailand.
According to the information that I have received, since the second half of April the Burma army has been destroying villages, food stocks and crops in northern Karen State, in order to force villagers in that area into locations under its control. Instead, many have fled into the mountains and to the border with Thailand.
Over 800 persons are at present reported to be located at a site on the north of the Salween River called Ee Thu Htah. The closest refugee camp is at Mae Ra Muh, in southern Mae Hong Son Province.
The people have been arriving at the site in small groups. Some 1000 persons have reportedly been allowed into the refugee camp, but no more than this. Relief organisations also have in recent days reportedly been unable to get access to Ee Thu Htah to deliver emergency supplies.
The group consists largely of women, children and the elderly, and it is located just five miles from the nearest Burma army encampment. There are two encampments in the vicinity. There are very grave fears for their safety. The people's situation is anyway very precarious as they lack food, medicines and housing.
In view of this emergency situation, I urge you to give instructions to the concerned authorities in the area to permit the entry of the 800 remaining persons at Ee Thu Htah into the Mae Ra Muh Refugee Camp, in accordance with international humanitarian and refugee law. I also urge you to give standing instructions that all persons fleeing from the ongoing destruction of their houses and crops in northern Karen State be allowed safe-haven in Thailand.
I look forward to your swift and effective action.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Pol. Lt. Col. Thaksin Shinawatra
Caretaker Prime Minister
Government House
Pitsanulok Road, Dusit District
Bangkok 10300
Tel: +662 280 1404/ 3000
Fax: +662 282 8631/ 280 1589/ 629 8213
1. ACM Kongsak Wantana
Caretaker Minister of Interior
Office of the Ministry of Interior
Atsadang Road
Bangkok 10200
Tel: +662 224-6320/ 6341
Fax: +662 226 4371/ 222 8866
2. Mr. Direk Konkleep
Provincial Governor
Office of the Governor
Khunlumphraphat Road
Tambon Jongkham
Amphur Muang
Mae Hong Son 58000
Tel: + 66 53 612 156/ 787-8
3. Prof. Saneh Chamarik
The National Human Rights Commission of Thailand
422 Phya Thai Road
Pathum Wan District
Bangkok 10300
Tel: +662 2219 2980
Fax: +66 2 219 2940
5. Mr. Hasim Utkan
Regional Representative
3rd Floor, United Nations Building
Rachadamnern Nok Avenue
Bangkok 10200
Tel: +662 288 1858
Fax: +662 280 0555
6. Mr. Walter Kälin
Special Representative of the Secretary General the human rights of internally displaced persons
Attn: Ms. Karen Gulick
1211 Geneva 10
Thank you
Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (