INDIA: Five men beaten to death by villagers in Barasat, West Bengal 


Urgent Appeal Case: UA-179-2005

Dear friends,

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from our local partner organization Manabadhikar Suraksha Mancha (Masum) in West Bengal, India, that five persons were beaten to death by a mob of villagers after they were suspected of having stolen motorcycles in Barasat, West Bengal on 2 October 2005.

One of the victims, Sk. Mustaque of Dhibe village, Jashore District, Bangladesh, was beaten to death by the villagers after they chased him along a street. The four others were taken to a school playground where they were beaten to death in public with logs, bamboo poles and bricks while their hands and feet were tied together.

Although seven alleged perpetrators have been arrested and sent to jail, there are still many others involved who remain at large, including several from Bahera village (Bahera is under the authority of Chhota Jagulia Panchayet) who managed to escape. The families of the dead have also not been indemnified for their loss.

This is yet another incident of mass lynching occurring in West Bengal, India. Some villagers have resorted to murdering persons whom they suspect to have committed offence, which is an alarming trend of which the Indian government should take action to stop and prevent from reoccurring. Please also see our previous appeals regarding this phenomenon UA-176-2005.

We request you to write letters to the concerned government agencies in India, in particular to the state of West Bengal for the immediate arrest of the remaining perpetrators involved in the murder of the victims. The families of the dead must be indemnified without delay. Please also ask the Indian government to take effective measures to prevent similar incidents from occurring again.

Urgent Appeals Desk
Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)


Name of the victims: Sk. Mustaque of Dhibe village, Jashore District, Bangladesh and four others
Alleged perpetrators: Villagers in Bahera under the jurisdiction of Chhota Jagulia Panchayet, Barasat police station, District – 24 Parganas (North)
Date and place of incident: 2 October 2005 in the Bahera Village, and at a primary school playground in Barasat, West Bengal

Case details:

On 2 October 2005, five persons, one of whom was Sk. Mustaque, a resident of Dhibe village, Jashore District, Bangladesh, were beaten to death by a mob of villagers. The incident took place after villagers from Bahera, under the jurisdiction of Chhota Jagulia Panchayet chased them and beat them after being caught over suspicions that they were involved in the theft of motorcycles in the village. Mustaque was beaten to death immediately upon being caught by the perpetrators. The other four victims were beaten to death in a school playground. The perpetrators used logs, bamboo poles and bricks in their assault after having tied the hands and feet of their victims together.

Prior to the incident, on 1 October 2005, three motorcycles were stolen from the village of Bahera. In most cases, stolen motorcycles are reportedly sold to Bangladesh. The smuggling is allegedly carried out with the help of a section of local police and the Border Security Force (BSF) personnel. Anger reportedly ensued among the residents towards the police who are alleged to have connived with the BSF. The distrust amongst the people reportedly prompted them to take the law into their own hands.

Masum contacted Mr. Jiban Chakraborty, the Sub Inspector attached to the Barasat police station as 2nd officer. It was learned that seven people have so far been arrested and sent to jail. However, the other alleged perpetrators who lived mostly in the village of Bahera were able to escape. A police case has been started vides Barasat Police Station case no. 667 dated 2 October 2005 under section 304/34 of the Indian Penal Code.

Although post-mortem examinations on all the victims’ bodies have been performed at the Barasat District Hospital, the Autopsy Surgeon has yet to prepare a final report on his findings. Initial reports revealed however, that all the victims suffered injuries to the head, chest, stomach, face and hands.

This trend in persons taking the law into their own hands, and in such a brutal manner, is becoming a growing reality in West Bengal, India. Although the government is aware of the situation, they have failed to effectively address this matter and to prevent further cases from occurring.




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Dear __________,

Re: INDIA:  Five men beaten to death by villagers in Barasat, West Bengal

Name of the victims: Sk. Mustaque of Dhibe village, Jashore District, Bangladesh and four others
Alleged perpetrators: Villagers in Bahera under the jurisdiction of Chhota Jagulia Panchayet, Barasat police station, District - 24 Parganas (North)
Date and place of incident: 2 October 2005 in the Bahera Village, and at a primary school playground in Barasat, West Bengal

I am writing to draw your attention to the murder of five men, one of whom was Sk. Mustaque, allegedly by a mob of villagers in Bahera who suspected the men of having stolen motorcycles in the area. I have learned that Mustaque was beaten to death immediately upon capture by the villagers, while the other four were beaten in a school playground. The perpetrators used logs, bamboo poles and bricks in their assault after having tied the hands and feet of their victims together.

Although it was reported that seven people have been arrested and charged in connection with Mustaque's murder, I have learned that several other perpetrators have managed to escape arrest, and still further suspects have not been identified at all.

I am deeply concerned by this and other incidents of mass lynching in West Bengal, India. I urge the Indian government, in particular the state of West Bengal, to initiate immediate action for the filing of appropriate charges and to arrest the other perpetrators involved in this heinous crime. The victims’ families must also be indemnified accordingly without delay.

The state government must also take action to stop the practice of mass lynching and prevent similar incidents from reoccurring. The alarming trend in persons taking the law into their own hands, arbitrarily denies any person the right to a fair trial, and of course right to life and this is something that the government must in no way condone.

As state party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), the Indian government has an obligation under Part III, Article 6 (1) of the covenant, which ensure it's citizens "Right to life. This right shall be protected by law. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his life".

I trust that you will take action in this case.

Yours sincerely,



1. Mr. Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee
Chief Minister
Government of West Bengal
Writers Buildings, Kolkata - 700001
West Bengal
Tel: +91 33 2214 5555 (O) / 2280 0631 (R)
Fax: +91 33 2214 5480 / 2214 1341


1. Mr. Subhas Awasthi
Director General of Police
Government of West Bengal
Writers Buildings
West Bengal
Fax: +91 33 2214 4498 / 2214 5486

2. Justice Shyamal Kumar Sen
West Bengal Human Rights Commission
Bhabani Bhavan, Alipore
Kolkata - 700027
Tel: +91 33 4797259 / 5558866
Fax: +91 33 4799633

3. Mr. P.R. Ray
Home Secretary
Government of West Bengal
Writers' Buildings
Kolkata - 700001
West Bengal
Tel: +91 33 2214 5656
Fax: +91 33 2214 3001

4. Mr. Philip Alston 
Special Rapporteur on Extra-judicial, Summary, or Arbitrary Executions 
Atten: Lydie Ventre 
Room 3-016
1211 Geneva 10
Tel: +41 22 917 9155
Fax: +41 22 917 9006 (general)

5. Prof. Manfred Nowak
Special Rapporteur on the question of torture
Attn: Mr. Safir Syed
1211 Geneva 10
Tel: +41 22 917 9230
Fax: +41 22 917 9016 (general)

Thank you.

Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)

Document Type : Urgent Appeal Case
Document ID : UA-179-2005
Countries : India,