INDIA: Army officers assault and seriously injure a girl in Manipur

Dear friends,
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from its local partner, the Human Rights Alert, based in Imphal, Manipur that Ms. Najma Latif alias Soniya, a girl aged 15 years was assaulted by the officers attached to the 22 Maratha Light Infantry stationed at Mayang Imphal. It is reported that the girl was assaulted by the officers with a rifle butt.
According to the information received, on 27 June 2007 Soniya was studying along with her sisters Samina (14 years) and Reshma (16 years) sitting in the front veranda of their house. Their uncle Mr. Mohammad Manawar stays nearby in another house. By about 7pm they saw a person in plainclothes coming to their uncle’s house and making inquiries. Soon they saw several army officers dragging their uncle from his house. Seeing this, the children ran towards their uncles house. Meeting the officers at the house the children asked the officers why they are taking their uncle into custody. They also asked the officers where they are taking their uncle and why the officers are not serving an arrest memo for the arrest.
The officers refused to provide any information and asked them from where they have come to know about things like the arrest memo and other legal formalities. While responding, the officers assaulted them, Soniya in particular. The officers assaulted the girls with the rifle butt. Soniya suffered serious injuries in the assault and fainted on the spot (See their photos: Photo 1, Photo 2, Photo 3, and Photo 4). It is alleged that the army later ransacked the house and took Manawar away.
Once the army left with Manawar the family rushed Soniya to the hospital. On the way, Soniya gained consciousness. Soniya was admitted to the Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) at about 11pm on the same day. At the hospital it was diagnosed that her left leg was fractured from the assault. After six days at the hospital Soniya returned home on 3 July 2007.
On 28 June 2007 a public meeting was held at the local Phoubakchao Madrassa ground. A joint action committee was formed to protest against the incident and to further pressure the authorities to take action against the army officers who were responsible for the incident. The next day, the army issued a press release claiming that no force was used by the army against the women and that the allegation against the army is baseless. On 30 June the joint action committee submitted a petition to the Chief Minister of the state asking for an intervention. On 4 July the joint action committee organized a torchlight rally demanding repealing of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, 1958. This law provides impunity to the army in the state on the excuse of preventing crime and maintaining law and order in the state.
As of today Soniya and her sisters are still undergoing treatment while also suffering from the trauma from the incident. No action whatsoever has been taken against the army officers who injured the children and raided their uncle’s house.
Please write to the authorities mentioned below expressing your concern about the incident and calling for an urgent intervention in the case.
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Dear __________,
INDIA: Army officers assault and seriously injure a girl in Manipur
Name of the victims:
1. Ms. Najma Latif alias Soniya, aged 15 years, daughter of Mohammad Abdul Latif, residing at Phoubakchao Mayai Leikai, Ward 2, Mayang Imphal Police Station, Imphal west district, Manipur
2. Ms. Shamina, aged 14 years daughter of Mohammad Abdul Latif, residing at Phoubakchao Mayai Leikai, Ward 2, Mayang Imphal Police Station, Imphal west district, Manipur
3. Ms. Reshma, aged 16 years, daughter of Mohammad Abdul Latif, residing at Phoubakchao Mayai Leikai, Ward 2, Mayang Imphal Police Station, Imphal west district, Manipur
4. Mr. Mohamad Manawar, residing at Phoubakchao Mayai Leikai, Ward 2, Mayang Imphal Police Station, Imphal west district, Manipur
Place of incident: Phoubakchao Mayai Leikai, Ward 2, Mayang Imphal Police Station, Imphal west district, Manipur
Date of incident: June 27, 2007
Name and address of the perpetrators: Officers attached to the 22 Maratha Light Infantry stationed at Mayang Imphal Telecom Office, Manipur
I am writing to express my concern regarding the case of Ms. Najma Latif alias Soniya, Ms. Shamina, Ms. Reshma and Mr. Mohamad Manawar who has been allegedly assaulted and injured by the officers attached to the 22 Maratha Light Infantry. I am informed that Soniya, Shamina and Reshma tried to intervene, asking questions when they saw the officers were dragging their uncle out of his house. The girls asked the officers for an arrest memo and the reason why they are taking their uncle into custody and where they would take him.
The officers had come to their uncles house to take him into custody on June, 27, 2007. The girls were at their house, studying, when they saw the officers dragging their uncle out of his house.
I am also informed that the girls were assaulted by the army officers and that in the attack Soniya suffered a fracture on her left leg. I am also informed that their uncle Manawar was taken away by the army and that it is suspected that he had been assaulted by the army during questioning.
I am aware that Soniya was admitted to the Regional Institute of Medical Sciences in Imphal for treating her fracture and later discharged on July 3, 2007. I am also informed that the army has denied the incident through a press release issued on June 29, 2007. I am also informed that a joint action committee has been formed by the local residents to protest against the atrocities committed by the army officers against the family.
I am concerned about the victims in this case and also about the increasing number of incidents of atrocities committed by the armed forces stationed in Manipur. I am aware that the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, 1958 provides complete impunity to the law enforcement agencies stationed in Manipur against the atrocities committed by the state agents against the ordinary people.
I therefore urge you to immediately intervene in this case and ensure that the entire incident is inquired into by an independent agency and that the officers responsible for assaulting the children are punished. I also urge you to withdraw the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, 1958 from Manipur and its implementation in India.
I also urge you to ensure the safety of Mr. Mohammad Manawar is ensured while he is custody and that all possible measures are taken so that the family of the victims is not threatened any further by the army or other state agencies.
Sincerely yours
1. Mr. Manmohan Singh
The Prime Minister of India
Prime Minister’s Office
Room number 152, South Block
New Delhi
Fax: 91 11 23016857
2. Mr. Okram Ibobi Singh
Chief Minister of Manipur
Chief Minister’s Secretariat
Babupara, Imphal, Manipur
Fax: 91 385 2221817
3. Justice Mr. Balakrishnan
Chief Justice of India
Through the Office of the Registrar General
Supreme Court of India
1 Tilak Marg, New Delhi
Fax: 91 11 23383792
4. Chairperson
National Human Rights Commission of India
Faridkot House, Copernicus Marg
New Delhi-110001
Fax: +91 11 2334 0016
5. Mr. L. P. Gonmei
Commissioner, Civil Secretariat
Imphal, Manipur
Fax: 91 385 2311793
6. Prof. Manfred Nowak
Special Rapporteur on the Question of Torture
Attn: Safir Syed
1211 Geneva 10
Tel: +41 22 917 9230
Thank you.
Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (